God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1399 What to see when you eat?

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"If you see it, this is the larvae of the black, white fat, it seems to be particularly delicious."

Young people swayed their "dinner" in front of the magical phone, and the magical mobile phone also came to a close-up.

Anyway, it is very dinner.

"I seem to have said that I have said that black grain is the most widely distributed insectic class in the mountains, and there is nothing dangerous. The difficulty of capture is not high. It is the best food source in the critical moment."

Youth I don't know where to figure out a empty bottle, I will lose the larval that keeps twist.

"It is very obvious that it is now a critical moment, now it is definitely more than one, now I need to do it, you will prepare a rich 'dinner."

After the words were finished, the youth was squatted by the dead wood and took a machete to start busy.

The demon purple moon will send a snack to the import, and the face shows the satisfaction look, or if it is embarrassed, she wants to eat rice every day.

However, think about the Yuan Gui Xiaoshi store is also good, and the cooking and demon purple smoke is not inferior.

The demon purple cheeks drums, the heart is thinking, picking up your favorite cuisine on the table.

Suddenly I noticed Luochuan, who was watching live, suddenly came.

"What are you watching you?" The demon is curious about the past.

"Wilderness is survive." Luochuan answered with the mouth, tilting the magical phone to the demon purple moon, letting her see the screen displayed on the screen.

The youth is now performing how to eat the tutorial of blacklita.

"... First, we have to smash its head, squeeze out the viscera in the belly, because the internal organs will have bitter tastes, the fluffy fluff is best to clean, if it is enough and patience is better, You can turn the remaining body from the inner, then remove the remaining things in the snow. "

Young people do demonstrations, showing the larvae after the magical phone, and the original white fat bugs have disappeared, and it is a piece of granules like a milk sugar.

"Now, this is almost the same. Under the role of ice and snow, it will condense into a block. It will be better in the taste. Direct it can be eaten ... Well, the taste is indeed the same as I have eaten before. , Very chewy, sweet, and a faint milk, I suggest that everyone try it. "

"Don't say it, I have packed the baggage to prepare to go to the wilderness. "

"Mom, see others to eat insects, I am hungry." "

"I am new, is this a live broadcast of food? "

"calm! You are calm! Think about what it is ... "

When the screen is up, there are a lot of barcings, and each customer who watches lives expresses its own ideas.

The demon walkedly looked at the live broadcast of the magical mobile phone screen. After a few seconds, he reacted it. He felt the food in the mouth and looked at Luochuan: "Boss, when you eat Look at this? "

What did she see?

The man actually teaches the larvae of others, and still eat!

Only the lowest grade is like this hobby, and their monsters have never doing this.

I saw such a few eyes in single, and the demon purple felt that her appetite disappeared.

No, the more I want it, the more uncomfortable, the picture seems to be deeply imprisoned in my mind, and you can't wait.

"The boss is still watching the live broadcast of the people who teach others in the forest?" The demon purple smile asked.

"It feels very interesting." Luochuan said not to repour.

"It can't see it when you eat." The demon is like Luochuan's behavior. "I saw two eyes, and the appetite disappeared."

"Oh, what?" Irea gave a position, curiously came over and looked at the magic mobile phone in the hands of Luochuan. "Wow, what is this person caught so many worms is ready to do?"

"I won't tell you that he is preparing to be on dinner." The demon drunk fruit porridge.

Inena: ......

"What are you talking about?" The green looks in front of it, she can't understand the discussion they talk.

The demon purple and coughing: "You still don't know how to know the green sister."

"The secret of God is telling me." The Qing Raise the advice of the demon purple month, still insists on his own ideas.

The demon purple moon sighed, three words summarized, and quickly drunk a few refreshing fruit porridge, it feels very comfortable.

The reaction of the green alt is a little unexpected, she smiled: "Is this?"

"Green sister ... You don't seem to have any reaction?" This time is curious about the lasmoon.

"I will look at this live broadcast when I usually go, I am very interesting." The green kick eats the dishes.

The demon purple is settled to look for a few seconds, and then start silently to eat, no, can't talk.

Luochuan has been in hand, and the live broadcast will take the magical mobile phone into the pocket. Now you will eat first. After all, he and the demon purple smoke have been busy for this dinner.

When you live a live broadcast, and you can't finish it when you collect the efficiency of your youth's ingredients.

The most important thing is to eat now.

The hearts of Luochuan are now only meals.

"Right, the boss did you bring the junchi to the time last night, didn't you catch a personal? Now, where is he?" The demon is a topic of the new discussion.

As for the live broadcast, I have been selectively throwing my brain, I don't want to remember.

"He, now there is still the space before." Luochuan said casually, "Don't worry, even if he is a saint, you can't run out."

"Saints ..." The demon is like a moon. She inexplicably thought of the ancestral tree that is already in the origin store, which is the world tree in Luochuankou.

As a new generation of monster royalty, she and the demon purple smoke are similar to the world tree, they are heard from the book and those who have been heard in the monsters of the old generation.

Anyway, it is very powerful, especially very powerful.

If the world's trees succeed in the Tianzhu continent, they have the rise of the monsters to rise - it is not weak, so many people, and there is a super-specific combat power of the demon emperor.

The last result is what everyone knows. If Luochuan is just in the past, I am afraid that most of the Tianzhu mainland will be probably by Huoho.

A world tree that is absent from the abyss erosion, plus the almost endless derivative trend in the remains, and at least the wisdom ethnicity of the Tianyi continent can be blocked.

But then, this is also a monster royal to conquer the world in another way?

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