God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1400's status of the world tree

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According to the information that Luochuan's currently known, planing the seafood of the sea is outside the sea demon, the Tianyi mainland should only have the power of the Saints in the world.

To achieve the realm of saints, you can control the power of the rules for a greater level.

According to the description in many novels, it seems to be called the heavens and people, and Luochuan is a bit not clear.

Anyway, it is very powerful, and a group of respect will not see a saint.

And a world tree that is affected by the abyss erosion, the strength that can be played is definitely beyond normal, and it can be said that it will affect the world.

The special things of the abyss are self-evident, not only can erode life, but even the material of life will be affected by the abyss.

When the abyss comes, the information of the various world underlying will fall into a chaotic state, and life is falling into crazy.

If there is no strong power in the world to resist the abyss, the whole world will be destroyed under the abyss, eventually returning to endless void.

At that time, the superior ruins of the Samu Royal Summon came to this world, the sea demon is still in the edge of the group, even if you know, you can't help it.

Therefore, if there is a lot of Luochuan, the great probability will ushered in the Tiangui continent - if there is no special case.

Of course, special circumstances must exist.

Although Luochuan did not deliberately understand the history of Tianyi mainland, there is more or less guess for this world.

According to the topic of those customers talking on the magical mobile phone, as well as the abilities and demon purple smoke and acquaintance, Luochuan also learned a lot of news.

The Tianzhu mainland in the emperor is far more than now, and each strong race is in this prosperity, and the inheritance continues.

Then the catastrophe came.

Regarding this section, there is no detailed record. Even if there is any mention in ancient books, it is only a few words.

It is definitely no mistake caused by the abyss.

I don't know how the detailed process, the ultimate catastrophe, the Tianyi mainland has entered a new episode, and the history has also gradually abused in the long river of the years over time.

Only those great forces are now a bit aware of this.

As for the ordinary Zongmen Dynasty, ordinary people, and other smart races, basically use it as a legendary legend that circulates in this world.

"The world tree in the realm of the saints, now actually go to the boss shop as green." Mentioning this topic, the green kitter can't help but feel a sentence.

"This is the will of the ancestors, we have no intervention." The demon purple smoke is used to this matter.

In addition to the reason for the world's identity, the demon purple smoke is now able to give the world tree.

It is not the difference between the identity and strength of the world tree, and there is no difference between normal potting plants.

As for the information about the world tree, the information on the world trees, it has been completely forgotten by her.

Imagine and reality do not seem to be similar.

It couldn't help but look at Luochuan.

Luochuan is eating something, paying attention to the eyes of the green name: "It is nothing to do with me, the world tree wants to stay in the origin store."

There is no forced means in Luochuan, everything is the decision of the world tree.

As far as it is, the world trees should have become accustomed to the life of the origin store.

Every day, no matter what, quietly stay in the corner, silently sunning.

The place where Luochuan is placed to the world is to take sunshine, which is also his consideration of the world tree as plants.

In fact, Lu Luchuan also knows that the world trees have the strength of the saints, and there is no difference between the sun.

But every world tree has the right to bathe in the sun.

As the boss of the origin store, Luochuan will never clock the welfare of our employees.

It's been so long, the world tree in Luochuan, in fact, it has already become the employee of the origin store.

Half of tiger.

Small black balls and Chi Meira are pets, not in the category of employees.

As for the demon purple smoke, although the position given by the system is still a clerk, this is not too big to refer to.

"Is this?" The demon is like a jealousy, and it has been put it in the mouth, and asked curiously. "What is this, sweet and crunchy, similar to fruit."

"I won the buds from the ancestors of the ancestors." The demon purple smoke has put it in the mouth. "Sweet taste is not high, perhaps, you should add some honey in the process of the cuisine."

Miyue: ......

After it, my sister and the boss have been for a long time, and now I have been influenced by the boss.

That's the world tree, the ancestors of the monster royal family, now become a sister's ingredients, isn't it a leaf all day?

The demon purple moon again, chewing a few times ... delicious is really delicious.

She saw the world tree when she was in the past, and she took root above the dark plain, I hope that I am looking at the world.

Magnificent, shocking people.

So big world trees, will pick it up so that there should be no impact?

This is only one plate.

Thinking of this, the demon purple heart is eaten.

"What are you talking about?" The green bume, then looked at the food on the chopsticks, just she felt that there was an inexplicable familiarity, "What is this thing?"

"I picked up from the ancestors of the ancestors, that is, the world tree in your mouth." The demon purple smile.

Looking at the appearance of the demon purple smoke, the green bike didn't know what to say, the spit of the stomach is in the mouth.

Hello, what is the right expression?

That is the world tree of your monster royal family, how do you feel that you are not serious about us?

And how do you say that the world tree is also a saint?

Even because of the abyss erosion, you have to restore your own in the origin store - well, it is actually a potted plant.

But the world tree is a saints!

What is the food supplier now become ingredients? I don't think I feel away.

Looking at the gods of the green, Luochuan mood did not wave, and even a little scared.

After a while, I wanted for a while, and the blue god had returned to God.

She was sighful, and her face showed a helpless smile: "It seems that there are many things that you want to be familiar with you."

"You have no eaten sister, you have no longer eat." The demon purple reminded.

"Wait, give me a point." The green bike has disappeared in a short food in such a short time.

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