God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1396 The food is originally

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"Ah, how can I lose?" Looking at the black chess of the board of the board, the demon purple moon was lamented.

"I can't do this, I haven't won once." Qing smiled and shook his head.

After these consensus, she is almost a matter of understanding of the level of erase.

How do you say it?

"Come again, I will win next time!" The demon is not losing, staring at the eyes of the green.

"How many times will you come again." The green is a little helpless, "I feel that I should look at the tutorial video on the magical phone."

Also in love, I love to play again, the demon is now in the heart of the green, it is like this.

"The tutorial is not interesting, only in actual combat can effectively improve your strength." The demon has his own theory, shaking the arms of the green, "the green sister, come back one game."

"It's good." The servant is in the face of the demon purple month.

In the kitchen of Snow Fengge, the tempting aroma is full, and it will be slightly dropped.

The fragrance also floated in the outside hallway, and the waiter passed by could not help but stopped, and whispered.

"Good fragrance, who is food in it?"

"The boss and demon salami of the origin store, mainly the demon purple smoke, the boss seems to be stealing."

"Is that called to eat? Do yourself for yourself, what is wrong?"

"I didn't expect that these big people will actually do things, the most important thing I have done so delicious!"

"You don't have a magical mobile phone, the legendary kitchen has opened a restaurant next to the origin store, that is, it is a practitioner of the peak."

"No, I can't stay here, I have to eat ..."

Luochuan, of course, told the audience outside, but did not care, anyway, it will definitely give them to eat, and he will be good.

"Completed." The demon salastic smoke put the food in the pot to the plate.

Luochuan took carefully and looked at it, determined that he really didn't see the wrong - food in the glow, stars and spots, like the star of the night sky.

The so-called cuisine that does not shine is not good ...

The ingredients of many of the Tianshun continent have an extremely unique performance, which will be just one of them, so the food that uses them will be lighter is not a rare thing.

The energy contained in the food itself has been transformed in the process of the cuisine. In addition to increasing the delicious extent, it also eliminates the restrictions of edible, even if ordinary people can eat without any scruples.

"Will glow." Just understand that these Luochuan still can't help but sigh.

This can be a premium chef using legendary kitchenware to make the effect, so it is directly in front of him.

"How do you still look surprised?" The demon purple smoke is very confused about Luochuan, "I am doing this in the origin store."

Luochuan coughed a few times, and the thoughts who did not know where to fly: "It mainly thought of some other things."

The demon purple smoke "Oh", I will no longer pay attention to this matter, I took a pair of chopsticks and handed it to Luochuan: "How is the boss you taste?"

For a chef, the most accomplished thing is that others have a affirmation of others' food.

The soil is naturally the same.

For her, I looked at Luochuan like something I did, it is undoubtedly a very happy thing.

Luochuan passed the chopsticks and puts the attention in front of you will shine.

This is a vegetarian, the main ingredients are several kinds of demonics, and the process of making it is more cumbersome, and the cooking is included.

Luochuan has even seen a demon purple smoke to take a drug Ding. Some of the souls will be thrown into the way.

It is not ordinary in the ingredients, even if it is so tossing that the demon purple smoke has no loss of nutrition.

Finally cut a small piece of size, stir fry in the pot, and it is very big.

With the transpirated water fog, extremely rich and fragrant breath, it will give people a feeling of refreshing.

Luochuan has a fine taste with chopsticks.

Sweet, crunchy, like eating fruit, in addition to this, can feel the taste of other demonstrations is perfectly integrated together.

"Good to eat." In the face of the eyes of the demon purple cigarette, Luochuan nodded gave a evaluation.

"That's good." The demon purple smoke revealed.

"But the words come back ..." Luochuan's eyes fell on the cuisine next to it. "Do you have to eat so much?"

"You can do it." The demon purple smoke is sure to nod, "the appetite of purple moon is very large, and the appetite of the green is not small, I think maybe it is not enough."

Luochuan thought about it: "Um ... forget it, you look at it, in additional purple smoke, do you say that two will be a bit less suitable?"

"Nothing, they will not care." The demon purple smile.

"Where is the dinner? Or is it in the hall?" Luochuan asked the advice of the demon purple smoke.

During this point of time, the takeaway is basically delivered by the waiter, and then eats in the hall, noisy is very atmosphere.

"Of course, it is a big room, and I chose the room." The demon smoke gives the answer.

Each room in Xuefeng Pione is quite big.

Of course, Luochuan is just thinking in his heart and has not said.

The kitchen and accommodation are connected through the corridor. It is not far from the distance. The demon purple smoke is still nothing to do in the magical phone and the demon purple.

"Do something is done, go to my room, I haven't been there." "

Originally the demon purple moon is still immersed in the frustration of a few fiasco. After seeing the news, he suddenly returned to the spirit, and directly pulled the greens directly: "Go away, my sister let us have dinner!"

"You don't want to win?" The green and jealously asked.

"After eating, I said, anyway, I am not rushing to this time?" The reason why the demon purple is very.

The green kitte is a good thing (in fact, it is to put the items such as the chess and cards into the space ring), prepare and demon purple moon, ready to pick up the dinner made of demon purple smoke, see her such days Did not fall in the kitchen cooking.

"Hey, what are you going?" Irina noticed two people who were preparing to leave the hall.

She didn't have a habit of three meals a day. As a water element, I'm eating something can be available - anything I can't taste anyway.

The goods in the originator are not within this range.

"Eating." The demon purple moon stopped his footsteps.

"Oh." Irealina lost interest.

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