God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1379 Big Causal

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Luochuan looked at the inscription that had already terminated the operation in the front half-air, and some doubts in my heart.

In order to make this, don't you have such a horrible effect?

That is a spiritual storm!

And if he is not forced to stop, the whole Qichuan is just a few minutes.

If it is time to do ... Luochuan feels that the scope expansion to the entire Tianyi mainland is not impossible.

The reason for this, just this small array inscription in front of him.

Why is this this?

Not in the heart of Luchuan, the people in the hall are more confused and curious.

The boss can make the inscription of the inscription of the boss can achieve the effect of many array. If it is drawn a complete array, what is the scene?

Will the world will die directly?

The boss now looks like thinking, I want to think about this problem, and now the inquiry should be an appropriate time.

"The boss boss." Chen Yi could not wait to come to Luochuan.

She has long thought about inquiring to Luochuan. After all, the scene I just learned and what she studied was not too late.

Now Chen Yiyi is an idea - actually can be like this?

If the array is based on such a method of inscription ... What will happen at the end?

Perhaps this kind of array now is most suitable for this array.

"Well? What?" Luochuan ended his thoughts and noted the curious Chen Yiyi.

"That is this." Chen Yiyi pointed out the inscription of the half-air, "How did you do it? It is a separate inscription, which will cause so much movement."

"This ah ..." Luochuan is preparing to answer, not far from the sound of cracking, interrupted his words.

Luochuan is looking forward to the direction of the voice, the green blue is frowned, and the look is confused: "No, this is why, I am clearly drawn as the boss ..."

In front of the blue sky, the air remains in the air flow, and then combined with her words, Luochuan is almost guess what she did.

It is worthy of the leader of the murder list, and the accomplishment of the array is indeed deep, just relying on bystanding, it can rely on the array of Luochuan to draw in such a short time.

Very good, very action.

No, now I am not paying attention to this.

According to the current situation, the green is directly drawn directly, but why can you have a very different result?

The inscription of his own array caused a spiritual storm, and the blue kitte was just a "" exploded?

"Wow, what did you do?" Gu Yunxi heard the explosion and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Draw the inscription in accordance with the boss." The greens do not think of different situations now, "But why will she explode, should not."

Gu Yunxi: ......

She suddenly felt that it was dangerous here!

"This may be because of the different sakes." Luochuan suddenly said.

"Different of the plot?" Qingluo in Luochuan inquiry.

Luochuan nodded and pointed out the inscription of the front of the front: "Because it is what I draw."

Most people in Chen Yiyi and the hall are unclear, so the green bike can't help but feel deep.

Because is the boss drawn?

She heard that the peak power is an impact on the birth of the heaven and earth, and now it seems to be like this.

With the strength of the boss, it is definitely the peak in the peak, after all, is the game that can turn the entire real world into holographic equipment.

The demon purple smoke is revealing the look, she is not surprised by this.

After all, the coffee sold in Corlo World, Luochuan did a special effect, and she did only the taste is better.

It should be the same in the nature of these two things.

"What do you mean?" Chen Yi was in full, and he did not understand Luochuan.

"Surface Meaning." Luochuan Expression has no change.

Chen Yiyi frowned, thinking about this in his heart, gradually widened: "I understand!"

The strength of the original boss has reached a world, it can affect the world's degree, the blame is not so lazy, it is not concerned about what.

Boss this is for the world's safety!

I want to come to the power of the boss, I have a big cause!

So it is usually waiting in the store, basically very few out, this time I left the origin store is likely to have been too boring in the store.

In order to avoid causality, this outstanding is qualitative to shoot movies.

Thinking of this, Chen Yiyi looked at Luochuan's eyes more admiration.

Luochuan pays attention to Chen Yiyi's eyes, and some doubtfully glanced at her, and I don't understand why this is.

However, Luochuan did not ask more.

"Of course, just now my guess." Luochuan voice is turned, "said that it is a process you draw and there is a difference in the time when I draw, I have exploded."

"Amount, is this?" Qingchang recalled the process of painting the inscriptions just now, it seems to be almost the same as the boss.

"Of course, if you want to try it, you can go anything else, here can not stand back to a spiritual storm." Luochuan stretched a lazy waist.

Although the spiritual storm has been erased by him, even so, it still brought a small blow to Snow Feng Pavilion.

The overload of the protection array is damaged, the building is damaged, the snow maple is broken ...

These require time to fix.

The waiter of Snow Fengge is also in the hall, watching others using holographic equipment, witnessed the generation and disappearance of spiritual storms, and is still in a state of being shocked.

"The habit is good, habits are good." The step away from the songs, and he said, "Now you are also the customer of the origin store, you should understand this."

"Oh, I know." The waiter looked at the head and still left a weird look.

Although it is said, which normal people face such a scene to recover calm in a short time? Just now, a spiritual storm happened to the position of their position!

That's a spiritual storm, he just saw it in books. I didn't expect to be so close to it today, witnessed the emergence and disappearance of spiritual storm.

It seems that you want to be a qualified origin store customer, there are still many things that you need to understand and habits.

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