God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1378 Shocked Dragon One Year

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Luochuan looks outside the window, the spiritual storm is still growing with extremely horrible speed.

If you put this, I am afraid it takes only a few minutes to cover the whole city.

The hand is wrapped in front of him, and forcibly terminated the operation of the inscription, the weird fluctuation also stopped.

However, the spiritual storm did not disappear.

It has developed to this extent, the spiritual storm does not require an external force, and it can be maintained and developed by itself.

The spa area of ​​Xuefeng Pedia, the water fog is like a graceful light yarn, and the sound of water injection is like from distant places, and the air flutters faint snow mastians.

"This kind of leisure way to human beings is really comfortable."

Anvilia's body was immersed in the hot spring, only the head is outdoors, the hair is simply tied, and the eyes are comfortable.

"Indeed, the human beings in this world are very fits in casual."

Nolika and Anvilia have leaned against the pool, and as a sea, she likes the environment here. According to Inena's words, it is the richness of water elements.

"The words say that you have seen it very early to have a long time." Anvil Ya suddenly thought about what it was in a curious.

"Yes." Nolika opened his eyes, and the voice was a bit embarrassing in the mist. "What do you ask this?"

"It is a bit curious." Anvilia laughed, "Can you tell me?"

When Luochuan went to the sea area, it was broadcast for two or three days, and the next thing did not know.

Those the sea demon did not conceal this, and the things happened to the city of the sea will tell customers.

In short, Luochuan solves the crisis they encounter, and then turn them into the customer of the origin store.

However, there is a few days of blank period, and Anvawa is curious.

"The maribe encountered when the boss lives is me, you don't know?" Nolika asked.

Anvia: "Amount ..."

She can never listen to Luochuan said this!

Anva Ya's quasi is worthy of Nolika: "You just sneak the boss on the side of the island ...

"Yes, right." Nolika nodded, "" According to human words, this seems to be the so-called do not fight. "

Nolika I thought of my monster friend, got a second for him in my heart, and then threw it after it was behind.

"Don't gain it ... well, from the current point of view," Anvawa has ahead of the head.

Nolika is the maribe encountered in the live broadcast of the boss. After the boss has made a mutual explanation, the food cooking is used in the use of compensation ...

Anverah feels a bit big, it needs to slow down.

"Hey, how is your expression so strange?" Nolika reached out poked the cheeks of Awe Ya, like a tender jelly, and the feel is very good.

"Cough, there is nothing, just think of some things." Anvas quickly coughed, not ready to continue this strange topic.

As a dragon, she is used in the origin of the mall, and the customers are not recognized.

I didn't expect that I have experienced this kind of thing.

Those who live in the sea are transmitted to the origin of the mall, which is also the same as her.

Nolika "Oh" has been preparing to take out the magical mobile phone play, and suddenly look to the direction in the hall.

Anverah also perceived the same, and also put it in the position of the hall.

Since the sight is blocked by the wall, it can't see what happened there.

After the few seconds, the storm that the whistling wind and snow appeared in the sight of the two people, and it seems to connect to the world.

"What is this?" Nolika couldn't help but have a big eyes, and the memory of the storm that was used to be embedded.

Anvilia mood quickly, and she shook his head: "Implement is the boss to do it, don't care."

Anyway, the boss is now in the hall, and there will be a big thing Atri Ya is not worried, and it is ultimately a thoughts.

"Okay, it is also." Nolika nodded, and still booked in the hot spring as Anvilia.

The fog rose, the water is even, and the winter snow is flying.

"The spiritual storm seems to be bigger and bigger."

"Well, it's indeed, I am here."

"When will you say when the boss will shoot?"

"I don't know, but it should be fast ..."

Anvilia and Nolika are immersed in the water, only the head is dark, quietly looking at the spiritual storm that is constantly approaching.

Now that two people don't panic, even if the spiritual storm really affects, they will not be affected by their strength.

With the sound of Anvia, the storm filled with endless destruction suddenly fell into the stagnation, just like the time was sucked from the ground.

The sky is still in the air, as for the spiritual power of the impetuous, it seems that there is never existed.

The stagnation state quickly ended, the spiritual storm also disappeared, the snowflakes fell in the earth in the cold wind of the winter night.

The weird start, the weird end.

"Look, I just said." Anva Ya Lao has a smile.

She got up slightly, the crystal water droplets rolled from the white skin, pulled it in front of the space, and a crack appeared.

The palm stretched it, just told a few times, and then took the magical phone from inside, and the crack also disappeared.

"What is this?" Nolika widened his eyes.

"Portable space, simply in the special space of curing, all kinds of things that can be used to use it." An Venean explained.

"Isn't this almost the space ring?" Nolika looked at the spatial ring on the silver white.

"Yes, it is relatively convenient." Anvilia laughed, "At least it is not worn in the hand."

"Amount, it is really convenient." Nolika also took out the magical phone from the space ring.

At the end of the conversation, Anvilia opened the magical mobile phone, and then contacted Xie Dance. I am going to ask what she just happened.

Luochuan looked at the sharp storm on the outside, and he was lightly tone. He did not expect this situation.

Then the line of sight falls on the array of fronts.

He only forcibly terminated the operation of the inscription of the array, and did not destroy it.

Luochuan wrinkled eyebrows, and some doubts in my heart.

It is the inscription of the array, why do you have such a horrible effect?

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