God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1387 Changwei

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"Step from the song, you also wake up." Jiang Shengshi hurts the side of the song.

"Hungry." The step will return to the song.

"What?" Jiang Shengxuan finally noted Luochuan, "Is this not a boss, how to shield?"

"How do I know." The step is shoud, guessing the Jochuan in the virtual world, "said that the boss is now being in the new map of the Coro World, do not let these people discover."

"New Map?" Jiang Shengshi was groggy because of just awake the head, thinking is still a bit slow, and there is no reaction at a time.

"Is Orange and the place outside of the city." The step is from the song. "Corlo is a world, there will always be only two cities?"

Even because the creation of crash explosions, most civilizations in the whole world have encountered extremely significant blows, but this is not devastating, and now the collapse has been inexplicably retired.

Under this factor, there is definitely there is a majority of the kingdom of smart races located in the mainland of Corlo World, quietly waiting for customers to discover the customers.

"Oh, it is also." Jiang Shengjing nodded, not very much, and relative to the leisure pattern of the Trial Tower, he also like glory.

The two people talk about this topic and made a variety of speculation, and the residual sleep is gradually dissipated - it seems that hunger has occupied the upper wind in confrontation.

"I walked, dinner." The step will go out of the door.

"I am hungry, what?" Jiang Shengmao hooked up.

I want to say when I went out of the song: "I dreamed when I dreamed ..."

The snowflakes outside the door have flying, and they look at it, and the details of the whole city have abused in thick snow.

Because the ground is laid, the road is not covered by snow, and the white ground is divided into different regions.

The traces left by the spiritual storm yesterday have disappeared, and it should have been repaired when it is damaged.

The cultivator has a unique advantage in the construction.

One of the cold winds, Jiang Shengqi couldn't help but sneeze, and then tight tight collar: "Skater, so cold, or you have to pass it, give me a point."

"I think more." The step away from the songs and watched the Jiang Shengxuan. I walked into the wind and snow of the sky. I waved towards the rear, and the voice is far away, "I want to eat myself."

Jiang Sheng sighed, was preparing to follow up, thinking about it, it is still unconads into a barrier, this is not urgently keeping with the steps of the song.

"Do not reason, this is the use of spiritual barrier, as for? And you can't stop the wind with your current strength."

"It can be soaked in the snow, and I want to use it, do you manage?"

"Hey, how to drop it, and your current realm is not high."

"Oh, what is the use of high realm, but it is not to play me."

"Who said that I can't play you, dare not try."

"Try try ... Hold your sneak attack ..."

The step poems have a spiritual fluctuation outside, and they will returned their eyes after watching an eye.

"Poetry Your brother and Jiang Shengmao are playing!" Gu Yunyi came up again, she likes to watch it.

"Nothing, they are almost the strength, even if it is really hard to divide, it is difficult to divide the victory, and even if there is anything to have." Stephen is not careless.

"Oh, it is also." Gu Yunniang nodded, "Snow is too big, it is a bit unclear."

"Your strength is much more stronger than them, is there anything good?" Jiang Yiling asked with Siri.

"It is to watch the lively." Gu Yunxia answered a matter of course, "And the strength is not the realm of light. If I do it, I can do it two of them like the realm."

For the realm, it is not a high cultivator, it is really determined that the strength is its own combat ability, and the realm is only auxiliary role.

The ordinary people in the tourist family and the cultivator of the forgings or condensing realm from practical experience, the final winning big probability is ordinary people.

"This is also, after all, you have often fled." Jiang Yantai thought when he was in Ling Yun College.

"That's because of the actual course!" Gu Yunxi lost two cards, and said straightforward, "If you are interesting as the boss here, will I fly less?"

Because it is nothing to escape, so the reason is not on her, but in the college.

Jiang Yuxi can't help but laugh: "It's good, you are all right ..."

The things that were immersed in the virtual world of Luochuan did not know what happened, and now he is bathes in the afternoon sun.

Star Imperial Snowfish, St. Nia is still in the sun, and the two worlds have not reached a synchronization in climate.

This is the first time he has come here in this time, and there is no change in the past, and the coffee shop is still cold and clear, like being forgotten by the world.

Ok, this is actually a secret connection with the geographic location.

On the last day of the Wanhua Expo, Ohia also became the customer of the origin store, experiencing cola and coffee utility.

Luochuan remembers that when he met in Ozia at the time, she seems to be a chief commander called a wave.

I don't know what she will use the rest after she goes back.

In addition, there are many things, black fogs, annihilating of things, many days, the first superner customer Luona, there is also the Herman's Detective of the Dream Office ... ...

I haven't come to this world for a long time, and things are almost almost.

Of course, the identity of Luochuan, Colok, said that it is a shop boss. In fact, it is more like traveling to this customer, there is no friends he know here.

Relatively speaking, the origin of the Tianyi continent is more accomplished, well, the main reason is that the demon purple smoke is there.

The sun passes through the grille of the window, and is cut into bright plaques on the wooden floor, which can clearly see countless wi-fumed dust flies in this rays.

The sun is warm, and people can't help but sleep, Luochuan squinted on the sofa, picking up the tea, the tea, the tea, the tea, and the flowers are fragrant.

Coozy life.

Luochuan smashed the Chimei Pilatet.

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