God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1382 occasionally change the taste

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Now I recall, Luochuan doesn't know why I will say that.

Implementation is the atmosphere, he only feels that he should say this.

After all, the demon purple smoke is so active. If he doesn't mean that the total is not a bit.

Currently calculated that Luochuan came to this world to full, less than a year.

In Luochuan rainy night, the scenery is born. When you feel life, the demon purple smoke is so hard to break into his life.

For the demon purple smoke, why is Luochuan?

Originally, she played well in the Tianyi mainland, but unexpectedly seriously injured, then I was inexplicably becoming the store of the origin store.

Anyway, no matter what to say, people who are accompanied by Luochuan in this world are demon purple smoke.

"Are you not sleepy?" The demon purple smoke looked at Luochuan standing in the same place, and asked some doubts.

It's a strange, don't you say that you have to go back to sleep, how can you not go back, what to do here?

"Well, then I am leaving." Luochuan said seriously.

The demon purple smoke also also understood the idea of ​​Luochuan, some nodded: "Well, the boss rest early."

Luochuan was soft and sighed and walked toward the corridor.

The demon purple smoke looks at the back of Luochuan, from his inexplicably feels some contemporary, lonely, , lonely ...

"I feel that you should catch up now." A voice came from behind.

The demon purple smoke suddenly looked back, and this suddenly found that I didn't know when I came to my body.

It is also welcome to serve, sitting directly from her demon purple smoke, takes out a bottle of cola drink.

"What are you doing?" The demon purple smoke is white.

"Come and sit still?" The green eyes of the Qing Dynasty were full of angry, "listening to me, I haven't left the boss, hurry up, hurry up ..."

"What are you talking about?" The demon purple smoke pushed the green blue.

"Isn't I said?" Qingyu shook his head, "Don't forget you, but you still have the monster royal toast, even if I came over, I was so embarrassed."

"You actually have forgotten my blood!" The demon drives.

"Hey, is you a little strange? How can I forget?" I can forget? "

"Well, then what do you talk about?" The demon purple cigarette expression laughs.

She has put down the magical mobile phone, and it should be written according to the situation, and she has no mood.

"This, it seems to be ..." Qingdao frowns, soon revealed the look, "Is it a colorful cloud fox?"

The demon purple smoke: "... Is there such a creature in the Tiangui?"

"Ziyun Wolf?"

"No, I have never heard of it."

"Cang Yu"

"You are guess ..."

The green kitte is connected again and said that there are several names of the monsters, all by the demon to make one by one.

"Is this important?" The green bike is lying on the back of the sofa. She chose to give up. "Anyway is just a bitter, in addition to this and humanity."

"So you still forgot." The demon purple smoke smashed.

"Just forget, how can you take me?" The green jealousy is also hard, suddenly notice that it is a place, frowns, ", etc., the topic of the discussion is not this?"

Obviously, the demon purple smoke and the boss are there. How do you inexplicably become a problem?

The demon purple smoke screamed two times and did not answer this question.

The greens continue to make recommendations to the demon purple smoke: "Now the boss should return to the room. If you have passed, you will definitely give him a surprise."

"Are you bumbler, have you been endless?" The demon purple smoke took her white.

"Is this not thinking about you?" The green looks out of innocent look, "This is something that you are doing your life."

"Yes, my life is big, so I want to thank you for your concern." The demon purple smoke suddenly laughed.

I noddin, I think so.

"But I have a boss, I don't need to worry about it." The demon purple smoke continued, and the blue obeyed a little, "Do you need to care about your life?"

It's been a few seconds in the green: "Well, I feel that this topic is inexpected, I haven't played a five-child chess, let's play."

Lingjing on both sides of the corridor exudes bright and soft rays, they acquire stable spiritual power through the transport pipes inside the wall, and these pipelines also serve as heating duties, and they combine to become a large heever Method, providing a warm warmth of the entire building.

The previous spiritual storm did not affect this part of the array of array. According to Chen Yiyi, the explanation given by Chen Yiyi is because the various array of Snow Fengge actually uses the modular structure of the hierarchy, even if some of them appear. Question, other array can still maintain normal operation.

As a computer professional college, Luochuan, I thought about the knowledge I have learned.

Modular, hierarchical structure, he is too familiar with these things.

It seems that although it is a different world, different types of things, but in some respects are surprisingly common.

The demon purple smoke is not coming, this can be a bit hurt, and Luochuan feels a little sleepy.

However, the demon purple smoke lives next door, but she is not bad to take the initiative to take the initiative.

Forget it, this is not very good ...

In the quiet corridor, there were many messy thoughts in Luochuan, and I didn't know that I came to the room where I lived.

Looking at the wooden door of the front of the eyes, Luochuan ended the state of cranky.

Shake the head, throwing the brains, slowly pushed the door, and the rich snow saffron fell.

Luochuan looked at the table.

Ok, I really forgot to turn it off when he went out, and it was still running.

As for the tea in the pot, naturally, I have been burn, and the rich snow mastians in the air are caused by this reason.

Fortunately, the quality of this world has not been said, even if the heating array is running so long, there is no fire, the degree of safety is extremely high.

The light is automatically opened when the light is in Luochuan, and the heating method will be turned off, sit down on the sofa of the living room.

I took out the magic mobile phone, I thought about it again, I took out a bottle of snow.

If you come from refreshing from refreshing, Coke is definitely more than Snow.

After all, the effect of Xuebi is originally the role in the spirit, and Coca is used to restore injuries.

Of course, Luochuan still prefer cola, he just wants to change the taste.

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