God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1377 has come out

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Chen Yiyi looked at the spiritual storm whistling outside the window, which has been stunned, and the scene in front of him has far exceeded her cognitive.

"Said that the normal acceleration of the spiritual force aggregation can have such an effect?" Jiang Yantang asked some of the gods.

"Don't say a separate array of inscriptions, even if the complete array is not." Chen Yi shook his head, she has already accepted this fact.

The boss did something, even if the reserved is normal, this is already recognized by the customers of the origin store.

However, Chen Yiyi still feels very incredible.

It is such a small array of inscriptions, which can actually have a lot of ways to achieve, how is the boss do it?

The whole process of Luochuan Drawing Array Method, she is watching, and she is not using other extra ordinary power, which is normal to draw.

Chen Yiyi is also used in this way.

But why can't she do this effect?

Thinking, Chen Yiyi, the final reason, should be in the inscription itself.

The inscription of the array in Luochuan has never seen, but it is only familiar with it.

This may be the inscription created by the boss with the original array of inscriptions!

Yes, ten eight nine is like this!

Han ink and other people walked on the road, since they became the customer of the origin store, they came to the Snow Pavilion every day.

Wind and rain are unimpeded.

"I recently started doubt." The blue teenager sighed. "Fortunately, I have been smashed by me."

"I am also, when I came out, I also asked me, I think this matter should be hidden too long." A famous girl said.

Everyone began to talk about this for the topic. After knowing that Luochuan came here, it was guaranteed that the news will never leak the news before the film was completed.

Among them, there is also their selfishness.

After all, the boss took the holographic equipment, and there was no significant increase, and the words used usually have to wait for a lot of time.

But after all, still can be used.

If the origin store opens the news of the Snow Far Pavilion to open the sales point ... I am afraid that they have no opportunities to use.

After the Han ink was placed behind the brain, she looked at the sky and looked at the sky. The sight is full of intensive flying snow, and it has not been melted in the spiritual power of the external place.

"The spirit is outside, when I can have such a strength." The previous blue teenager got an envious gaze to Han Mo.

"I remember that you didn't have to break through the realm of creating the realm a few days ago, should you control the ability of the spiritual strength?" Han Mo looked at him.

In the realm of the cultivator, the forgings are the names, which is to improve their physical fitness, and the sensation is equivalent to the difference between truly and ordinary people.

The cultivator feels that heaven and earth spirit in the spiritual industry and further enhances itself.

Advancement creation will control the power of the spiritual force, and you can learn a variety of cool moves.

"Control is a matter, but the specific use is another thing." Blue Youth is helpless.

With the migrant flow of the body, the light white spirit gathers in his palm and exudes a touch of light light in the night.

However, he was observed that the spirit of the palm gathered is like attractive, and it is a bit of light, and it is a bit.

"My spiritual power!" Blue juvenile exclaimed.

The creation of the cultivator does not control the free spiritual power between the heavens and the earth. If you want to use, you must rely on itself to refine the spirituality and store it.

This process can be done conscious, or can be implemented by the body itself, the difference is only the efficiency.

Han ink did not care about the voice of the blue juvenile, and his spiritual barrier to build was trembled under a strong force, and then the broken fragments flew in the air.

His sight moves with those constant spiritual disabilities, eventually falling in the location of Snow Farm -

A storm that is almost in the world is in this way as the center is formed at a very fast speed.

The reason for the formation of storms, it is a spiritual force that is coming together from all directions.

The spirit of the spiritual force has driven air, and the storm is born, and the vortex of the nine city gates shown in the magical mobile phone is not far from the vortex, which is the principle.

"What happened?" Han Mo suddenly widened his eyes. He knows what the big level of people are now living in the snow, even there is a legendary dragon!

"This ... boss, are they ready to give the Snow Feng Pavilion?" The blue teenager has noticed the strangeness of the sky, and the consciousness said.

"This is to dismantle the Feng Fengge. This look is ready to take the whole Qichuan!" Someone added.

"Who knows what is going on? Are we still in the past?" A famous girl looked at the spiritual storm that was condensed with extremely horrible speed, and couldn't help but hurt the mouth.

At this time, they didn't talk about it. Such a big spiritual storm is not far from the front, if it is swept, I can't run it.

In the Snow Fengge, Luochuan quickly broke out of the state of loss.

He looked at the inscriptions of the array in front of her own hand, and there was a touch of white light from above after the spiritual power. It looked at the dream of fantastic colors.

He also watched the window, in this short a few seconds, the scope of the spiritual power storm has been extended, and the whole Snow Fengge is covered.

The flying snowflakes made a dense snow curtain, and it has been completely turned into a white vast. I can't see it.

It seems to be aware of danger. The protective array of Snow Fengge has begun to run themselves, inscribed in the path within the building and the bottom path of the ground.

However, in the face of the present scene, the protective array is obviously not from the heart.

The translucent spiritual barrier sways in a horrible spiritual storm, and it is constantly in the wind-like bright flash from it, it seems to be broken next.

In fact, it is true.

A subtle crack suddenly appeared, and the moment is spread to the entire spiritual barrier, and then crackled, and it is also part of the spiritual storm.

The underground faintness has a crisp sound, and it is because the spiritual transport of the array is directly overloaded, but in the storm, it seems negligible.

Ok, Luochuan has never thought of something that she painted. It actually caused such a big movement.

He originally thought that the activation of spiritual power will not be reactive or directly explosion ...

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