God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1406 is so angry?

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"What is going on?" Asked in the demon purple smoke.

"I don't know." Luochuan is boothing, "there is no matter what happens anyway, basically look at the magical phone and use holographic equipment."

Now, I am outside, and he doesn't want to take a picture of the movie plot, wait until the weather is good or said during the day.

"This way, if the boss wants to play cards?" Inena shook his hand in Luochuan.

"Do you have three people?" Luochuan has some doubts.

Three of the landlord is enough. Do they have developed four people's card games?

"The purple moon is too dish, and it will be seen next to it." Inena said.

The demon purple moon: "..."

Speaking, how to talk to her?

"What happened, can you play games? Do you dare to say that when you start to play?" The demon purple drums.

"The key is that your current level is still nothing difference and just starting to play." Alina said with the mouth.

When the demon purple moon, I widened my eyes. I didn't know what to say in a time. I can only go to the demon purple smoke.

"You will play it." Luochuan's face couldn't help but show a smile, "I will go first."

"Oh, the boss is goodbye." Inenena waved his hand with Luochuan.

The demon purple smoke nodded against Luochuan, and packed up the cards scattered in bed: "Is the purple moon continue to play?"

"Of course, I don't believe it, I can't win once." Losing so many times, the demon purple moon is still not convinced, take out a pack of potato chips.

"Branch volume." Inenena couldn't help but began to urge it.

"I don't put my bed." The demon purple smoke can't stand it.

"How can it be, even if it is dirty, it is not a small spell. In addition, Inena is very good at washing things." The demon is not intended to just now.

For the words of the demon purple, Irea nodded extremely.

The demon purple smoke can't help but think of the way I Inena gives it to the sea demon storage item, the expression has become somewhat subtle: "said, how is your washing?"

"Just as I just condensed with a small water ball, or put it directly into the body." Inena answered the problem of demon purple smoke.

"I know." The demon salastic smoke could not help but ahead, and she did not want to continue to spit with this group of salt water.

The sound in the room was faintly passed to the ears of Luochuan. He stretched a lazy waist, and then left the demon salary room.

The warm light puts the corridor, quiet, Luochuan thought, wanted to come to the side of his room, push the door to go in.

Forget it, I will go to the lobby and the customers to conduct glory to the bureau.

Let's take a look at the black robe that is thrown into the system space.

It is actually how long it is calculated carefully, and you will lose him in the distance.

Luochuan sits on the sofa, first give yourself a cup of tea, enter the system space.

The soul lock feels that he is going crazy.

If it is not the effect of a stable spirit, he is really a crazy.

The weird space, there is no possible possible possible, and there is no sound, there is no direction, nothing.

Only endless virtual and ninger are full of endlessness.

While god, the gift of God brings him to strong power, but also has a negative impact on his spirit and body.

The most obvious manifestation is that the body is present, and the character is extremely irritating.

The change in the body does not have much impact, but in turn enhances the ability to fight against fighting, distortion limbs and twisted proliferation organs have strong combat capabilities.

As for mental changes, when it is usually in contact with God, plus it can vent it through its own way, so there will be no problem.

But in this weird space, contact with the gods, and even the way of venting disappears.

The soul lock feels that he can support it now, it is still a miracle.

Ok, miracle is this item called "Source Snow".

But this is not important.

The soul lock looked at the jar of the empty empty, and lost it to his mouth, and he took a few mouthfuls.

The body's alienation is not only on the appearance, but also the same.

Don't say the bottle, even if you eat the soil, he can fully digest.

But there is no soil here.

When the soul is thinking about her spirit, how long is it, and the space in the distance suddenly appears a whirlpool.

The soul is coming to the spirit.

I don't know what item will be.

Important factors that can support him to now are those that begin with "origin".

However, this soul lock saw the figure that I wanted to see - the young person who lost him here!

It is still an ordinary person's dress, there is no slight energy at the body, and I can't help but hurt when I came out of the spatial vortex.

From the appearance, there is no contact with the nobles in the rumors.

But the soul lock understands that this may have reached the realm of returning to the true, only this attitude will only have this attitude.

Don't care about all things, because everything is in their control.

Taking the sky is a chessboard, all beings are chess, and they are players.

It is worth the existence that is comparable to God.

In the moment of seeing Luochuan, the heart of the soul has turned many messy thoughts.

The final rich anger occupies the upper wind.

How is the player who is playing with God?

The soul lock has been completely obstructed.

Even if the other party is powerful, there is no possibility of winning, but he does not want to consider so much.

It's not too late.

Since accepted the gift of God, the soul lock knew that he would have to have such a day, but he didn't expect to come so fast.

His mouth made a mist of vocal voice, the rich black fog of the sea is like the giant beast that swallowed the world, and went to the front of Luochuan.

After Luochuan came to the system space, Luochuan was still thinking about what he was in his heart. people.

Luochuan is a bit unclear now.

Just just throw you in the system space for less than a day, is it so angry?

From this shot, it is obvious that the same is the same.

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