God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1415 Changsheng and the law

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"If the novel is stranded, we should be a sense of life, at least a few big realm." Luochuan said.

"It's impossible." The demon purple smoke shook his head, rare refuting Luochuan's discourse, "The probability of this situation is very small, the authors on the magical mobile phone don't dare to write."

"How do you think about how to write? If you can't follow the reality?" Luochuan asked, "After all, the protagonist can be a protagonist."

"Although it is said to ..." The demon purple smoke continues to pinch Luochuan's shoulders, and smiles, "but novels and reality can be different. Reality can not follow logic, novels are must."

Luochuan: "..."

This is a bit like an opinion, he is inexplicably thinks of seeing the world's absurd Dahe.

The novel needs logic, and the reality does not need.

The two stopped the discourse, and Luochuan began to enjoy the massage of the demon purple smoke, the technique was in place, and the stimulation of weak spiritual power, the crispy numbness was very comfortable.

Luochuan has a little bit of lunch ...

When the customer in the room will look at both eyes in the location of the window sill, but they have already been blamed.

Distance to Luochuan's "rumors" on the magical mobile phone have passed so long, and the melon that is eaten early.

"Actually, when I and the night, I just got to find the origin store, the purple smoke sister became the clerk." Gu Yunyi looked at Lu Yonghe and her demon smoke, telling Chen Yiyi, Zheng Ke et al. She has just become a matter of the origin of the mall customer, "I felt that the two will definitely be in one, this seems to be called ..."

Gu Yunyi did not find a suitable adjective for a long time, and only to Chen Yiyi's gaze.

"Cause." Chen Yiyi stretched a white finger swayed. "In accordance with my Master's words, the world's all-in-law actually follows a criterion that is independent of it, in our cultivator's view There is a variety of guidelines to have a variety of 'rules'.

"Good deeds." Nolika blinked his eyes.

"You are not asking a realm, it should be able to preliminate the power of the rules, asked Chen Yiyi asked.

Although the identity and strength of these customers have great differences, everyone is not concerned about these, basically a friend's relationship on weekdays.

"Is there a racial talent." Nolika is boothing, "I have been waiting for hundreds of years in the sea area, even if you sleep every day, you can improve the extent of this level, don't need the truth of the truth."

Everyone: ......

The age of growth is best not to go, this is a well-known thing in the Tianzhu mainland.

Multi-human life expectancy is more than 100 years, but after becoming a cultifier, there will be corresponding growth with the lifting life of strength.

The cultivator has asked, and after this strength, it is also a category of growing growth.

Corresponding, life is long, and the problems in this area have become strange ...

All in all, who is tangled who is sick.

"It doesn't seem to be this?" Gu Yunyi will not know where the topic is biased again, "It is obviously the relationship between the boss and the purple smoke."

"To be right." Chen Yiyi nodded, "So the cause of the meditation is the root cause of this."

This has been involved in the category of the law, and the customer's strength is also the highest, and only the Nolika in the realm, and it is still the kind of one thing to the law.

"Causal? Bar, in the boss store, feel the strength of the slightest," Xie Dance heard a few people's dialogue, gently shake his head.

When she arrived in the origin of the mall, she was surprised for a long time, but she was very habitually, the things of the origin mall were also normal.

"Is there such a thing?" Chen Yiyi has been surprised to make his eyes, she still heard this.

No, it seems to have been similar.

When she appeared in the past, she and Chen Mo were therefore first encountered Luochuan.

At that time, Chen Mo did not want to measure what Luochuan is in the end ...

Results, if there is a Coke that has just been purchased from Luochuan, I am afraid that I have to take back the injury of anthropide.

Anyway is very miserable.

"There is no rule, nature does not contain so-called causations." Xie Meng dance was wrapped with his fingers to a haired hair, "this may be related to the boss."

Gu Yunxi and others did not speak, look forward to Xie Meng dance.

Xie Damo did not sell Guan Chi, smiled and smiled: "According to my guess, there is a big reason, the first is because the boss is not the world, so there is no so-called causal impact, As for the second, the strength of the boss has long reached the level of ultra-horizontal law. "

A few people think about it, I feel that Xie Damo dance is really reasonable.

It is easy to get this conclusion.

As for which fact is, it seems that there is no place to explore.

Anyway, the boss is the strongest, knowing this is enough.

"Luochuan, they seem to say you." The demon purple smoke heard the voice of Xie Dance and Gu Yunyi.

"Let's talk about it." Luochuan looked at the warm sunshine for a long time. Anyway, he has been used to this, and then looks a little surprised to see the demon purple smoke, "Are you not calling my name? "

From his and demon smoke, it is now in such a long time. The latter is called him with "boss", and now I suddenly hear my name, Luochuan is still a bit uncomfortable.

"I just want to try it." The demon purple smoke wrinkled, "I feel that there is no difference between the 'boss'."

"Which one do you want to use it." Luochuan played a yawn, continue to look back at the afternoon Qichuan, the sun, and he is really a bit.

Jiuwei City, the big snow in the sky is finally stopped, and the clouds that are shrouded in the sky are also quiet, and it is a long-awaited weather for a long time.

Looking at it, the city seems to become a pure white color, the sight is exhausted, and the snow is covered, covering the various scenery of the city.

People in the streets come to people, Sichuan streams are endless, and there are many houses and windows to dry clothes and bedding.

Although there is a unified heating method in the room to drive to the cold and moist, the sun is still irreplaceable.

The central delivery of the city gate is, as always in the operating state, the spiritual vortex empty in the array is no longer as amazing as before, and can only see the air there will be some distortions.

This is what Ji No regrets deliberately revised the world, because he has been complained in this area.

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