God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1417, Huangcheng Explosion

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The fried sound is not far, and it should be judged from the distance. It should be in the city.

"Said, have you heard the sound?" The tiger smashed his ear and asked to the magic of the next.

"You are not nonsense? According to the direction of the sound ... It seems to be the imperial city there." The magic monk did not go out to see the idea.

The customers in the store also heard the explosion of sudden sound outside, and the origin of the mall suddenly lively.

Because there is a better reason, there are many customers in the store, and they have begun to guess the reasons for the explosion.

"I feel that this scene is a little familiar. Is it not a moon to go to the emperor?" The dinch smiled slightly and put coffee on the table.

"Hello, don't put the explosion, it is on me." Yue Ling is also in the origin store, and he has heard the words after listening to the sentence.

"Immediately, no regrets have affected your influence, so what is the experiment in the Imperial City?" Liu Rucomi put forward his guess.

"Your joke can not take this way." The moon glanced, "the brain has problems to do experiments in their own home. I will deliberately find a place when I am teaching."

"Do you have anyone you know?" Liu Ruyu is very curious about the cause of the explosion.

"I don't know, I just have his contact information, asked on the magical mobile phone." Yue Ling said that he touched the magical phone.

The people of the entire nine-Yi City have heard the sound of cracking, and the overstead of the city is also running in an instant of the explosion, and then shuts down very quickly.

After a while, they also cast curious attention toward the direction of the Huangcheng.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, it should be what it is."

"You see it, is it smoked there?"

"It seems to smoke ..."

What is the big wind that live in the nine city?

However, it was an explosion in the Huangcheng, and it took a look at it.

Anyway, I won't do anything.

In the Huangcheng, I didn't regret a few times, waving the smoke in the air.

The stone ground of the front square has already shown four-point five-cracked state, there is a pothole that braves black smoke, and it is the center of the explosion.

"Why is this? Should not ..."

Ji no regrets look at the scenes in front of me, wrinkle the eyebrows and whispered, thinking about the reason why you fail.

Two princes and princesan came over early.

Such a big movement, it is difficult to ignore it.

"What happened to the father, what is it?"

"I don't know, I just came over."

"According to the spiritual force remaining in the air, it should be the residue of the inscription of the array."

Three people say that I speak, soon, I will guess the reason of the matter.

The forces stationed in the Huangcheng rushed to the incident in just less than a minute.

Wolf's plaza suddenly looked up.

"It's okay, I'm scattered." Ji no regrets also noticed the movement of surrounding, putting hands, sound in the role of spiritual power, in the end of everyone's ear.

After a banned army, he left, and the voice of the discussion was loud, and the content was nothing to explode.

"The father of the father, what is going on?" The big emperor Ji Tian asked in curiosity.

"What is going on, exploding. Originally, I want to engrave an array. The result is a bit of my expectations ..." Ji no regrets laugh, "it seems to be in expectations."

I have tried two times twice, and I didn't regret it. I'm afraid that I would like to have eight nine ninetes.

But what are you doing?

There is such an idea, Ji No regrets directly adds Luochuan's array in the full array, and activated with spiritual power.

As for the result ...

It is a sound of "bang", nothing.

"Do you have an impact of the Moon Sister?" The little princess asked curiously.

Ji no regrets: "... Ling Yun College is good, send you to go to school, other three colleges can also."

"Ah, my father suddenly remembered that there is something, I will go first." After leaving this sentence, the little princess quickly disappeared in the sight of Ji no regrets.

"The father of the father, there is nothing wrong, we will leave." Two emperors also didn't regret it.

The old figure appeared from Ji no regrets, and his expression is a bit subtle.

"This is not like your character."

"Cough, sometimes life needs to explore the spirit."

"This ... it seems yes."

I have no regrets, but I'm busy with the head, it is hard to get it, I naturally want to find something.

Then there is a situation.

"Yes, what is the problem?" "Ji did no regrets asked.

"The normal preparation work is still going, if you don't do anything, it will be officially started for a while." Bai said with a smile.

"That's good." Ji nodded no regrets.

Thousands of Lingjing's investment, and there is also the participation of the sky, if there is any accident ...

Anyway, Ji no regrets feel that he should have a serious pain.

"Let people pack it here." Ji no regrets look at the square in front, is preparing to continue to say something, the magical phone suddenly comes from prompt information.

Ji no regrets will take the magical phone from the pocket, open the screen.

After seeing the information above, I first stunned, and then exposed a surprise look.

"What happened to Your Majesty?" Bai old asked curiously.

Ji no regrets as the emperor of the Star Empire, and there is no emotional fluctuation on our emotional control on weekdays.

"The boss asked me if I don't want to participate in the movie." Ji no regrets face full of smiles.

"Is your Majesty to Qichuan?" There is a feeling in the old heart. If you have no regrets, don't you leave all your work?

Thinking of this, the white old feels that he must persuade Ji no regrets.

How can the emperor be casual? Is it studying with the owner?

"Of course, I can't." Ji did not regret and shake his head.

White is elder in his heart, and it is a bit curious: "The meaning is ..."

It is not in the past, but it is ready to participate in the shooting of the boss movie, and the white old feels that he should guess the idea of ​​no regrets.

"The soul projected." Ji did not regret it.

With the fluctuations of the plenty of spirit, a figure with him without two is condensed.

Regardless of the appearance, there is no difference in the difference.

The soul projected from another sense, almost equivalent to a copy of the consciousness.

This is this when the young master encountered when I just opened the store.

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