God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1391 Nightmare Space First Experience

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Holographic equipment is a one-hour price, and it seems reasonable in Han ink.

Not only has the same effect, but also improve its own combat awareness, it is entirely two things.

If it is so long, the consumable spirit is afraid of a small amount.

The brain flashed in countless thoughts, and the next moment Han ink found that the environment they did happened.

Unlike the initial space of pure white sky, the nightmare space is in the eyes of the lacquer, there is no sound, and the concept of even the direction seems to have disappeared.

Ok, now Han Mo has a little regret.

The environment is impact on people's mood. Single in this strange space is inevitably felt in a weird atmosphere.

But it is still curious to occupy the upper wind, and of course, it also includes trust in the origin store. It also shows the relevant information on the light curtain in front of you.

Han ink looked at his body, surrounded by clear, but he was not affected by the slightest, it was really strange.

However, this is in the virtual world, and everything is reasonable.

Thinking of this, Han Xia quickly put his attention on the light curtain in front of him. Before he came here, he seems to heard the song and said that he wants to adjust the above value to the highest?

Han Mo took a closer look at the meaning representative of those options.

Sure enough, you can't expect his expectations, you can't understand.

Do you want to try it? Anyway, no problem.

In this way, Han ink stretched his hand on the light screen, pulled all the values ​​of all the options to the highest.

After he did this, a message prompt was popped up.

"It is expected that there will be less friendly experiences, do you confirm the current operation? "


Han Mo did not help but laugh, the heart is more curious.

There is still a prompt information, this nightmare space is a bit interesting.

Of course, the determination is selected.

Han Yo looks forward to watching four weeks, or as always, there is no change.

Just as he thinks, the darkness of the distant darkness has emerged.

It sounds like a sound of scales, but it is like a sound of mollusaving, it is quite awkward in this dark environment, and people can't help but have a related association in their minds.

And is not a single direction, which is from four sides, and over time is more and more harsh.

Han in the mouth of the mouth.

Ok, now he is a bit regret.

Unknown is always the most fearful thing, because I don't know what will happen at all.

But thinking that this is a virtual world, even if you die, you will also re-resurrect, and Han Mo has stabilized the heart.

I am not afraid of death, this is fearless.

Han Mo looked at the deep depths of the dark and found that I didn't know when there was a star of the starfish. It appeared there, it seems like a star in the night.

I don't know why, his heart suddenly gave birth to a bad feeling.

The vague contour is like the mountains like the mountains, like the body, the strange creatures, the stars, the red rays are all over the contour surface.

Beyond the roaring sound of the senses, the whole space seems to be vibrated, and the light of countless energy burst will illuminate the dark.

Through sudden appearance, Han Du finally saw the whole picture of this strange life.


This is completely unsure of the category.

The huge chaotic structure seems to float in the darkness of the mountains to the vision of Han in, which looks like countless biological and non-biological condensation.

The surface is undulating, countless unknown swirls and faces appear, dark red streams are flashing in the darkness, as if they will flow in the next second.

In Diablo and dark red blood, there seems to be the wreckage of the building covers, there are countless huge bloody eyes grow above, exude strange and crazy atmosphere.

In front of this strange organism, any creature is not in the same way, it has been fully ultra-normal, belongs to the unknown object that exists on the nightmare.

Han Yo is already in a state of stunning.

What is this ghost?

How can he meet this?

In his opinion, the nightmare space should be the application of challenge, the goal is to overcome the opponent inside.

But now ...

One of the eyes of the opponent is bigger than Qichuan this city, how do you play?

Play with the head?

Single monopoly, Han ink felt endless epilepsum and destruction desires, and founded to have no resistance.

Asked, the respect, even the legendary saints, I am afraid that there is antity in front of it.

With his current strength, there is no possibility of winning.

And it seems to be because of the virtual world, Han Mo's hidden can feel that this is only the surface form of this chaotic organism.

In the deeper darkness, countless objects that are outside human understandings are hidden there, extending the four sides.

Han Mo always felt that there was an inexplicable feeling in front of the scene, and it seems to have seen the same.

With the same dream, the slumber is swept like a mountain range, and Han ink clearly saw the mucus covered by the tentacles, the bones and various strange limbs.

In an instant that died, Han Yo finally thought of the source of familiarity.

When he had done a nightmare, it was a scene when he had been a nightmare. At that time, it was a long time. However, over time has gradually been forgotten.

I didn't expect this nightmare space to help him put it early.

"Nightmare space, nightmare space ..."

The figure of Han ink appeared in the absence of a lot of death, and he looked at the strange organisms of the whole space, whisper muttered.

Han ink feels that he should understand the specific function of this application of nightmare space.

As with its name, the fear of the players is now in front of it.

No wonder, just stepped into songs and Jiang Shengwei will be like that, it seems to be this reason.

Han Mo quickly guessed the reason of the matter.

I understand it, but I want to overcome fear, the difficulty is not general.

Han Yu looked up, a group did not know what the liquid formed by the condense is like a day, and he shrouded him in an instant.

Han Mo resurrected again, and the look was difficult to see a few times. He felt that his belly seems to be in the sea, the extreme bloody breathing seems to be echoed in the nose ...

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