God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1373 God's Game

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Does anyone have been thrown?

The idea appeared in the first time in the heart of the soul.

At the same time, it is inexplicable.

This is not what he himself is here, at least there are other people in addition to him.

Here, staying here for so many hours, he is now there being.

There is no other voice in such a big space.

The soul lock feels that if you stay here, I am afraid that I am going crazy.

Lonely, eternal quiet, I can't see the hope of fleeing.

The link between him and the gods has also been completely broken.

This is the gift of the soul lock to accept the gods, the first time has this free feel.

He has almost forgot to have lived his life.

However, this spiritual freedom is at the same time as the environment.

Shake your head, throw your miscellaneous thoughts, and the soul is looking forward to the swirls in front space.

A black shadow appears, the vortex is also flat.

Some disappointment in the heart of the soul, he also thought about whether it can be fled.

It is impossible to see this now.

The soul lock is falling on the black shadow, it seems to be something.

Moving it in hand.

The soul lock frowns, the bottle of black liquid is installed, and it looks like a gemmunication agent.

I said that this is what ages, actually people use alchemic drugs?

No, now I am not paying attention to this.

What is the boss to throw this thing?

Do you want to use this to tell him?

The soul lock swayed the jar, the white foam appeared in the bottle, and there is no difference in poison.

However, for his current body, it is difficult to play even if it is more powerful.

And the strength of a man who claims to be a boss, it is completely more.

There are many guess in the soul of the soul, and then they are vetoed by him, and they will eventually have an accurate answer.

The mood of the soul lock is more and more irritating.

He doesn't like this kind of fate to control the feeling of others.

He likes to look at the prey, step by step, and ultimately can only meet the arrival of death.

The fear is what his favorite thing.

The hobby of the soul is as a hunter, not a prey without the ability to resist.


The soul lock made a roar, continued to pass around the space, but there was no slight echo.

The soul lock smokes tone, is preparing to think about what to do, the eyes suddenly attracted the label on the bottle in the hand.

"Original Coke?"

What ghosts.

Although he knows every word, it only feels a misty water together.

Look, it seems to be the name of this thing.

But what is Coke?

The soul lock has lived in such a long years in the Tianyi mainland, and has never heard of items called Coke.

It is a rare item invented by the cultivator?

The soul lock also only thought this possible.

But what the boss gives this thing to him? Why is this origin of this origin?

Also returned to the question just now, the soul lock felt that she would like to vent the irritability.

I have already lost my feelings for a long time, but now I feel faintly pain.

what is happening!

The soul suddenly appeared a smile.

Oh, don't you want to experiment, just as he is willing.

Let him look at how powerful gift is, even if the poison that can kill high-top, it is just a condiment.

The mouth is open, and the entire head seems to be divided into half, the interior is a circle spiral forest.

The soul lock doesn't know what is called now, and monsters may be more appropriate.

God's gift will produce this role, but it is also extremely horrible for the improvement of strength.

The so-called origin Coke jar was thrown into his mouth, and the soul lock began to taste.

Very chewy, there is no taste.

This is a bottle.

As the bottle is damaged, the brown liquid in which it inside has also poured into his mouth.

The soul lock is slightly with eyes.

He only felt a burst of ice, as if there were countless tiny bubbles in his mouth, and the spirit of swallowing it would not help.

Are these cultivators now make poisons so pay attention to taste?

The soul lock felt that he had an outset as if he was in the age.

But then, it seems that it is not a poison.

The soul lock touched his chest, did not feel the feeling of burning, but it was the kind of ice and cool, very comfortable.

Suddenly he widened.

The soul lock was surprised to find that he was more increasingly in a very special energy action.

However, short number of breathing, the injury is all healing.

"How could it be!" The soul shouted.

He clearly knows the seriousness of his injuries, even if you find a place to quiet therapy, you will have a minimum of ten or eight months before you can restore most.

This is also based on the premise of his body is extraordinary recovery.

Now, how long is this, the injury is all recovered, and it is not visible to the trace of the slightest.

If you can't clearly know your physical condition, the soul lock always thinks that you have been in this place for a long time, and the spiritual problem has an illusion.

What is most surprised by him is that the energy contained in the origin Coke actually does not have a slight conflict with the power used by himself.

After getting the gift of God, the soul lock used is the foggy energy, which is not common spiritual power in the Tianyu.

The items such as demonics are basically difficult to generate, which is the exclusion between two distinct energy.

But now this kind of common sense is actually broken.

After calm down, the soul lock began to seriously think about the situation.

What is the boss to do so?

The soul lock can not believe that he will take this kind of Coca-satisfactory thing to treat his injury, and it is definitely a deep meaning.

Suddenly, there was a bold guess in the heart of the soul.

Will not this is another goddess plan, I want to experiment through him to experiment.

When you think of this, the soul is suddenly surprised by a cold sweat - if his body has a sweat gland.

Game between God!

From the moment, this possibility should be the largest.

This is not the best for him to participate.

Why is he so unfortunate, is he met with this?

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