God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1401, Master, Master, no regrets

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Jiuze City.

The snow has stopped, the buildings in the city and the thick layer of snow are stacked, and the color of the white is full.

The windows of many houses have a fluoric light, and the residents in the city are enjoying the time that is about to end.

At this time, it is already a late evening, and the temperature is significantly reduced during the day, although there is no wind, it is not very comfortable outside.

But even so, a lot of Jiucheng residents have gathered on the streets.

There is no much discussion, all gather, look at the crystal display panel in the building wall.

The picture is being played, and the voice of the host word is rumored in the entire street under the action of the amplification array.

"... According to the report, the current empire is currently in a chaotic state, the main reason may be because the emperor of Chen Yan is causing the corruption of the aristocratic clearing. Your Majesty has given a clear statement, according to the Treaty signed by the two countries. If the Fire Empires will give a certain degree of assistance, we will make a solid foundation for the development of the two countries ... "

Listening to the latest news introduced by the host, the words whispered to the words of the low voice convergence.

"Fire Empire? Is this the country we are on the side of our star empire?"

"I heard that the emperor of Chen Yan is also an old customer of the origin store, often coming here."

"What's wrong with this? The nobles of the fire empire prepare for the rebellion? However, their strength should not beaten."

"As far as I heard, the emperor of Chen Yan seems to be crazy, the corruption is not let go ..."

Because the origin store is situated in this, the Empire of the Star Empire is now a true fish dragon mix.

In addition to some local residents, the rest is almost all from all parts of Tianyi mainland, and it is nothing else to buy goods from the origin store.

It is not exaggerated that it is a very small probabilistic probability that walks in the street is a core member of a large family.

Under this premise, some news is a good news, knowing the status quo of the fire Yuan empire is not a surprise thing, and the magical mobile phone is self-evident in the information transfer.

Interested these people have a friend of someone to stay in the fire empire, then happen to understand the inner feelings, so tell him the news.

The host naturally can't hear the discussion of this matter. After explaining this news, the next news broadcast was quickly carried out.

"As of now, the transportation network plan has initially completed the previous preparation. According to the plan, Jiucheng will become the center of the entire transportation network, in this way, all cities of the Star Empire, due to the preparation of the preparation in advance, the time to implement the implementation time in advance After several days, I started to start in Jiuze ... "

Huangcheng, Ji no regrets holding a magical mobile phone, half-lying on a soft seat is bored and looked at.

He had eaten dinner early, and now it is a rest.

Because of the more early dinner, it will definitely be late.

During this time, there is no regrets, and all kinds of things are basically pro-person, and Rao is a bit of strength to ask the strength of the peak.

It is good to have been busy with such a few days, and the preparations for the early stage have been completed, and the rest is specific.

These things let the people under the hand, they only need to look at it occasionally, or let the white old age, you can finally be a handkerchief.

"I now finally understand why the boss is not very much every day, it is too much trouble." Ji no regrets drank the tea, I couldn't help but feel a sentence.

White is a laugh, my heart said that you have recently said that there is a lot of time, but the smile on the face is not too big, but I have nodded: "It is really trouble."

Ji No regrets are ready to plan, and the white is nature is not idle. Everything that is basically no regrets has his participation.

White old and even feel that he is a housekeeper who is no regrets.

However, it is so long, he has been used to this, if it really happens, it will feel uncomfortable.

"Right, I heard that the boss will almost gave Qichuan, and I thought about Luochuan no regrets.

"I almost got Qichuan ..." It's no longer talking about it, I have no mistakes, and I have been summarized about things. "It's really like this."

"What kind of specifically, tell me." Ji no regrets are very curious.

He is not worried, very confident that Luochuan, the origin store began to open in Jiuwei to this time, others do not say, Ji no regrets are absolutely tough.

"Simply, the boss has painted a mailing inscription, then thus triggered a spiritual storm, and did not have to scattered with the boss at the beginning." White is briefly explained.

Ji no regrets will be nearly one minute, digest the large amount of information contained in the white old words, and then take a bottle of Sprite from the space ring, directly drinking a short, and suddenly the god is cool.

He put the snow and organized the language in his heart: "You are sure is a separate array inscription, not a complete array?"

As the emperor of the Star Empire, I asked the peak practitioner, I did no regrets for the array of naturally involved, although it is certainly more than the group of people who don't go to the sky, but it is also much more powerful than the practice of the unusual quote. .

A single array inscription can produce a spiritual storm? To tell the truth, this issue is a bit of knowledge blind spots who have no regrets.

According to his understanding of the array, the single array of inscriptions will produce weak effects, only the number of sufficient array inscriptions constitute a mailing method, so that significant functions can be obtained.

Just like the overstead of nine city.

There is no longer long time in Jiuze City, in addition to the feature of protection, while also assumes a range of functions such as energy transmission, integrated heating.

These are achieved by countless integrated array inscriptions.

Even if the Master of the Heavenly Machine Pavilion came, it would only be able to conclude that the same conclusions were not regretted.

"Of course, I still have a photo. Do you want to see?" Bai Lao also took out the magical mobile phone and found the information of summer Yuta to him.

Ji no regrets are curious, carefully view the content of the magical phone - mainly the photos taken from each angle.

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