God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1398 Wilderness

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"How?" The demon purple smoke paid attention to the changing changes in Luochuan.

"It is quite delicious, it is a bit strange." Luochuan gathered, gave evaluation.

Now he still feels a little paralysis in his mouth, just like it is much more, the tongue is not like it.

Luochuan's eyes were in front of themselves - continued to have a fine flash from above, detailed, and those flashing is a numerous micro arc.

"Well, I seem to know the reason why it is strange." Luochuan was soft and sighed.

"This is the effect of ingredients itself, Jiuyi thunder, it seems to be called this name, usually grows at the bottom of the valley that enriches the Thunder." The demon purple smoke introduces the main ingredients.

"I have never heard of it." The demon purple shook his head.

"I have never heard of it." Inena attached.

The green jean is sucking a cold, looking at the food in the plate: "Jiuyi thunder? This kind of demon is not to disappear in the Tianli continent when you are in the ancient times?"

She also saw a record on Jiuxing in the chance in ancient book, and I left a very deep impression at the time, so the demon purple smoke mentioned quickly.

"I took it in the kitchen in the origin store." The demon purple smiles, "Don't you enter the kitchen? What should I impress it?"

It is a bit impression that it is impressive.

The green kitty is also clearly remembers the environment of the second floor of the originator, a variety of rare weird supplies, which actually also include time flow rate.

This is not the most important, those all kinds of ingredients placed on the side have refreshed the cognition of the blue kitty.

There are all kinds of hierarchy in the heavens and earth, and only a small part of her know, more is the strange thing that I have never seen.

"Amount, this is said." The green smile was helpless.

It is not elsewhere in addition to the origin store, even if the drugs of the Money Valley is not willing to do.

"Eating, eat." The demon has already eaten meals at this time, and there is no trick at all.

Inena took out the magical mobile phone, and when I gave it from time to time, I sent it in imported, and I was completely in the content displayed by the magical phone.

She followed the purpose mainly in order to make fun, as for the taste of food, it is not very important to her.

"Don't say it." Looking at the beautiful purple smoke of the demon purple mad smile, "Let's eat, how do you taste what I do?"

"Is this trying to taste? Obvious things." The green kitte is sitting on the opposite "demon purple smoke," I actually didn't find that you still have this talent. "

"" Cooking? "The demon purple smile," In fact, it will occasionally do itself, but you don't know. "

It is a bit embarrassing: "If I know, I will definitely make you a good time every day."

The demon purple smoke: "... It seems that I didn't let you know that it is correct."

Luochuan didn't speak very much, he took out the magical mobile phone, opened a live broadcast, and started to watch it in an interest.

There is a voice from the magical phone.

"... so cold, it seems that today we should not find any prey, but in such a cold environment is very dangerous, it is easy to make your body's temperature is too low, even when it is serious. It will also be dangerous to life. "

When the youth is always broadcast, the image has changed the earth-shaking change, and the body wearing a simple dress with animal fur, and the face is full of vicissitudes left by the environment.

The most important thing is that there is still a very special temperament, which is something that lives for a long time in the unmanned wilderness.

The youth followed the magical mobile phone floating in the half-air, and it was deeply passionate in the jungle, foot and his words were quite awkward in this quiet environment.

The thick clouds obscured the night sky, barely able to see the environment in the snow, the surrounding trees, so like silent giants stationed quietly.

The youth gasped a few mouthfuls, and the white mist came out from his mouth.

He looked up to the darkness of the dark, smiled and sighed: "Although there is no snow today, the black cloud has not been dispersed, and it can't rely on the stars to distinguish the direction."

The youth recovered the eyes, four times, seemed to find something, the eyes suddenly lit, ran in front of the past, and the snow could not hinder his pace.

Soon, youth stopped before a decay tree.

Hold your fist, not always hammered a punch on the trunk, which clearly leaving the print.

The screen of the magical phone is up to have floated many barcings.

"This time is true. "

"What did you find in front of this tree? "

"I am eating, I have begun to look forward to the next scene. "

"No, brothers I will withdraw ..."

Youth looked at the eyeball message, just laughed, he was used to this, and then the current situation was started.

"Everyone also saw it, this dead wood is already in a semi-decayed state, so there should be something we want to find, and can supplement the energy needed."

To speaking, you don't know where to touched a big machete and cut it directly toward the runts of the dead trees.

The strength of the cultivator is naturally super-ordinary people. Don't mention the cultivators of youth or the realm of the gods.

Just cutting a few knives, the trees fell into a thick snow, and the other trees around them were trembled, and countless white snowfalls were dropped.

The youth squatted on the ground, and used a machete to find a few times in the trees, so soon found the things he wanted - a white fat big worm.

"I have already guess it. "

"I am new, have anyone explains what the situation is this? "

"newcomer? Good habits, remember to have dinner before watching. "

"Still being moving! See it, the thing is still moving ... "

The youth is in the hands of the bugs. It is about the thumb size, like a kind of insect larvae, and the fumes are white and fat, and it should be hibernating in the dead wood.

I have been suddenly overhanching in the youth, and it is struggling when I am in this cold environment. - But there is no effect.

Most customers who watch live broadcast have already expected its next fate.

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