God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1413 Digging the wall

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For the words of Inena, Luochuan actually found the place where the slightest refutation.

Because the truth is indeed, she said.

"The boss prepares to start shooting in the afternoon, so there is nothing in the morning, is there anyone to play?" The demon purple smoke looks a bit wrong, and it is busy.

"Tall the card? Ok," the demon is nodded.

"When I played a night yesterday, don't you feel greasy?" Inena asked some doubts, even if you live in the harmonic of the city of the sea, I would not be so played.

"I feel very interesting." The demon purples grabbed the deep purple hair of the chest to the chest, "Is Alina come?"

Elena shook his head while the tail was also shaken: "Forget it, I want to go to the hot springs."

"Hey, in the morning, the hot spring?" The demon purple look surprised.

"What happened, is there any problem?" Inena asked.

"Amount, there is nothing, it is a bit strange." The demon is laughing, sitting directly next to the demon purple smoke, "come, play cards."

The demon purple smoke has taken the card from the space ring.

All in all, it is a noisy, busy and full morning.

After lunch, the customers gathered in the hall and waited for Luochuan to go to the task.

In fact, it is actually a few people who are actually involved in shooting, and others have passed together.

As for it, I don't want to make fun, then there is no difference with the holiday.

It's almost like this.

Summer Yu has completely adapted to his "field" work, Luochuan feels that Ji no regrets him follow himself.

And when the banner of the Guard, it is a little dilling.

"Is there interest to be interested?" Luochuan suddenly asked.

"Tuting?" Summer Yu did not understand the meaning of Luochuan.

"It's just to change your identity. I remember that you are the leader of the banned guards?" Luochuan understood the things of Jiuze City.

"Yes." The summer is nodded, and why does Bai Luochuan suddenly say this.

"The Forbidden Jun usually has no matter, I think the movie field is a good job for you." Luochuan said seriously.

Tang Yi fashionedly firmed the head, is this the corner of the digging? And is it so bright to dig the corner? !

Forget it, I didn't see it.

Tang Yi thought response scheme in just a few seconds.

"Amount, the boss, I have no idea." Summer Yuxi coughed twice and rejected Luochuan's words.

Joke, he banned the military army to make good, why do you want to be the "field of the film", is it intimate?

During this time, he is expensive for this time. If it is not because this is an orders that I have no regrets, I have already returned to nine.

Take a magical phone every day to see the magic mobile phone, will you go to the origin store from time to time?

"I just give you a suggestion." Luochuan shrugged and continued to go in front. "What do you want to do with me."

Xinhai Help looked at Luochuan, and looked at Xia Yu, remembered this matter in his heart.

When I filmed the movie, I didn't regret it, so that summer is also coming over, it will definitely be relaxed.

In the afternoon, the programs of the law enforcement are the scene of the law enforcement team, and there is a analysis of the things caused by death notes, then what is the conclusion.

After all, this has involved the power of rules, and although there is a cultivator in the world background set in the movie, it is far from reaching this extent.

Normal people will definitely not think about God in the first time.

Who can guess this is the role of a dead notebook?

After some guesses used, then the house of L is on the scene, bringing L to everyone - of course not a real image, only has a modified voice.

The housekeeper of L is Luochuan, which is also his first time in the film.

Although it took so long, he personally played the role inside, and Luochuan is still a bit excited.

"Say, others can play your father?" Luochuan came to the side of Jiang Napo.

He also thought of this matter, although it is a movie, but Luochuan feels that he still needs to ask.

After all, there is no movie in the Tianyi mainland, and he doesn't know if the family of Jiang Nhang is taboo.

"Hey? How did the boss suddenly ask this?" Jiang Yunxiao smiled softly, "This is just a movie. Everyone knows the story inside is false."

"That's good." Luochuan nodded, and then came to the demon purple smoke.

"What did the boss have just said?" The demon purple asked curious.

"Nothing, it is about something that didn't take into account before shooting movies." Luochuan simple and demon purple smoke explained.

The location of the shot was in Qichuan, a very tall building, which should have nearly 100 meters height, the crystal panel of the surface shines in the sunlight.

The civilization of the fantasy world has developed to a certain extent, and it will not be more than the civilization of the technology route.

This point of Luochuan has been deeply recognized when he just came to this world.

"This is the administrative center of Qichuan, and the scene used to do the law enforcement team is right." Tang Yi said.

As the city of Star Empire, although there is no way to develop, it is not inferior, and various facilities in the city are extremely perfect.

If you want to maintain the normal operation of a city, there are a lot of things that you need to do, and the country is true.

However, in Luochuan's eyes, no matter whether it is the city of Sichuan, the city of Qichuan, Tang Yi, every day, never seeing them busy.

This may also be related to Luochuan.

Xu is aware of the news in advance, and Luochuan and others have not caused too much movement, but sometimes someone has a curious look at them.

The preparation before shooting is almost complete, and the crowds under Tang Yi have come to temporary rooms.

Stacked the work desk of various documents, the sun is obliquely from the window into the house, and a few potted potted plants are placed on the balcony.

There is indeed a serious atmosphere.

"So long, I finally have an opportunity to show." The step is full of emotions on the face.

Now he is wearing a very formal clothing, the things in the costumes are responsible for the summer, and Tang Yi friend is provided.

The people rely on the clothes and horses, the kind of work on the song is not well seen in the clothes of the song.

"Indeed." Jiang Sheng Yao took a nod to the place, he also worn with the same clothes as the song.

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