God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1368 Crisis Solving and Back

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"Hey, sister, when do you say when the boss comes back?" The demon is sitting on the sofa and supports his chin.

"I don't know, I didn't tell me when the boss left." The demon purple smoke shook his head, and the expression was a little quirky. "Where is your sofa?"

"There is a spatial ring, there is one, your sister, do you want?" The demon rookped his right hand, and the silver spatial ring exuded with a touch of faint fluorescence under the role of spiritual power.

"Forget it." The demon purple smoke is refused, suddenly thinking, "Yes, I heard those waiters as if I complained, the sofa in the hall lost two ..."

"Cough, do you eat potato chips, this tomato tastes a good taste." The demon is hardened.

"Don't do this later." The demon purple smoke watched the demon purple moon.

"I have left the Ling Jing." The demon purple mutters, "and when I came to the snow, Tang Yi didn't say it. Everything inside can take away."

"So when is you ready to leave?" The whole snow saffron will be moved away? "The demon purple smoke has a little fun.

"If your sister, you make me do this, it is not good, my space ring is quite big." The demon is afraid.

The demon purple smoke shakes his head, no longer talking to her: "Next to it, let me sit ..."

At this time, there is no snow in this street, and all the spiritual barriers released by the green kitters are outside the, and the temperature is extremely pleasant.

"The strength is strong, it is convenient." The step is separated by the wall, and it is not helpful.

Anyway, Luochuan is not here, and I don't know how long it takes back, it is better to see the magical phone.

"This is the strength of the respect, so powerful." Gu Yunxi stretched his hand to poke a transparent spiritual barrier, and his finger did not hinder the past.

"It is easy to do for the respect, and you should also release a spiritual barrier with your current realm." The green smile and said.

"I can't do such a wide range of coverage, but also maintain internal temperatures." Gu Yunzhen shrugged, "This should be very easy for you to have blue sisters?"

The green smile laughs, is preparing to speak, and attention is attracted to the change in space, "It seems that the boss has come back."

The smooth space has a crack, as the curtain is torn, and it can see the opposite wind and snow.

Luochuan came out of the crack, and there were some snowflakes that were gradually melting.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by Luochuan. Of course, there are many sights that fall in the Xuancha hocked by him.

"Boss, what happened?" The demon purple smoke noticed the tears on the Juancha.

"Simply speaking, I have encountered some danger." Luochuan put the Xuanchi down.

"Danger? Can you encounter danger in this star empire?" The demon purple smoke frowns.

What's more, Juanchi is also asking a realm, and it is necessary to easily escape from race characteristics.

Is there a suite?

In the Tiandar Empire, there is no reason not to know the relationship between Xuanchi and the originator.

"Is Juan Ji okay?" Jiang Yunshu wiped the tears on the Juancha.

"Fortunately, the boss has passed." Gu Yun Yu is tone, although I don't know what happened, but the boss has passed is definitely dangerous.

In the face of the eyes of everyone, Luochuan has not explained the idea, the reason is that it is very simple, and now he doesn't know what is the situation.

Luochuan played a yawn, hit a finger, the portal that the white rays agglomerated: "Go back first."

When the rays in front of the scene, the scene in the Snow Feng Hall showed in front of Luochuan's eyes, Xiang and calm, it is hard to imagine that he ran three places in just a few minutes.

"Boss, you are coming back." It is preparing to go to Norika to go to the hot springs to see Luochuan from the light gate.

Luochuan nodded: "The shooting is over."

Everyone followed the footsteps of Luochuan, but also landed in the hall.

Anvili wants to think, pull Luochuan to go: "The boss came over, there is something, I want to ask you."

"Do you know what you just have?" Luochuan asked.

Judging with the strength and race of Anvilia, she should also understand the danger of the Juan Juan.

"Well." Anvawa nodded, lowered his voice, "The boss has solved?"

"Of course, I still caught a person." Luochuan nodded.

"I caught a person ..." Anva Ya is awkward.

"Now in a special space, there is no time to deal with it." Luochuan thought about it, "but his brain may be a bit problem."

Through the story of Juanchi, Luochuan almost knows that the black robe people are talking about before him appear, proper mental illness.

"Amount, this may be related to the power they use." Anvilia listened to Luochuan's evaluation, it feels a bit of a little.

"Strength?" Luochuan has been interested.

"Cough, this is the boss to explore." Anva Ya did not explain, "In addition, those people can do anything, the boss, you have to pay attention."

"I certainly know this." Luochuan nodded, the system space is definitely the safest place in the world, no one.

Even if the black robe wants to end, it is also impossible to allow Luochuan's allowable things, cooling Luochuan can re-resurrect him.

From the opening of the store, I have experienced so many things, and there is a lot of problems in Luochuan.

Now there is a chance to answer the doubts, he will definitely not miss it.

"Well, I wish the boss smoothly." Anvilia laughed.

On the other hand, the Xuancha is telling the things that he just encountered.

However, because the description of Juanchi is not very good, it is completely what you say, everyone is basically a sense of understanding, can only reluctantly understand her meaning.

"That is to say, you are flying in the air, and suddenly there has been a spatial crack." Gu Yunxia touched his chin, if the look thought.

"Then the guy fell from the spatial crack, and he was inexplicably chasing you after he said." The step is from the song to continue to add.

"When you have to fly, the boss suddenly appeared, and the black robes didn't know where it was caught, and then took you back." The demon is the final summary.

Xuanchi lined up: "Well, yes, that's it."

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