God-level Store Manager

Chapter 139, your account is the same

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With the base crystal, it broke into the radiance of the sky, and Han Yog's glory ended the bureau to victory.

"Don't play, don't play, all in the afternoon."

In the role, Han Shuang refused to have an invitation to the song, he is not prepared to continue to play.

The battle in holographic equipment can not only improve their combat awareness, but also have the same effects.

Because of this, it will also have a burden on the spirit of the user.

There is only a high realm of customers to ignore this, unaffected using hologram equipment, so Luochuan is aware of the way to the song and others are so surprised.

Of course, they will definitely be in battle states, and they can sleep in the pattern of the Trial Tower, can also achieve the effect of relaxing spirit.

"You can't do it." The step away from the song shook his head. "This is long and tired. Yesterday we played a whole night."

"I know, and I also see it." Han Mo has long been aware of this matter, and also saw the blood in the eye.

When customers use holographic equipment, they build their body in the virtual world. It is a template with a realistic body, and it can be said that there is no difference.

"You are not coming? Then we will match others casually." Jiang Sheng Hao said with the mouth. "Anyway, the boss is still open in the boss."

Han Yu nodded and suddenly thought of a thing: "Yes, what is the application of the nightmare space is the image of the silver white liquid in the initial space."

"Nightmare space?" The step is coming to the pendant, "said that you didn't see the nightmare space on the magical phone?"

"No, I haven't come to see, I have just thought of this, how can I never see that the app you used?" Han Mo is very confused.

When I just used holographic equipment, he was still surprised for a long time because of various applications, and even doubted his eyes.

Cutting tutorial This thing is serious? Is there any customer special to learn food?

However, in the understanding of the specific effects of the cooking tutorial, and after taking the food in the tutorial, the idea in Han ink has been completely changed.

It is a boss, and it is really good to launch such an application!

If he didn't think that there is no food on the food, Han Mo even wanted to go to make a chef.

By the way, the walk is like a brother of the kitchen, that is, the power of the peak of the respect.

"Hey, haven't you learned?" He smiled from the song.

"Hey, it seems that I have heard of the name." Jiang Sheng Wei smiled "".

Looking at the smile on the face of the two, I don't know why Han Mo's heart is inexplicably played with an impulse to play a punch.

He looked at the two without expression: "What are you laughing?"

The steps will have a smile in just a second, it is hard to imagine that he is so short in such a short period of time.

He cleared his throat, and the look said seriously: "Nothing, I thought of happy things."

"What is happy?" Han Xiaolan eyebrows.

"My casual pattern is open to the golden legend." The step is not thinking about it.

"What are you laughing?" Han Mo looked at Jiang Sheng Wei.

Jiang Shengqi coughed two: "I have a legendary golden legend."

Han ink is silent for a few seconds: "Do you have two accounts ... Is it the same?"

"To the right to ..." nodded from the song, and couldn't help but laughed in this period.

Jiang Shengshi's reaction and steps are almost the same. After smile enough, he said: "No, we are the golden legend of the same day."

Han Mo is susperses two people, always feels some are not right, but how do you not say it?

"I ..." Han Mo is preparing to say something, suddenly heard the laughter next to it, Jiang Yunshu and Gu Yunnan have been happy.

Anyway, the glory is in the bureau, and it is in the Shufeng Pavilion, and they are directly teaming.

"You continue, continue ..." Gu Yunyi pulled the hand of the river, the face was full of smile, "I and the night will go first, don't bother you."

Jiang Youshan Zhang Zhang did not say something, but finally smiled and nodded, and waved his three people, and he left the role to choose the room.

Han Shu frowned: "This nightmare space is ..."

"You think more." The step is that the song has been completed, and the look is seriously interrupted. "The applications in the holographic equipment you have experienced felt their extraordinary place?"

Han ink nodded because it is true.

"You think about it, what you don't understand is more surprises that you can feel, and you will have a surprise that the Raiders get the Raiders." Jiang Shengjun also put forward a problem.

Han Xia wanted to think about it, and I didn't have any problems in Jiang Hao Hao.

"The nightmare space is like this, I can only say that it will bring you a very different feeling. I will not say it." The step away from the heart of the song, "This is the boss shop." Things will never let you down. "

Han Mo guess the nightmare space in the reaction of the two people should be a little special. After all, this name is obviously different from the other application.

But because of this, he couldn't help but gave birth to a strong curiosity, and it was eager to know what the nightmare space was doing - in the way of experience.

"It turned out to be like this, I know." Han Yu nodded.

In the pure white initial space, the three people's figure appeared here. The reason is very simple, the walk from the song and Jiang Shengshi said that he wants to look at Han ink to the nightmare space.

"There is difficult parameter setting in Han Mo, the nightmare space, remember all the highest, so that all the features can be found." The step is separated from Han ink.

Han Mo put his hand on the two people behind, and then the body disappeared in the original place, and the glory of the stars in the nodding is incorporated into the silver white and constantly changing the shape of the shape.

"Said, is it a bit uncomfortable?" Jiang Sheng Wang thought I would like to ask.

"I think it is very good." The step away from the song, "An anyway, there is no problem, and go outside to see how long he will be forced to exit."

Just started to play for a long time in the nightmare space, but it was so lucky, and I realized the horror of the nightmare space.

I finally got the same conclusion as everyone - who would experience this stuff!

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