God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1374, false, a house, true a house

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The soul lock is now that he is like a prey that has been hunting.

No, even the prey is not possible.

The top is more than the guns on the game on the board, and there is no use after playing the role, and it can be abandoned at any time.

Although he has absolute beliefs against God, this does not mean that he doesn't want to live.

The soul lock felt a difference in others and other people in the Holy See.

Those people are completely crazy, and he still keeps a little aware before the gods are god.

But now he is trapped in this ghost, there is no possibility of escape, what can you do?

After a short time, the soul lock started again.

It is always possible to dry, etc., will continue to find a way to leave here.

But soon he discovered a thing, he has forgotten where the direction here is here.

Those gorgeous lights in the line of sight are in a variety of changes, and they cannot be used as a logo in the direction of judgment.

And here is a virtual, and there is no object used to judge the distance.

The soul lock has begun to be irritated, almost completely plowing its own energy, body shape, so soon disappearing in the light band.

If it is in the Tianyi continent, you can easily enter the deep space in this speed.

However, here, the strength is strong, it is impossible to generate a slight effect on space.

As if in this world, space seems to have absolute rules that are absolutely destructive.

Black fog is surging, and it is a paw that hundreds of feet.

Because there is no attack, rush forward with a very fast speed until it disappears at the end of the line.

The soul lock is vented in this way.

"It seems that such a short time can't calm down."

Luochuan looked at the people in the system space in the perspective of the third person, it was easy to get a characterful and irritating conclusion.

As for such a reason, it should be the kind of black foggy energy he use.

Let him be more cool in a few days, anyway, Luochuan is not anxious.

His time is much.

Although he is also very curious about it.

During this time from Tianyi Continent, what he experienced as if it was connected by an invisible silk, and there was anything to implement.

And now there is a possibility of unveiling these problems mystery.

But then, carefully calculate it as if he came to the Tianyi mainland, there is still a lot of things.

The system can really find him.

Obviously, what is the store manager system, the essence is not a boss, actually so love.

Luochuan wants just as an ordinary store owner.

Looking at customers every day, he will always look at the magical mobile phone when he is bored, and uses holographic equipment.

What makes funny life.

After the false trees passes, they will continue to become stronger and then conquer the world through a variety of ways.

The real A house will not be like this, they will only change the house.

According to the current development status of the originator, Luochuan feels extremely significant impact on this world.

The most obvious performance is that many customers don't like to go out.

I used to be bored at home, I can only go out to relax, find fun, or what to practice.

But now there is a magical phone, everything is different.

You can enjoy the wonderful information world at home, and you can easily contact others, and there is no need to go out.

Ended the attention of the system space, Luochuan once again put the attention on the card in his hand.

His mood is a little excited.

Implementation is to run, this card is actually so good, it seems that it seems to win.

As a result, there is no expectation that he is expected. After losing, I have lost it once, I finally won once.

After winning the last two, Luochuan is deeply tone, lying directly on the back of the sofa.

"How many times is the boss?"

"I don't know, I don't lose."

"The demon purple smoke is really powerful."

"I only know now? I will know on the way to Qichuan ..."

After winning in Luochuan, the crowd people also looked tones, and the face could not help but smile.

They will take themselves in the location of Luochuan.

If you lose so many times, I am afraid that I have already caught my crazy, I will not continue to go on peace of mind.

"Boss, come back?" The demon purple smoke didn't care about his life and asked Luochuan's ideas.

"Forget it." Luochuan didn't want to reject directly, and I won the demon Mecline this time I have already used the luck of this time.

"Okay." The demon purple smile, it seems that it is expected to be expected, and after getting up, look at everyone, "Let's come."

"Is the purple smoke sister ready to update?" Gu Yunxia kept the footsteps of the demon purple smoke.

"Yes." The demon purple cigarette is somewhat curious. "You are also watching the story I wrote."

"Well." Gu Yunyi nodded again, "Not only me, late clothes, there are many friends who are watching."

"Then thank you for your support." The demon purple smoke has a smile.

"The story of the forest and the bright saints, what will happen to me?" Gu Yunxi swayed the arm of the demon purple smoke, "I am relieved, I will definitely not tell others."

Looking at Gu Yunxuan Xi Xian's expression, the demon purple smile smiled and smashed her head: "No."

"I will disclose a little more." Gu Yunxi is not ready to give up.

"The boss said, it is absolutely can't reveal what the story is going to write next to himself." The demon purple smoke turned to the eye Luochuan.

Gu Yunyi also looked at the eyes of the demon purple smoke, and Luochuan entered into the salted fish status again entered her sight.

Hey, why should I use "again"?

"Ultra-Smoke, can you urge the boss, a little more every day, completely enough." Gu Yunxi lowered his voice.

According to her observation, Luochuan, who came to Qichuan, was basically never written, but the novel actually maintained the previous update state.

Although it is still a loss every day, it is ...

This shows what?

The boss has a repress, and the quantity is still a lot!

I have said that I have already sneaked my writing, and now I hang them in the appetite of these readers every day!

As for the boss, maybe there is no deputy, and every day is returning to your room to steal and then release anything ...

Don't say Gu Yunyi himself, ask the customer in the store, there will be no more people at all.

No one knows the boss than they - except the demon smoke.

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