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In the film's shooting, the costume wearing clothing also requires a specific design.

However, Luochuan is too complicated to get it, only when necessary, pay attention to this.

As for ordinary shooting ... Love is wearing it, anyway, it does not affect the shooting.

After a short preparation, everyone came to her position.

The conversation in the room disappeared, and the customers all consciously slammed their breathing and looked forward to the next scene.

The number of magical phones flew over half of the system under the control of the system, entered the invisible state, shot from all angles.

With the formal start of the field board, the shooting is officially started.

"There is no one bit." The information on the hand is deeply sighing. "The victims all over the world, the only common point is all the criminals, there is no contact outside this."

Luochuan nodded slightly.

It is a talent customer. It has entered a state in such a short period of time, as if he is really concerned about the case.

Step poetry, I can't say anything in the performance of the song, but I feel very powerful.

Other customers are almost the same idea.

No one, as long as Luochuan didn't shout, then the shooting will continue, this is the experience of such a long time.

"Minister, what do you think of this matter, will this be a particular disease?" Jiang Sheng Wei also asked.

He is called the minister is the summer.

Anyway, it is playing, and there is no big dome with more drama.

With this idea, Luochuan took the summer Yura to play as hard work.

Summer is refused to naturally, of course, there is nothing to use.

"Do you want to remove this thing to the Ministry of Health?" Summer Obah did not show Jiang Shengshi, "According to my estimation, this should be a planned massacre, the object is the world's all over the world, I will never let any criminal people, you must let them accept the sanctions of the law. "

Summer is originally the leader of the ban, in addition to completing the order of no regrets, in addition to the order of orders, it is similar to what is similar.

It is barely calculated that it is very colorful.

Summer desperate sounds, the magical mobile phone screen on the table suddenly looked up, he looked up, and the eyebrows were slightly pushed.

"The chief has something to find me, you continue to see the information." Xiaoyu put the magical phone into your pocket and got up and left the room.

The steps from the songs are opposite the two eyes, and they have a relief, and they are sitting on the chair.

Special truth.

Just now, the boss is sure to work hard, now the boss is gone, of course, can be able to have a fish in the heart.

At the same time, I still talk about this matter.

"What do you think is this? Is it true that the gang is scheduled to act like a minister?"

"I don't think it is likely that the whole world is not there, I can't even leave the spider silk."

"It is also, completely leaving, you say that these people are free, do you have anything, is it?"

"You know that you don't know the rumors of recently, these things are all doing Kira."

"I also heard that many people are talking about this matter, do you say that this will be ... God's power?"

"God ... Even if the strength does not have this level of power,?"

"You didn't understand what I meant, I said it is not a cultivator, but the real godmout ..."

Luochuan did not write this paragraph in the script, which is completely free to play from the song. It looks still good.

"Okay." Luochuan patted his hand, and several people ended the conversation.

The summer that has just left at this time is at the side of Luochuan, and the expression looks a bit nervous: "Boss, how?"

Since last shooting continuous NG for more than 20 times, he has produced psychological shadows for movie shooting.

Luochuan nodded: "Not bad, take a break, will start the shooting of the plot."

I came to Qichuan for so long, Luochuan director has become more and more beautiful for the movie.

He felt that if he didn't want to be a boss of the origin store, it seems that the full-time director seems good.

He knows a lot of novel stories about Tianzhu mainland.

Moreover, those who don't take the possibility of shooting before the previous earth can also get the opportunity to shoot.

"I saw it, this is called talent." The steps are proud of the song and the poetry.

"Yes, it's okay?" Stephen nodded again, and he was extremely perfunctory.

Luochuan walks to the window, feel the warm sun through the windows created by the transparent crystal, sprinkled on himself, and the warmth is very comfortable.

This is not a glass, but another transparent crystal, more common and sturdy than glazes.

Because of the different chemical properties, Luochuan does not know that the "glass" of the Tianglan continent is the kind of glass he knows.

However, it is sure to be dilute.

This is also why the glass price is so high.

Anyway, Luochuan has never seen glass in other places, and Xing Xi Ji No regrets will have a lot of money.

Luochuan looked out of the window, the whole world bathed in a crushed golden sun, the blue sky appeared very high, a few white clouds were embedded.

The height of the windowsill can just let his arm hold down the chin, Luochuan Sori is sitting here, quietly appreciate the civilized scenery of the same world.

Life is indeed a very magical thing, never divided into expensive, maybe very small in the face of the world, but can create a miracle of them.

I don't know why, there is no feeling in the heart of Luochuan.

"What is the boss thinking?" The demon purple smoke came to Luochuan.

"Everything is sentient, the world, the universe in the endless deficiency is just the waves of the videody." Luochuan said leisurely, "but life is still the most amazing existence."

Monster Macro: "..."

How did the boss suddenly felt a life, did not happen?

The demon purple smoke launches Luochuan's eyes to the window, and the bustling city will introduce her sight.

After getting along so long, the demon purple smoke is very understandable to Luochuan, and almost guessed that he is inexplicably saying these words.

"Every wisdom ethnicity in Tianyi mainland has a member of the super power, but it is still the common member." The demon purple smoke came to Luochuan, and gently pinched his shoulders, face With a faint smile, "I used to travel when I was traveling in the human world. I like it now, I look at these ordinary people are busy with their lives."

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