God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1389 Claus is really good

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Over time, the sun that was hung in the top has gradually moved to the sky, sprinkling golden glory to the earth, and all the things left long shadows in the sunset.

Luochuan pushed the door, four times, watching, the eyes quickly fell on the Chimeira huddled on the sofa, seeing that it should be sleeping here for a whole afternoon.

Note that Luochuan came back, Chimeira just opened his eyes and looked at him. It was gently called to say hello, and "I am already a scrap cat" state.

Ok, Chimeira is just like a cat's World of Warcraft.

Luochuan is getting used to this. When you are often, Chi Mei is so greeted. If it really happens, it is called abnormal.

"Is there any guest this afternoon?" Luochuan sat down on the sofa and took a bottle of cola and drink a big mouth.

The cold liquid enters the lungs from the mouth and dispetes the heat of the body, and the pores on the body seem to be opened.

Chimeira got up and stretched a lazy waist, then shook his head and shook his head again, staring at the cola in Luochuan's hands.

A lot of cola is placed on the shelf after the coffee shop counter, but there is no Qi Meira, which is not allowed to take it without authorization.

Looking at Luochuan, I was drinking here, and my face couldn't be revealed in the look, and I was very curious in Qi Mei, really so good?

"Do you want to taste?" Luochuan noticed the eyes of Chimeira.

Chimei Lot.

Luochuan thought about it, got up and took a small dish and put it on the table, and then poured the cola in it.

Looking at the small dish, the brown liquid that constantly rishes the bubble, Si Meira is hesitating, this is really a drink?

I smelled carefully, there is a kind of touching sweetness, it should be sweet.

At this time, Luochuan drunk a big mouth, deeply comfortable, which made Chimeira down to determine.

It seems that the taste should be good, you can taste it.

Luochuan put down the bottle and looked at the Chi Meira that reached a pink tongue, could not help but sigh in his heart.

Cola may not drink so.

Chimei Li Li, ice, ice, sweet, no special taste.

I also looked at Luochuan and recalling the way he had just drinking cola.

When Chimeraton suddenly, it was definitely wrong!

After understanding where there is a problem, Chimeira has tried again.

Can you think about what a cat is drinking Cok?

Ok, it is a World of Warcraft like a cat.

Anyway, Luochuan has seen it in the eyes, how to say it, it is difficult to describe words.

I always feel a bit wrong, but I can't say it again, it is almost like this.

Chi Meira couldn't help but smoke his eyes in the moment of Cola entrance, which is completely different from just now.

It only felt that there were countless tiny bubbles in the mouth, and the stimulus brought, the whole World of Warcassed was fluttered after swallowing.

"", A pair of wings, behind Shumera, still in slight fan.

Luochuan: ......

Don't you taste the mouth, as for such a big reaction?

Chimeira naturally didn't know what Luochuan was thinking, it just stared at the cola in front of him.

In its animal blessings, there has never tasted such a magical taste, which is simply refreshed its worldview.

After it came here, the worldview seems to have been refreshed many times.

However, this is not important, since there is cola, it is certainly there is other type of item.

Chimeira is more firm to stay here.

It just feels very comfortable here, but it is absolutely not to eat such a delicious food.

Luochuan looked at Chimeira, and it feels that it should have great fluctuations in just a few seconds. This is what he seen from the pair of wings behind him.

"Time is not early, I will go back first." Luochuan drunk the cola in the bottle. After getting up from the sofa, he stretched a lazy waist, and smashed the head of Kuiula.

After a lunch, he came here, now almost the time you have to have dinner, stay almost a whole afternoon.

Now think about it, it seems that there is nothing, and I feel a lot of things. I have been so inexplicably in the afternoon.

Chimeira looked back, Luochuan's figure had disappeared, it seems that there is no existence, and it is not blamed for this.

Regardless of Luochuan or the demon purple smoke, it is so inexplicably left. It is also the same when it comes, and there is no magic flow in this process.

So this is definitely not a magic of the traditionally transmitted.

As for what, Chimeira doesn't know, it only knows that the identity of the boss is very mysterious, and the strength is terrible.

After all, the black fog it saw before, with the power of the gods, the result, facing the boss, the last is not the service post.

According to the content of the two ordinary conversation, Chimeira even got a war with the World of Warcraft - they are likely to come from another world!

Into my heart is turning, and I finally fall in front of the music.

Even if there is any relationship with it from another world? Anyway, it is a matter of this pet, it will never give up this life now!

In this way, Chimeira has drank the mouth, slightly smashed his eyes.

Coke is really delicious.

The consciousness is separated from the holographic equipment, and the sound of the sound is in the ear, and Luochuan even gave birth to the illusion of the origin store.

Although it is not a branch, the current Snow Pavilion and a branch do not seem too much difference.

The Snow Feng Pavilion should be the asset of Tang Yi name. If Luochuan really decided to open a branch here, I believe he should be happy to send Snow Feng to Luochuan.

But a pity, Luochuan will not have anything to open a branch.

What is the opening of the store? An An is stable and the demon purple smoke is in the original origin store?

If you want to buy something yourself, do you still have to take this when the boss is deliberately ran in the past?

Luochuan picks up the helmet, starting from the seat of holographic equipment, looking around.

Well, every holographic device is in the state of being used, what is going on, and the speech is basically in the bureau of the glory.

Now the origin store is also operating normally, and customers in two places can team or make a team at the same time.

Relatively speaking, customers who use other applications are quiet, they are all immersed in the virtual world, and they have nothing to talk at all.

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