God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1376, the spiritual storm

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Jiang Yanyang learned in the law.

As a student of Ling Yun College, this is a compulsory course.

Of course, it must not be compared with Chen Yiyi, she is mainly repairing this.

In the understanding of the diamonds of Jiangyu, it is indeed like Chen Yiyi, the lines of the inscriptions of the array have strict inspecting guidelines.

If the angle is slightly offset or other similar, there will be problems with the operation of the entire array.

The inscription of the array painted by Luochuan, and Jiang Yuxi feel very like learning with himself, but there is a great difference.

She is very curious about this.

"The inscriptions of the array are equivalent to the channel of communication, they are all discovered by countless experiments." Chen Yiyi thought.

"But this is a bit like accelerating spiritual strength, and they have a big difference." The doubts in Jiang Yunxin still got an answer.

"The boss may not be in the creation of a new mailing!" Chen Yiyi became excited.

"Creating a new array of inscriptions?" Jiang Yunxun couldn't help but blindly.

"Well, no, it should be like this." Chen Yiyi nodded, she felt that she had already guessed the truth of the matter, "Similar reasons are very simple, the boss is created on the original basis."

Jiang Yun is slightly frowned, thinking about Chen Yi's words, it is really reasonable, combined with the scene seen before the eyes, the possibility is really large.

Chen Yiyi's face is even more exciting: "And you also know that the boss is not the world, the reason why he did should have to have interest in our array ..."

"Okay." When Chen Yiyi said, it is more and more, and Jiang Yun is helpless and laughs and laughs. "The boss is here, will you go directly to ask?"

"Well ..." Chen Yi nodded, "Okay."

At this time, the people in the hall also noticed the things made by Luochuan, and they had cast curiosity and explore the eyes, and the sound of the discussion also sounded.

"What is the boss?"

"Don't know, look like what is the inscription of what array?"

"Don't be angry, I have never seen this type of array in the style."

"You can't see it first, you haven't seen it doesn't mean this world does not exist ..."

Luochuan will always do something unexpected when the origin store is in the origin of the mall, just like this, the customer has already seen it.

This should be the case.

Of course, I can't blame it. If you have curious and doubt or less.

However, it is now obvious that there are things that inquiry in the past, and Luochuan's expression is very serious and obviously in the critical moment of drawing.

If you want to disturb this time, it is very likely that everyone will abandon, so everyone will consider itself to lower their sounds even if it is discussing.

As for what is doubt, wait for the past and then ask.

The boss is here, can't you run?

Luochuan did not have any words and discuss the words of the people in the hall, he was just a bit curious, he just painted an inscription, how did you see it?

Forget it, I will say that the process cannot be distracted during the process.

Luochuan still maintains the original drawing speed, the inscription's line is more and more buurous, and the faint white rays gradually disbanded.

After approximately a few minutes, Luochuan put down some sour arm and gently comforted a breath.

The first array inscription drawn in his life is completed.

As for the completion of the degree ...

Luochuan carefully contracted the inscriptions of the array in the inscription and the artificial machine drawn, it is all different things!

If you carefully observe, interest can also see the similarities that have been lost.

Ok, he recovered the words just now.

This is proud of the inscription.

Who said that this is in hand?

When you look at Wen Tianyou, it is very simple, "" is completed, how to draw it, it is so difficult.

How do this feeling, almost the hands and brains are not in the same channel, have its own ideas!

But the painting is painted, try the injection spirit to see what will happen.

Although there is a big probability that there is no reaction.

This is thinking in the heart, the spiritual power gathers in Luochuan's fingertips, then tap the tempering of the half-air.

Sure enough, there is no expectation, and all did not happen.

Luochuan sighed in his heart and was preparing to rack the mailing method. The movement outside the window suddenly caused his attention.

The whistling cold wind mixed with the snow, pounce on the window, make a burst of harsh sound, the far on the far wind is swinging in the wind, it seems to be broken in the next second.

When is this big wind?

Then, Luochuan reacted, this is a wind blow, which is completely the storm formed by the spiritual force that comes together in all directions!

Luochuan looked at the inscription by him with spiritual power activated, and the faint white hazzlove will shrouded, in the usual flexible dimension, the quirky fluctuations from Zhong Yi.

I want to come this is why the spiritual gatherings come.

Now there is only one idea in Luochuan, I am a genius.

The movement outside the window naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the hall, and they saw the storm that will cover the entire Snow Fengge.

"Such a big wind, when is this?" The step from the song has just ended the glory to the bureau, watching the movie face outside is not clear.

When using holographic equipment, all his consciousness is immersed inside, completely blocking the perception of the outside world, so I don't know what the situation is.

"Are you not a brain?" Jiang Sheng Wei also just quit the virtual world, watching the moving portrait outside the window, but soon, he quickly responded, and slapped directly on the shoulders of the song. " Big your eyes look well, that is the purest spiritual storm! "

"Of course, I know!" The step is separated from his shoulders, and it is asking for Jiang Hao Hao. "Is this guy like this opportunity to hit me?"

"Is there such a person?" Jiang Shengshi found an excuse, "I am a little excited, I don't control myself."

The glory is the fastest in the bureau, and I always like to command others. He has a little bit uncomfortable. Now it is more comfortable.

"Really?" The step is suspicious of the sorrow, and there is a pain in the position of the shoulders.

"Really." Jiang Shengmao maintains the original expression and strives to make his words more credible.

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