God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1380 is just a simple trial

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The inscription on the patterns of the green altar may be because of the different, the explosion is of course Luochuan, he is almost certain that this is his own reason.

The coffee that is made with special effects, the diagram of the array of array, which can trigger the spiritual storm is also normal.

In order to be sure yourself, Luochuan, of course, did not forget to ask the housekeeper.

If it doesn't have a sure reply.

As for why it is, the system does not give a clear explanation, still use "less than enough" to excuse.

Fortunately, Luochuan is used to it, and there is no need to entangle.

The customers in the hall pay attention to the inscriptions of the array of Luochuan, is onlookers.

In addition to being a walk from songs, they can only read the laws.

Only this array inscription by Luochuan ...

"Well, how do you say it, I always feel so strange." Chen Yiyi frowned.

"And I have never seen this type of drawing method, according to the common sense, it is impossible to run." Qingshi continued to think.

"You are talking about the boss here?" The demon won't understand what this to the bottom painting, but does not hinder her not feeling.

Everyone has mentioned their own opinions, the hall is very lively, talking about the voice of the ears.

When Han ink and other people pushed the door, they saw such a scene.

"What happened this happened?"

"So lively, are they doing there?"

"Holographic equipment is actually free! I have passed!"

"Don't worry, look at what is going on ..."

After some entanglement, Han ink and other people have also joined the onlookers.

Luochuan felt some noisy, and the index directly left the original position and came to the side of the smoke.

There is a lot of the world.

"How did the boss suddenly want to engrave the inscriptions?" The demon smoke sat on the side, giving Luochuan.

"That is to see this daylight. Live this, I want to try it." Luochuan took the magical mobile phone out, live broadcast, and the new array is inscribed.

Luochuan didn't think so much at the time. He is simply trying to try to draw an inch of the law, who knows that there is such a big movement.

"Amount, it turns out." The demon purple smoke did not know what to say, just in guessing the purpose of Luochuan, the answer is quite expected.

"It seems that you want to try this in this way in the future." Luochuan sighed and sighed, and in his heart.

Sure enough, I will also have trouble, no matter what I can't cause any unpredictable consequences, but I don't like it.

The demon purple smoke is nodded and puts the attention in the magical mobile phone and continue to just.

Luochuan continued to look at live broadcast, and the in mind of the inquiry machine is very novel, and the small array of inscriptions will come with a variety of magical effects.

This couldn't help him think of chemical knowledge that had been studied.

After different substances blend, there will be a variety of new chemical reactions, and new substances have been born.

These two things are in a general sense of common.

Xie Meng dance is not too interesting for things such as the array. It is more interesting to see these lively customers in her opinion.

"The city owner will go to the hot springs," Xie Meng dance smiled and asked the frost that was watching the magic mobile phone.

Although the frost has been clearly said, it is good to call her name, but Xie Dance is still more accustomed to "the city owner".

Frost lifted up and looked at Xie Meng Dance on your face, and suddenly appeared in the heart.

But still don't want her to refuse, Xie Dance has already taken out the magical mobile phone: "Who gave me a message ... What is Anva Ya?"

Xie Meng dance knows that Anvilia should be guessing in the hot spring, and has guess her for her own reason, and ten eight nine is the spiritual storm that I just broke out.

The fact is just as she is expected.

"What is going on just now? Is it a big thing for the boss? "

Open the screen, Anvilia's news appeared in front of Xie Damo, and made a problem in the local area.

Xie Meng dance laughed and replied.

"Of course, you guess what caused?" "

"How can this guess? New product effect? The boss has not launched a new product for a long time. "

Xie Dance: ...

The effect of the new product, you really dare to guess.

If the originator is really selling this type of goods ...

It is afraid that the destruction of Tianyi mainland is not far away.

Don't do anything else when fighting, release the spiritual storm, see who's spiritual storm is even more powerful.

"You think too much……"

Xie Meng dance shook his head, no longer selling Guan Chi, telling Ambieva that the specific thing I just told.

Of course, she also looks quite expects new products.

"Array Method?" Looking at the news of Xie Meng Dance on the magical mobile phone, Angya's look is somewhat inexplicably.

The inscription of the mailing method can produce such a horrible effect, what extent to the boss's strength?

Although I have long known that Luochuan is very strong, and it is strongly outrageous, but now Angua's heart is still still can't help but have a little bit.

The understanding of the speech is far better than seeing more impact.

"What happened to you?" Nolika noted the strangeness of Anvawa.

"Nothing." Anverah's mood has been fixed, "I almost know what is going on."

It is also idle, and Anva Yaso sex and Nelka tells the news of Xie Meng dance telling her.

"Array inscription? It turned out to be like this." Nolika nodded.

"You seem to be very surprised." Anva is a little curious about Nolika.

"What is worth surprising?" Nolika is very reasonable, "after all, it is the boss."

Anva Ya gave a bit, the spin revealed a touch of smile: "Yes, you are right, that is the boss."

She lied the magical phone next to her hand, leaning against the pool, looking up at the night sky of the ink.

Snowflakes have ridiculous from the sky, there is no slightly slowing trend, and the traces caused by the spiritual storm have disappeared.

The array of surets here is not affected by the spiritual storm, still maintaining normal operation, the spiritual barrier to build the sky is all blocked with the cold wind.

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