God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1397 is the most important

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Irea is looking away, and suddenly stopped "foot".

She missed the place where it was not placed.

The demon purple and green

Do they want to cook in the kitchen?

Nothing, there is no possibility, after all, the kitchen of the Snow Fengge is public, the facilities inside, and also include all kinds of ignites.

These days from Snow Fengge, many customers experience the process of cooking in the kitchen.

Although Irena is not very interested in eating, it is very interested in cooking.

And the business hours of the origin store is also over. Now I still find someone to play glory.

The most critical is ... I am not idle, it is better to find something.

"Do you want to cook?" Inena tail swing slightly, curiously keeping up with two people.

"Cooking ..." The demon is so moon can't help but stop, but I pointed to myself. "Do you think I will cook?"

Inena thought carefully, then nodded carefully.

The demon purple month:?

Inena's next discourse has answered the doubts in the demon purple heart: "I feel very good last time, I feel very good, the taste is very good."

She still remembers the barbecue that has just been to the Snow Fengge, the demon purple moon also gave her a few strings.

The expression on the Miyu Face is a few seconds: "Is it just a taste?"

"You also know that the sea demon can't taste the taste of food." Inenena tail is the ground, "Well, except the things in the boss shop."

The demon purple is sigh: "Well, I will know that this topic is here, in fact, we are going to have dinner."

"Don't you do it yourself?" Inena asked curiously.

"My sister and boss are ready, and I can eat it directly in the past." The demon is auspeted.

Inea nodded and was obviously excited: "I also want to go!"

After all, there is nothing now, even if it is here, it is just a daze and watching the magic mobile phone, it is better to follow the demon purple month.

"Okay." The demon purple is directly nodded.

The food of the sea demon does not have an accurate range. Things to eat in their words will eventually be converted into water elements, and the main reasons for Inenena followed the main reason.

Even if you really don't eat enough, do you do more? It is not a trouble.

Luochuan and demon purple smoke have a food to her room - the next door to the room living in Luochuan.

Entering the room, it is easy to smell a touch of sweetness, as for what is decorated in the room, and there is not much difference with Luochuan.

But then, although the two people lived in a wall, Luochuan is still coming in.

Put something on the table, Luochuan touched the magical phone and started a landlord.

This is definitely the choice for the treatment time.

After approximately a minute, when Luochuan's landlord came to an end, the door was ringing.

"It's coming." The demon purple smoke should take down the magical phone to start the door.

The demon is just walking into the room, can't help but take a deep breath: "Good fragrance, what do you done today?"

The demon purple smoke began to say the name of the dishes.

However, I said that I was interrupted by the greens who were followed by: "Stop stop, this name has not heard of it, even if we don't know what it is."

"Well, it's right." Inena nodded.

In the noisy, the three came in with the demon purple smoke, and he didn't forget Luochuan who was in a salted fish in the sofa.

"Wow, I actually did so much delicious!" The demon purple moon will pay attention to the food on the table, and the eyes seem to be shiny.

"Is it not worthy of you?" The green is surprised. "This taste I feel much better than Yuan Gui Xiandian."

It is also a frequent visitor of Yuan Gui Xiaodian. Basically, I have to solve my own food problems every day.

In fact, as a respect, even if you don't eat things, you can live well, and your body doesn't have any problems under the nourishing of spiritual power.

After all, the end of the food is to get energy from the food, and the spiritual power is naturally energy, but it has saved the process of eating.

But just like just that the demon purple moon said, who will be willing to starve?

Moreover, she eats food is not to obtain energy contained in food, and the process of eating is the most important.

For the sigh of the green, the demon purple smoke is only laughing, and there is nothing. Her character is so this, rarely take the initiative to compare others.

As for the previous pull of Luochuan to Yuan Gui Xiaoyan to understand Yuan Gui's cooking is completely interest, just want to see how big the gap between the kitchen in the rumors.

It turns out that she has surpassed the legendary kitchen in some respects.

Of course, the demon purple smoke is just a smile, and she is not intended, she is just curious, so I want to find an answer.

"I was hungry, I dinked." The demon purple moon can't wait to sit on the chair next to the table.

"Wash your hands?" The demon purple smoke asked.

"I asked the monsters of the realm. What is the difference between washing?" The demon purple moon.

Although it is said, she can only vent the dissatisfaction in this way.

Inena took a small water ball with a small water ball, and floated to the front of the demon purple, and the latter will go in.

"Wash it." The demon wiped his hands and then wiped his clothes in his clothes.

"You are also a girl, can you pay attention to the image?" The demon purple smoke watched the demon purple moon, and sighed.

"Anyway, there is no outsider here ..." The demon is not very concerned about this, I have picked up chopsticks, "I am welcome."

The space in each room in Xuefeng is very sufficient, and the table is quite big - Xu is a scene that has already taken into consideration.

Luochuan is casually sitting down, then washing hands with Elena changed the water ball, which picked up a tableware in front of it.

Clean the blocks in front of the plate, which exudes a bright flash, put it in the mouth.

The slight spicy, the oral cavity has passed the feeling of crushing, which is difficult to describe the specific speech.

The taste is still a familiar taste, and it is because he is involved in the production, it seems to be a bit better than before.

Luochuan also knows that this ten eight nine is his illusion.

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