God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1381 Bullying

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The twilight, intensive snow curtains and unnecessary nights, the whole world has become pale colors.

The faint water mist slowly lifts from the water, filled the whole courtyard, let the scenes in front of a hazy feel.

The warm water flows the body to wrap the body, and the spirit will gradually relax.

Just as Anvas is ready to enjoy this pleasant time, when you sleep, you should notify Nolika.

"What do you want to do?" Anverah saw Nolika's look, it felt a little, the whole dragon has alert.

"Anverah, your skin looks good." Nolika laughed.

Anvilia's conscious answer: "Because I often do the maintenance of scales ... No, what do you ask this?"

"Hey, let me touch."

"Stop stop ..."

In the hall of Xuefeng Pavilion, everyone was surrounded by the inscriptions left by Luochuan, still studying in the interested.

There is no spiritual force, they don't want to activate it, then experience the scene of a spiritual storm.

Of course, even if they do this, it is impossible to succeed.

After all, this is the thing created by Luochuan.

"Eating sister, have you seen anything?" Chen Yiyi pulled the corner of the green.

She has gone almost gave up, and she didn't see anything so long. Now I have begun to doubt what I have learned before.

The green bodite shakes his head: "I have never seen it from the boss's array. I have never seen it, according to my understanding, this should not run it all, forcibly activation will only explode."

The words of the green jeans have been unanimously agree with Xinhai sincerity, they are all thinking.

But the scene in front of you does not meet their awareness.

This array inscription can not only activate normally, and the effects or even score can directly lead the spiritual storm!

This can be used to describe it.

And the boss of the inscription of the array, at this time, it is watching the magical phone on the couch not far away.

Judging from the smile that will expose from time to time, the mood looks very good.

"Actually, I feel very simple, because this is the boss to draw, so there is such an effect." The demon is like a potato slice, "this is the boss."

"But the boss also said that it is just his guess, the sister of the green, the sister may be due to the drawing error," Xuanchi raised his hand, put forward the anti-reflection.

"So, what do you think is more than a matter of this situation, Xiao Xuan?" The demon purple mad squats, and the hands of the jubous cheeks.

"The result." Juan Juan can recognize the status quo and answer in ambiguous.

"You don't always bully Xuan Juan." Inena can't see it, pull the Xuanque to his own body.

"How can this be bullying?" The demon purple is strictly refuted, "I like her very much."

The green gye came to the corner of the hall. She has seriously familiarly familiar with the composition of the array, decided to draw again.

See if it would be like Luochuan, it is still an explosion as just now.

Of course, more than a dozen spells of protective, soundproof, and meditation are not forgotten before this.

After doing a full preparation, the blue kitte took a breath, and the spiritual power gathered in the fingertips and then started to draw it in half.

"You say that the phytt is the name of the array." When you are in the seat of the hologram equipment, you will see you don't have a serious green blue.

"According to my judgment, a big probability will be like you said." The demon is sitting next to it, after all, she doesn't understand the array, there is no such thing.

It didn't pay attention to the environment in the lobby at all, and the sound is also isolated outside the spell, and her attention is completely in the drawing of the array inscription.

Like last time, the process of drawing can not help but have some confusion.

This quirky line made her inexplicably thought that when she was first studying, she was drawn like this.

The action on the hand was stopped, and the blue kitte called a few mouthfuls, leaving this strange idea and continued to draw.

After a few minutes, the greens of the green look at the results of the eyes, could not help but show a smile.

This is absolutely the same as the boss's drawing, and she is very affirmation.

The next is the moment of verification.

The green jeans have a mood, and the spirit is in emerging in her hand and then slowly injects the array inscription.

"Sure enough, I explode." Gu Yunyi received his eyes, wearing a helmet of holographic equipment, "Rongguang Rongguang, no matter where they."

"I want to use the role of the sea!" The demon purple month has long been planned.

"Hey, what do I use?" Inena turned a doubtful gaze.

"Is there so much role, just choose one, don't work." The demon rose.

"Oh ... but I will not." Alina's look is distressed.

"If you don't learn, if you don't try it, don't you always try it?" Gu Yunxi said.

"Well, yes, that's it." Chen Yi nodded again.

Luochuan played a yawn, looked up at the area where the holographic equipment was not far away, and then he looked at the array of the array before he left.

Original curious customers have lost interest.

It is the inscription of the array. It doesn't look good, the main reason for the spiritual storm is because this is the boss.

Even if they copy them completely, it will only explode.

What can this?

After shooting a few photos, they no longer pay attention to this matter.

And now time is not early, many people have continued to return to the room to rest.

Mr. Lu Xun once said that people's sorrow is not connected, when the customer is exciting because of the incident of the inscription, Luochuan only feels noisy.

It is quite quiet now.

But for such a long time, Luochuan is also a little sleepy.

After another yawning, Luochuan put the magical phone into the pocket and supported the sofa.

"The boss wants to go to sleep?" The demon purple smoke puts a magical phone.

Luochuan nodded, he can be very late on weekdays.

"The boss took a break early, good night." The demon purple smoke revealed a sweet smile.

"Well, you also sleep early." Luochuan should take a look at the mouth, but it is a bit disappointed. He wants to hear it.

Since Luochuan, Luochuan, Luochuan, the demon purple smoke actually does not come to his room. According to Luochuan's speculation, it should be very simple. This girl may be shy.

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