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Luochuan lies in the sofa and looks at the sun. The warm sun falls on the body, and people have a faint feeling, and it seems to be plated with him a faint golden glow.

Chi Meira next to Luochuan, looked at the afternoon, and the hair was emitted in the sun.

According to the data given by the system, this time Skylla is basically "eating sleeping, eating", occasionally speaking in the store.

Bi Luchuan's life is still falling!

Luochuan, or the system did not deliberately put Chimei in the coffee shop. If it wanted to go, no matter how windows or shops, you can leave.

However, since it arrived here, Qi Mira didn't have this once, and there was no.

Chimeira seems to have completely regarded it as its territory, and the territory may not be appropriate, perhaps it should be called a place, if it is not necessary, it will definitely not leave.

"Chimeira." Luochuan shouted.

Chimei looked up at Luochuan, the glare sunshine is just in this direction, so that it does not ride his eyes.

It seems that it has already recognized this name.

"This is long, I haven't seen it, how do you get fat? Don't know how to exercise?" Luochuan found that Chimei seems to be more fat.

Chimeira recovered his eyes, did not respond to Luochuan, remember that this word is soon heard, now how come again.

Luochuan didn't have a soft attitude of Meilal, reached out on its head, a few times, and drunk the foam.

Cat is a cold creature, although Chimeira is not a cat, but it is very similar to the cat, so in Luochuan, it is a cat.

Qichuan's special model, two Harovawa, also learned a lot of information, in fact, the name is called a snow wolf, is a powerful drought-resistant monster.

However, Luochuan is that this creature is two ha. No one dares to say something.

Speaking that it may change from the snow wolf to the secondham - this help person can absolutely do it.

"Should you understand me?" Luochuan suddenly asked.

Chi Mei Lei looked again to Luochuan, and the eyes showed extremely humanized hesitation, and finally nodded gently.

Luochuan: ......

Actually, I can really understand, he is a question.

Ok, this is actually not a surprising thing.

The Collo World has World of Warcraft, and the world has a monster, there is a Warcraft and monsters that are almost in human wisdom.

Some is the case, some is the talent, some is the realm to improve the gainful awakening ...

As for Skyli, in Luochuan, it should be a class that belongs to the talents.

What should be perceived in the morning, so I will appear on the beach that night, and then I have encountered Luochuan and demon.

The demon purple smoke is basically in the next day, there is no difference in the ordinary girl, and the same thing likes cute things, Chimeira is obviously very cute.

Finally, it became the pet in the store.

Think about it now, all this is a coincidence.

"Forget it, can you understand that there is nothing difference." Luochuan took a few times on the Qimei La, RUA.

Anyway, now its identity is a pet, even if the repent is used.

Chimeira looked at Luochuan.

Nothing difference, what do you ask this? Did you do it?

Forget it, think so much, the sun is not good?

Chimeira no longer ruin Luochuan, squinted in the sun.

About Quanlira's problems, Luochuan is naturally not known, even if you know, you won't give an answer.

Luochuan is also almost like Scholar, sun, occasionally drinking sweet flower tea - put a lot of sugar.

When the Snow Fengge is idle, it is boring, and the status of St. Nia is still nothing, it seems that there is not much difference.

When Luochuan took the cup again, I found that I didn't know that the tea was already being drunk.

Without a cup of ideas, he got up from the sofa, extending a big lazy waist, looking out the window.

At this time, the sun is just, the high-like building is bathed in the golden glow, and the desolate street has also become warm.

Luochuan decided to go out.

Chimei looked up at Luochuan to go out of the door, and closed his eyes again.

What to do, do you do it here, is it uncomfortable here?

Luochuan walked on the empty street, except for him, no one, quietly silent, only his footsteps echoed in the ears.

According to his inference, the current Saint Niña should be in spring and summer, and there is everywhere in the original air to dissipate a lot along the end of the Wanhua Expo. If there is any aroma.

In the city of the world, Luochuan is like a passerby - as if he just came here.

The blue sea face is inneated, the sky is blue, such as washing, clarifying high, countless white seabirds spiral in the air, make a burst of crisp.

Not far away, the diners of the Blackstone Harbor Restaurant often, far from the taste of the barbecue and grilled fish.

Even before entering the virtual world, Luochuan has already had lunch, but it is now in this scene, he still feels in the abdomen.

Take a meal first.

Luochuan walked over there, and she noticed that the Evan boss who was as long as the wild beast was busy.

When he saw him in Luochuan, he also noticed Luochuan.

Evan first stunned, and the wild beast was revealing, and it was stronger.

"The Wanhua Expo has ended these days, I thought you had left St. Nia."

In his opinion, Luochuan's identity should be the nobles of other countries, because the Wanhua Expo comes here, now the Wanhua Expo is naturally left.

"Leave?" Luochuan thought about it, "I met something, I have left for a while, and I have n'thing to come over recently."

Evan: ......

Do you have any aristocrats, because you have no things to play between different countries?

In the end, Evan just laughed a few times. He is the ordinary minority of St. Nia, and these aristocrats do what they do.

Didn't see the figure of the macro-smoke, Evan is a bit disappointed, after all, the barbecue of her is enough to make business.

Just find a position and sat down, Luochuan began his second lunch.

Although the customer came to this world as the player's identity, the experience and the real world here did not have much difference, still have various sensory.

The only difference is that you can turn your feelings yourself or close your feelings, and you can resurrect after death.

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