God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1371 System Space

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Turning around the palm, the black lotus disappears.

He looked at the ground in front of him, almost condensed a substantial spiritual force in his palm, which also included the law.

After a few seconds, the spiritual force gradually woven, and there was a touch of faint black fog in his hand.

The black fog seems to have his own life, and it is hitting straight in the shackles of spiritual power. It seems that you want to escape from it.

"what is this?"

There is no such black fog in your hands, this is what he enforces traces from the destroyed state.

He has never seen this ... energy, indeed, does not excessively use energy, but the spirit is completely energy of different nature.

The spiritual power is full of all the, equivalent to the cornerstone of the world, and has strong inclusiveness to all things.

As for this black fog ... is full of confusion and crazy breath, you want to use this energy, will definitely be eroded.

It is basically a madman, and the brain is a bit problem.

After thinking about a few minutes, there is still no answer.

Even in the records of Missha, there has never been related to this black fog.

There is a lot of breath, the hand is tight, and the black fog is instantaneous.

The Tianyu continent is wide, and there is a strange thing. It is normal, just like this black fog, it is something that left from the ancient times.

After a variety of opportunities, it was obtained, and then a series of events were finally found.

Similar situations are.

At the time of the ancient times, in the eyes of countless people, it was an extremely shining year, many civilizations have been more frequent, and all kinds of distant wisdom races are race.

Coded ancient books are described in this way.

Due to the outbreak of the abyss, the whole world has fallen into the crisis, and then I don't know what happened, the abyss disappears.

There is no record of the detailed process in ancient books, and the information in the ancient times is also broken.

Just like deliberately hiding the history of those who disappeared in the years.

Shake the head, thrown the thoughts in my mind, and I am going back.

Continue to stay here for information, he has just explored spiritual exploration, these damaged traces should be only valuable.

Perhaps you have time to ask the boss and see if he knows this.

Twilight still, the snow in the stars don't know when to float from the sky, soon melting it on the land.

Looking up at the black night sky, the thick clouds obscured the starlight of the sky, the sight is dark.

I thought about it, he took out the magical phone.

"Snowing. "

There is a dynamic in the day, and I have a magical phone.

The space is distorted, and the figure of the day has disappeared, and the twisted space also followed.


The soul lock was noticeable after seeing the young people who claimed to be the boss.

I was still very fortunate to meet the realm of the realm after I was out of space, I didn't expect to lead to such a big person.

The soul lock felt that he had to be unlucky than the black scales of the demon emperor.

It seems that the relationship between the two sides is very good, and he just thinks about hunting the monsters ...

The soul lock thoughts quickly turned, and the explanation was also thinking about the countermeasures in his heart, looking for a way to escape.

This sudden appearance of young people stand there, but the soul lock can only be seen with eyes, it can't be perceived, and other senses that the body grow up will pass him only the information of the monsters.

It is necessary to know that the demon emperor will not let him feel the semicolon, is it to say that the strength of this young person is far beyond the demon emperor?

The demon emperor is the peak of the respect, the strength is far stronger than the demon emperor, isn't it to say that the peak of the respect?

What should his realm? Half-step people? Or is he is a saint?

The death, when there is a strong in the Tianyi continent, according to the news he knows, there is a world tree in the ancient times, the world tree is the realm of saints.

However, it was in the abyss to erode for a long time, and it was still in a state of being half-disabled. The real combat power, I am afraid that the high-end respect can be more than.

As for the rumors of the origin store, the soul lock does not believe in the rumors of the origin store.

Dozens of Lingjing can purchase an amazing items, and also selling the qualifications and enhancing the vitality of the vitality, the price is now more than 100,000 Lingjing.

Oh, jokes are not so open.

It can supplement the vitality and improvement of things, as long as there will be no competition for countless people in the Tianyi mainland, even thus causing the bloody rain.

Now there is a message that these items are actually sold out of the classification, and only sell tens of thousands of Lingjing, the most critical is quantity.

According to rumors, these things seem to have no stock restrictions, only the number of purchases of each person has a requirement.

From another aspect, is this not much?

The soul lock is just as a joke, and most of the other members are also true.

In the face of this fundamental, the soul lock does not have the thoughts of the fish, just think about how to escape here.

This is called a strategic retreat.

However, this power is not followed by the so-called strongman style, and his words are not talking.

The death, who said that the human strong has a strong style, lie to the ghost!

The soul lock naturally won't be a bundle, and when he pericated this, he was already ready to escape, but his movements were obviously weaker.

When the soul lock reacted, the environment where the body had already happened.

The wind and snow of the sky disappeared, and it is a very special space.

Virtual, the sight can see is the boundless virtual no, there is no sound of the slightest, only endless silence.

In this virtual space, it seems that herself is the only life.

There is no gravity in the space, there is no difference between the upper and lower, and the sure is in the air and light, so that he can not see anything.

After experiencing the initial arrival of the strange environment, the body of the soul is so fast, but his heart is full of shock.

Since accepting the gift, the soul lock can feel the connection with great existence, and that feels difficult to describe words.

But in this unfamiliar space, the connection is inexplicably disappeared, just like being truncated from the more powerful strength.

More powerful than the great existence ...

The soul lock felt that his throat was somewhat dry, and the body was shaking slightly.

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