God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1366 System Reminder

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In the customer of the origin store, the sea demon is absolutely a special group.

Because the crisis is in this world, it has hidden in this world, and the news about the sea demon is basically the end of time.

However, because of the existence of the origin store, the sea demon has once again appeared in front of the world.

As long as it is a customer of the origin store, it is more or less for the sea demon.

From the sea area, the strength is super strong, not fighting, likes to travel ... The most important thing is that the entire race is female.

Even the ordinary people in Jiuwei are almost known to this information.

Fortunately, in this group of deep sea salt water creatures, there is no idea to identify the world, otherwise the wisdom race in the Tianglan continent is probably not played.

The random waters of random waters after single death is enough to make countless people sigh.

This ability is completely unreasonable.

Under normal circumstances, this can be said to be unsteady.

The environment of life is often able to have a big impact on people, the green dance is the same.

After seeing this unique talent capability of the sea demon, what you think is how to use this ability to assassinate what.

"In fact, I think this kind of life is much stronger than that kind of killing." Qing and Xie Meng dance said.

"Well, yes, I think so." Xie Meng dance nodded again.

Anyway, the frost is the most important, and the city who left the chaos came here to find her, and now the goal has been implemented.

However, the frost didn't follow, she didn't have interest to the film's shooting, but I chose to stay in Snow Fengge and Anvilia using holographic equipment.

After becoming a customer of the originator, the dream of frost is able to use holographic equipment.

Now I finally have a chance to realize my dreams, I definitely can't be white and wrong. If Luochuan takes care of her mental situation, frost will not leave the virtual world at all.

The demon purple looked at Inena that has become normal human model, curiously reached out to poke her arm.

"Do you?" Irina asked in confusion.

"What did the kind of situation that is passed by the palm of the Jiangnie's love?" The demon is very curious about it.

"Change your own form." Irene shrugged, "Water is unminented, it is very simple to the sea demon."

"Can you make me try?" The demon purple comes out of interest.

"Yes." Inena nodded, and then extended his arm.

The demon purple moon reached out, just like a cold curtain, it feels very wonderful.

The light curtain is placed in the picture that just used the magical mobile phone, and the system has a system to help but don't worry, it is the best shooting orientation.

From Jiang's night, it is coming to death, it is time to leave, and a total of a few minutes.

I also read it again, Luochuan once again confirmed that this shot did not have a problem, he made a yawn, it was preparing to speak, and the system reminded in the mind.

"Boss, what happened?" The demon purple smoke noticed the change of Luochuan.

"I have met something, you will wait here." Luochuan put his hand, and the direct tear space left here.

Everyone who faces the face, I can't touch what is now.

"I said, how did the boss have left?" The step is from the song that Luochuan is located, where the space has been fixed.

"I don't know, the boss has not said." Jiang Shengshi shook his head.

"Will n't it happen?" Inena said some worry.

Although the demon purple smoke did not know the reasons for Luochuan left, she had full trust in Luochuan.

"The boss has passed, definitely there will be no problem, wait for the boss to know what is going on."

In fact, it is not only a demon purple smoke, as long as it is a customer of the origin store, there is an inexplicable trust in Luochuan.

In their minds, Luochuan is an invincible endorsement.

The world tree of the saints is planted in a pot, and a sentence makes the ancient thunder step, and it is easy to save the sea pemfriend ...

These Ruichuan have done a thoughts.

Moreover, there is a leisure pattern of holographic equipment to try trials, the essence is the world of true existence!

Like the boss, the world as a game, they don't believe what the Tianyi continent will threaten his things.

"This is right." Gu Yunyi agreed to nod, "Hey, where will you go?"

"I can't guess." The demon went shook his head, "Tianyi mainland is so big, the sky knows where the boss has gone."

The green is yawned: "Will it be the sea area ..."

Everyone guess, the original quiet street suddenly lively.

Fortunately, this place selected by the summer is the area that belongs to the unmanned area, so I don't have to worry about bothering the people who sleep.

In the Snow Fengge, Anvilia has just ended a glory to the bureau.

The business hours of the origin store is now over, so the glory of the bureau is a customer who follows Luochuan to Qichuan.

There is also a local customer like Han Yog, Tang Yi.

Anvilia has been lazy waist, and the time is not early, she is ready to go to the hot spring to relax, prepare for the tonight.

Unfortunately, the place where the hot springs is not large enough, and the body cannot be used directly.

But now it is quite good.

In Luochuan, I bought a bottle of Sprite on the wall of the wall. After opening "ton tonne", I have a lot of people in the whole dragon.

Events in the origin store will have such an effect on her, which is the most surprised place to make AVA.

However, it has been a customer of the origin store for so long, and Anvilia has been used to it.

Listening to the long saying that many dragons want to let her go back to the goods of the origin store.

Oh, this life is so comfortable, waiting for what she is tired and thinking about leaving this world.

Anvilia seems to be aware of, suddenly looks at the direction outside the window, the eyebrows can't help but wrinkle: "This breath ..."

The frost sitting on the holographic equipment seat is also aware of the same, reaction and Anvilia have the same while, and look forward to the window.

"What happened?" Norilka asked some doubt that she didn't follow Luochuan to join in the fun.

"Nothing." Anvilia laughed and shook his head after returning to God.

This breath is definitely felt, and the things you have made before Luochuan, Anvilia felt that they did not need to intervene.

The boss will definitely have passed.

Norilka didn't think too much: "Are you ready to go to the hot springs?"

"Well, is a piece?" Anvilia asked.

"Okay." Norili nodded.

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