God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1383 Another experimental item

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For Luochuan, the effect of Coke and Schiba can be basically ignored.

This is just a drink of different tastes.

In his strength, there will be no injury or mental loss.

According to the setting, it seems like a buff.

Now the relationship between Luochuan and the system, this thing does not need to be tangled.

Anyway, even if there is no buff, he can control the void energy this kind of thing.

If you come back, the void energy sounds very powerful, but it hasn't been used several times in Luochuan so long.

In any case, the various items in the store are in the case of Luochuan, which is basically the same as the more delicious snacks, effects and prices.

Unscrew the bottle cover, suddenly issued the sound of "", countless bubbles emerge from the bottle, a faint sweet breath is incoming into the nasal cavity.

"Tons tonne" has a big mouth, refreshing feeling straight into the lungs, the whole person is a lot.

Wait, it seems that it is not right.

Is he returned to the room? Is it sleeping?

Luochuan looked at the remaining snow, thinking about it or screwed on the cap, and threw it to the system space.

Don't drink, sleep sleep.

Of course, I don't forget to wash it again before I sleep, this is the habit of Luochuan.

Although it is nothing wrong with him, he likes to do it.

Sometimes the ceremony is still very important, do not need so much reason.

Blowing the hand and blowing the hand, blowing away from the hot air, Luochuan couldn't help but play a yawn, and the sleepy is like a tide.

I have done so many things tonight, he has been a bit tired.

The so-called crossover who doesn't want to be dedicated is not a good boss, Luochuan feels like this now.

Body and counting, it is really dedicated.

Lying in a soft and comfortable big bed, covering the quilt, Luochuan suddenly feels that he seems to have forgotten something before the light is closed.

However, he did not care, he was a bit not open after lying on the bed, and the brain had fallen into the state of half sleep, and he could not think too much.

I have forgotten that it is not an important thing. It is not an important thing. It is not an urgent matter. If you don't need to worry about it, I don't need to think about what is going on.

Now he just wants to sleep, no matter what is going to wake up tomorrow, let's talk.

Of course, he may have forgotten it again ...

In the system space, the wild beast is echoed, and the attack of the black fog is flying out to the four sides and soon disappeared in the beautiful background like the star river.

The Soul Lock is venting in this way.

After accepting the gift of God, his character has long been a change in the earth, and it is irritating just one.

After drinking the bottle called "Original Coke", he was completely recovered in the injury in the spatial chaos.

In the heart, I guess the reason why the young people who claim to be the boss did, and still find a way to leave.

Since there is something to be thrown, it will definitely export.

But now the soul lock has given up looking for, even if there is really export, it is not what he can find.

He has been completely trapped here, becoming a prisoner, waiting for him to be unknown fate.

The soul lock deeply gasped a few mouthfuls, and the mouth sent a weird laughter, and finally stopped the useless attack.

What are you doing next?

The soul lock stands in the void space, looking at the distant scenery of the stars, this can only make him feel endless despair.

When the mood of the soul lock was more violent, he suddenly noticed that there was a swirl distortion again - a bottle dropped from the whirlpool.

"What is this?"

The soul lock will grab the bottle in his hand, and the heart was curious, and there was no mood for the time being to think about being trapped here.

The soul lock looks to the bottle, "the origin of Sprite", several texts are reflected in his horizons.

"Sprite? What is this again, what is the relationship with Coke?" The soul lock whispered, and this situation is indicated that no one will answer his doubts.

The soul lock quickly found unsatisfactory place.

This bottle named Sprite seems to be opened, and the last cola is not the same.

The soul lock did not care about it, anyway, it is not open to him, and it is still necessary to try it anyway.

The Soul Lock has already understood the situation of his own situation, but he is a little chess in the god game, which belongs to the kind.

It is better to cooperate with it.

There is another important reason, and the soul lock is also looking forward to the taste of Sprite.

God's gift can bring powerful strength, and also have extremely strong side effects, his taste has already disappeared.

But just now, the name called Coca-Cola actually let him taste the long-lost taste.

The soul lock felt that he had an illusion.

Eat there is no taste, which is undoubtedly an extremely horrible thing for many wisdom that likes food.

And this is only a kind of god to give side effects, and the alienated body is also an extremely obvious manifestation of side effects.

It is precisely because of this, it has caused problems in their spirit or less.

Soul locks regret why they did not taste Cola.

I don't know what the differences and contacts in Xuebi and Cola will also come with any special effects.

Although the soul lock also knows this may be a special experiment, but now he has the ability to resist?

The soul lamelled tone, calmed down the mood, put the attention on the hand in the hands.

Why is Sprite open? His heart once again appeared.

Shake your head, let this I think, the soul lock grows up, ready to throw the snow.

His action suddenly stopped, and eventually changed another way of taste.

Coke him did not taste the taste, this time Sprib must taste the taste.

Slowly unscrew the bottle cover, the sprinkle sound occurs, and countless fine bubbles on the inner wall of the bottle continue to rise.

The distal pupil of the soul lock is slightly smaller, and the case that appears in the bottle, he did not see such a situation.

This unique phenomenon, if the soul lock will definitely treat it as a poison, but it is the kind of medicinality.

But now ...

The soul lock is deeply tone, and the bottle is sent to the mouth and drink a bite.

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