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Escape, escape here.

Now there is this idea in the heart of the soul lock.

It is enough to have a strong thing that is more than the shoulder, it is not what he can compete - from the beginning he has no battle.

The distortion is like the wilder hand covered with a substantially black fog, and the soul lock wants to try to tear the space here.

With the strength of his high-level, in Tianzhu mainland

The soul lock is now not so much, and it is random to determine a direction, and it floresses directly.

There is no direction in this weird space, so it is not important in which direction is selected.

Even if there is a radiant space, there is certainly there is its end.

The purpose of the soul lock is to find that place and flee it, then tell them the news here.

This is definitely a huge threat!

"Ten." Luochuan lost out two cards, and inquired, "system, he is still running?"

From the loss of the black robe to the system space, now almost two or three hours, Luochuan is a bit curious about what he has done inside.

The lottery roulette was temporarily hidden by Luochuan. It was previously stored in the system space.

It is not exaggerated that the entire system space is the only thing that exists.

Anyway, there is a system to watch, how can he love to toss in it?

"Yes, but seems to have fallen because of their own injuries." The system will give a response soon.

"Is it injured ..."

Luochuan thought that when he had just met the black robe, his breath was indeed unstable, and the purpose of chasing the Juanchi was to supplement the energy.

However, according to the story of Juanchi, he seems to prefers the feeling of pursuit of prey.

"Forget it, give him the bottle, don't hang it." Luochuan quickly made a decision.

In the system space, even if you hang Luochuan, he can resurrect him directly, but he suddenly thinks it after saying it.

Said that it is said, and the repentance is not very good.

And from the moment, this black robes are obviously do not believe in the origin store, just change his ideas.

As for it, it will not release it ...

Luochuan has not had the extent of the Virgin, and it is obvious that these people are planning.

As a common boss of interest, Luochuan is very satisfied with the current life. If someone wants to destroy and happens to be seen by him, he will naturally choose to shoot.

After all, it is a hand.

As for chasing the roots, the time-firing and cost-effective resolution of the confidentiality, find out what the anti-school camp, Luochuan is not too interesting.

Trouble, then say it.

He is just an ordinary shop owner, and the thing that saves the world is handed over to others.

He, stay in the store to see the lively.

Of course, if it is necessary, it will also be shot.

Who let him be a good person.

"The boss, you will have a card." Gu Yunxi reminded Luochuan.

Luochuan throws out five cards: "Three strips one pair."

The demon purple smoke has a smile, and the remaining cards are hit: "Just, I will win again."

Luochuan and Gu Yunyi have opposed their eyes.

Gu Yunqi sighed, pulling the onlookers in Yunshi in his position: "You have seen it for so long, come here."

Luochuan has now fallen into self-doubts.

What did he think of it wants to pull a demon purple smoke to play the landlord, this is not a clear look to find abuse.

It's not just that he himself, there is a teammate.

Because the number of times the lost is a bit, Luochuan has also been aroused a little uncomfortable.

He didn't believe that the demon salami was won today.

Luochuan took a sigh of breath and put the cards on the desktop: "Continue."

The demon purple smoke also guessed Luochuan's mind, after all lost for so long.

The customer uses holographic equipment to carry out the bureau is almost the same, and it will feel uncomfortable after losing it.

"You can't put it." Luochuan added.

"It's good." The demon purple smoke nodded.


The soul was stopped.

He turned his head to see the direction behind him.

The boundless virtual unity, the beautiful light band is in the endless darkness, which is almost like the vast starry sky.

However, the soul lock is now not appreciated, and the night sky is different. Those of the lights just look good, the representative is still ignorant.

Although the heart is unwilling to admit, the soul lock now has to admit the facts in front of the world - he is trapped here.

This space is like there is no end, let him have the energy in the body, how is the speed of speed, and it is still a chance to see the scenery of the night sky.

The space here is also reluctant, and his strength is not distorted, and it is even less torn.

And the most critical is that the soul lock feels confused with the concept of time.

He is now unable to clarify how long it has come here.


The soul lock roared, and the black fog began to fierce.

His mood now is very irritating. Since accepting the gods of God, his character has become irretentively irritated.

Now that he can't calmly.

The mysterious young man has not appeared yet, and the soul lock will not guess what he wants to do.

Whether it is, or prepare for a strict sentence?

However, the soul lock has long lost his feelings, and the trial is not too much for him.

Relatively speaking, he is actually worrying about the never offending.

I can't feel the passage of time, and I only have endless silence, and I think it is crazy.

If it is true to that, the soul lock feels that it is torture, it is better to directly understand how to compare it.

"Cough ..."

The soul locks cough a few times, with dark blood overflows from his mouth.

Before falling from the spatial crack, he was never injured. In the process of chasing the Juanchi, it simply pressed the injury.

In the event of Luochuan, it was directly lost here. Naturally did not restore injuries in the process of finding the leaving method.

Such a long time passed, the injured injury finally broke out.

Fortunately, the injured injury is serious, but there is no deadly danger.

And because of the god, the body's recovery ability is extremely amazing, and the injury will recover over time.

Just as the soul lock thinks about what is done, the space in the distance suddenly appears twisted twists, there is something dropped.

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