God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1370 This chapter reveals the main line of this book

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For the decision of Luochuan, the demon purple smoke will not refute.

"The words come back, I feel that this is like a game triggered the main line task." Luochuan suddenly thought about what.

"Main line task?" The demon purple god doubts, not to understand the words of Luochuan.

Luochuan eating a demon purple smoke to give him oranges, and explained her: "It is the main line task of the tower of trial, you should also meet."

"Well, I didn't have it." The demon salary is nodded.

As a player in Corlo World, customers will basically encounter a variety of tasks on the way of the game, other than the main line task, other branches.

"It's almost like this now. You don't feel like it's like?" Luochuan took out the magical phone, "all triggered through the event, and then explored by the player and resolved."

The demon purple smoke, nodded, "Hey, it seems to be true."

Luochuan stretched a lazy waist: "From 800,000 words to 180,000 words, the author finally find the main line of this book, it is not easy."

Football 1 million words, the sky knows how he mixed it.

The demon purple smoke can't finish it: "The boss you forgot, this book is the daily day, that is much more branch tasks."

Luochuan thoughtfully thought that it feels very reasonable to say the demon purple smoke.

"Sister, you and the boss, what are you talking about, talking so happy?" The demon is sitting next to the demon purple smoke, lying on her leg.

"The main line of this book." The demon purple smoke and answer.

The demon purple month:? ? ?

"Zhang mouth." The demon purple smoke is holding a peeled orange.

The demon is no longer tangled the strange words of the demon purple smoke, and he opened his mouth.

Luochuan received his eyes, and sighed in your heart.

That is his location.

Forget it, first look at the magical mobile phone, time is so late, the authors of those delayed diseases should have been updated.

Sure enough, the tops of chasing have updated the latest chapter.

First, I opened Lin Yixing's martial arts, and the latest plots did not have his expectations, and the auction was successfully launched.

College Treasure Bao Auction, the three main routines in the novel, the road, Luochuan, I feel that I should get together here.

Think about the messy thoughts and start reading.


The night sky is shrouded throughout the world, and the night sky is covered with a thick clouds. Occasionally there is a cold wind blowing, and a burst of quirky sound.

The rolling mountains like a sleeping giant behemoths on the earth, which has already been in the winter of the winter month, with a suppression, a weird atmosphere.

Everything is too silent, all things seem to fall into sleep.

Some space suddenly appeared abnormal distortion, like a calm water, which has been brought by the breeze, and the corrugated gas is more and more strong, and the horrible breath is also a center to come around.

The creatures in the nearby regions are awakened, but they don't dare to happen, and they don't dare to have a weapon, and they are afraid to focus on unknown.

The degree of distortion of space quickly arrived at the critical value, like the paper was torn, and the dark space crack appeared, such as the gate of the abyss of the choice.

The two black figures will fall from cracks from cracks with extremely horrible speed, and they have made a roaring in the sky, and the dust is in the sky.

The whistling wind appeared in the air, and the smoke is sweeping.

"Cough, it is worthy of the demon emperor, the strength is really strong." Female black robe coughed a few times, the right hand position has a black liquid dripping, and there will be a touch of black fog in contact with the ground.

Another injury received by another black robe is more serious, and the whole left shoulder has completely disappeared, and even clearly see the internal organs of the body to slowly move.

Not only the appearance, even the inside of his body also presents extremely strangely, many internal organs are covered with black scales, and many are blended together.

"The soul is blocked." The voice of the male black robe is obviously felt with weak feelings. It seems that the body of distortion has been affected by such a serious injury.

"The emperor attacks have interrupted the transfer, let us encounter the space of the sky, the guy should fall in the Tianyi mainland." Female black robe is indifferent, there is no fluctuation.

"Then go back now?" The male black robe asked her opinion.

"If you don't go back, the guy of the black scale will completely see the god adults." Female black robe reached out his own distortion.

A black mist dish is in her palm, but it is obviously bleak many compared to just now, and it is still exhausted.

The spiritual fluctuations contained in the black fog are also weak to the ultimate, and even a feeling of disappearing in one second.

"It's really miserable." The male black robe sent a harsh laughter.

Female black robe saw him, and his eyes seems to say "Your guy is not good."

Remove the palm, the body is black and the body is completely packaged, so soon disappearing in the moral night.

Male black robe people see this also busy with it.

After a few minutes, the space here has once again showed the twisted twisted, and it is from the robe's day.

It was originally prepared to rest - well, it was, it was returned to the room to see the magical mobile phone. Anyway, he didn't even see the cultivator of this realm.

It is the strongest strength in the Western region of the Tianyi mainland. If there is no allowed, it is absolutely prohibited to carry out space transfer, as asks, the respect is included.

After you just came here, I noticed theory, the ground image was hit by something, and there were two extremely eye-catching pothole, and the traces of the road crack extended four weeks.

"Is this a battle?" Wat frowning, whispered, "it is not like ..."

Just when he guess in your heart, there is no trace of the ground to attract his attention.

That seems to be left after the attack, and the attack by violence is directly hit, like something to eliminate.

There is no day, the black lotus appears in his hand, the black lotus is slowly rotated, exudes extremely mysterious fluctuations, the surrounding time and space seems to be affected.

With the power of Black lotus, the original destroyed thing was slowly present in front of day, and his face also revealed the look of interest, seemed to see what interesting.

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