God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1367 Soul Lock

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Snowflakes flying, out of the world, out of the endless vast, mixed with the cold wind in the cold wind, as if the blood can be used instantly.

The red rays flipped from the distance, and they quickly disappeared in the horizon, and the tear curtains quickly recovered.

After the few seconds, there is a black shadow that is close to, exudes a strangeness and unknown breath, the harsh laugh is echoating in the world.

"Faster, hurry! As a prey, you should have a consciousness as a prey! Isn't your speed only?"

"Fear, panic, remorse ... how wonderful breath is really fascinating."

"Damn, I haven't left for so long, and the black scales are also unpleasant, but punishment is that he is suffering ..."

Juan Ji felt that his blood as if burned, and the breath after the black shadow came, gave her nothing of the idea.

The body is getting more and more, and the speed is also gradually reduced, and the Juanchi can feel that the figure is approaching.

"It's really boring, then ending this fun game, it is your honor to recover the injury."

After receiving the system prompt information, Luochuan left the shooting site. After all, as a director, the security of the team's members is also his duty.

It is a bit like a duty like a bodyguard, which is not in line with his character setting.

He likes Juan Ji, after all, it is very cute, and the frost is almost, playing a mascot role.

And the Xuanchi, but Fan Chengtian entrusted him to help him, Luochuan naturally guarantees her safety.

The information given by the system is also very simple, and Juanchi encounters the danger of unable to solve it.

Luochuan naturally knows that Xuanchi left Qichuan, play in the wilderness outside the city, asked the realm of the monsters, even if the entire Tianyi mainland can be honest.

Will it be dangerous in the territory of the Star Empire? Luochuan is very no solution.

However, the system also does not speak, so you can know the reason after the past, anyway, it is very simple to open a temporary space channel.

The process of space transfer is not described. It is basically a blink of an eye. When the environment after the god is returned, the earth has changed.

The sky is flying, the pale earth, the dark night sky, the escapped Xuanchi, there is a black shadow that has emitted to let him have some annoying.


The soul lock looked at the figure in front of the tear space, and the hardbore stopped in half air, and the heart was full of alert.

It seems to be a Popular's young male, there is no energy fluctuation on the body, and ordinary people don't have a difference.

But this is the most surprised place to make the soul lock.

It can easily tear the space, and it is not aware of the realm. Isn't it to say that this person's realm is far more than him?

The soul lock felt that she was unnamed today, and I thought I found a prey that can be used to restore injuries, I didn't expect to encounter such a strong.

The young people in front of the eyes did not change, and the open mouth said: "A hero of an interest ... is not right, the boss will."

The soul is frowning.

hero? boss?

What ghosts say this person?

Since accepted the gods, he hates these things that need to be thought, and absolute strength is the best way to solve the problem.

However, he is not like a black scales that only fight the iron, no matter what you encounter first.

In this case, he has to treat him carefully.


Xuanchi suddenly slammed the breath after the breath of Luochuan, and the red rays turned into a human form after flashing, and then he flutmed.

"Okay, it's okay." Looking at the tears on the face of the little girl, Luochuan comforted, and then put the sight on the black shadow in front.

The mood of the soul lock is very annoyed. I didn't expect this inexplicable strong and that the demon actually realized it, and the relationship appeared very well.

This is a bit difficult.

The soul is squeezed on the face: "I am sorry, I didn't expect you to know, I ..."

Haven't finished it, when he saw Luochuan's next movement, the vertical pupil suddenly narrowed, and the black fog was surging, and he would escape here.

But there is no role, his figure is directly disappeared.

"Boss, where did he go?" Xuanchi hugged Luochuan's neck, his face was full of curious look, and now her mood has recovered almost.

"I was temporarily grabbed." Luochuan smashed the head of Xuanchi.

He didn't listen to this guy to say the long story, directly grabbing the system space, and avoid possible thivers.

Moreover, the breath of this black robes makes him feel uncomfortable, and there is a faint and familiarity, like where I saw it.

Luochuan feels that we need to find out the cause, caught in the system space, I want to ask how to ask.

The world tree that was previously eroded by the abyss did not escape in the system space, let alone the black robes that only respect the power.

"I said, how did you encounter him?" Luochuan asked some doubts.

"I just fly, then he suddenly lost from the space with the boss." Juanchi whispered.

Amount, from the space?

Luochuan thought of the broken clothes on the black robes, and the breath of unstable state, which was obviously a non-light injury.

This seems to be the direct space to transfer here.

And it seems not normal, it is very likely to encounter space chaotic flow, and the transfer location has occurred.

For space transfer, the spatial chaos is indeed greatly threatened. Even if the high-level respect will be trapped.

Forget it, then let's talk.

Luochuan hurts a yawn, decided to go back, after all, the demon purple smoke is still waiting for the scene.

"Go back." Luochuan said.

"Well." Juan nod.

In the same time, the figure of the two men after tearing space disappeared, only wind and snow did not stop.

Previously filmed the streets of the movie, followed by everyone who came over Luochuan, the topic is nothing more than the reason for Luochuan.

Just say that I will leave in a hurry, it is definitely what is important.

Of course, they don't worry about it.

The boss has passed, even if it is serious, it can be easily solved.

Now they can do it here, after Luochuan comes back, you can get an answer.

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