God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1384 forgot something is not important

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The soul lock held Spribi and drank a bite, then tasty taste.

He felt that there were countless small air bubbles in the mouth, and the cold breath instantly filled the whole oral cavity, with unparalleled refreshing.

After swallowing, there seems to have a cold flow that is condensed in the body, and the original irritated mood is quite calm.

No, not seemingly.

This kind of item called Sprite has effectively produced his spirit.

The soul is shocked to watch the snow in the hand, and the vertical pupils have almost become a thin line, but they can't believe in what happened in the current.

As he expect, Springs also have special effects.

Just this time, it is not a role in the body, but a direct effect in spirit.

Xu is because he is used to the god Mingshen, and the soul lock is inexplicable after contact with the disappearance.

Now this inexplicable impact has disappeared. He is surprised that he can think of it properly.

And not only this, the mental power consumed before, it is completely added, as if it has never been injured in the spatial chaos.

This feeling is like a big illness, and the whole person is undergoing a bone.

The soul lock has been completely immersed in the shock of the Sprite effect.

As for the "this is very likely to be experiments", I have already thrown into the Jiuyi cloud, and the experiment has been experimenting, and he is not allowed to have a lot of experiments.

The only thing that makes the soul lock is that this world is really too lone. In addition to his other things, there is only endless virtual virtual.

Fortunately, the attention of the soul lock has been completely attracted to Sprib, and his subconscious is also inform you that you will not pay attention to this.

God knows how long will he have to stay in this place, if you can't support it, then he feels some funny.

The soul lock was light and sighted, and I drank the mouthfuls, and closed my eyes and feel the unique taste of Sprite.

This may be that he is the only thing he can feel fun here.

The soul is launched. Look at his palm, black skin covers fine scales, and the nails are also replaced by sharp bones, which looks almost the limbs of the beast.

It was originally a space ring, just lost in the spatial chaos.

The soul lock showed an extremely quirky smile: "Now I am still human beings?"

This question has an answer in his heart.

Is there any relationship between humanity, his life has given great gods.

The soul lock returned to the palm and put the attention again in the hand in the hands.

Game between God ...

The young man who claimed to be the boss will not talk about him. Sprint is really good. If you can drink every day, you seem to be good here.

After all, it is carefully calculated, and it is still less than half a day from him.

After the spirit is calm, the soul lock has also become accurately perceived.

However, he also knows that this is only temporary. In his mental state, it will be, I am afraid it will become like that.

Thinking of this, the soul lock has brought the irritability of myself, and I quickly drank the mouth of Xi-Bi.

In the morning, the thick clouds have not yet dispersed, and the blue night is still covered in the end of the sky. The snow is still in the sky, and the heavens and the earth are dyed.

As soon as the city's street came to the past, the cigarette star is in a point where the fire-covered buildings are gradually melted in the world.

Luochuan opened his eyes and saw such a scene.

Tiandu has not been completely bright, it seems to be early.

Luochuan closed his eyes and turned over and continued to sleep.

Anyway, he doesn't need to get up early. How long does it take for a long time? Moreover, and the morning in the winter is originally a thing that needs to be great.

Soon Luchuan has entered a dream, and the dream is still seamlessly connected with just now.

About two hours later, Luochuan finally ended back.

After sitting up from the bed, I first extended a lazy waist, and then I looked out of the window, the sky is still overcast, the big snow did not stop the meaning.

"Still snowing."

Luochuan squatted, picking up the magical mobile phone next to seeing time, this is slowly wearing clothes.

When I came to Qichuan for so long, he had some forgetting the life mall life.

But it seems that there is not much difference in now, it is relatively, it is necessary to have a little earlier. After all, I have to open the door when I started the mall.

Luochuan touched the low bar whisper: "After the film is filmed, let the tiger continue to watch the store may be good ..."

"Please pay attention to the boss, the origin of the store is not changed." The system can't see it.

Luochuan throws the origin store no matter, then take the world or find a place for a place ... The system feels that Luochuan doesn't do this.

"Know that I know, I will talk about it." Luochuan is quite in the case of doing swaying, "And the name of this book you forgotten? I will definitely don't do it."

System: "... I hope so."

After the brush-up, Luochuan left the room slowly and came to the hall.

I have been influenced by Luochuan, and these customers who have followed him have become lazy.

It is already in the morning, but only a few people in the hall, basically all on the sofa look at the magical phone.

Luochuan picks up some food, just find a position, ask the demon purple smoke next to: "What about people?"

"It should be sleeping." The demon purple smoke has answered the problem of Luochuan. "When I left, I saw a lot of people in playing holographic equipment." I returned to the room this morning. "

So is this a group?

Luochuan couldn't help but think of going to school. He went to the Internet cafe to go to the Internet cafe to play a night, and then considering other things.

But this kind of entertainment is not suitable for him.

In addition, Luochuan will change the business hours of the origin store, now in this morning, in the afternoon, it is very good.

Luochuan nodded and started to have breakfast, although it was not doing the demon purple smoke, but also known as delicious.

In addition, he always feels that he seems to have forgotten something.

Forget it, it should not be a particularly important thing, Luochuan will throw this idea behind the brain, chat with the demon purple smoke.

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