God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1418, the correct usage of Shen soul projection

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The soul is projected, in short, it is the power of the soul power.

Usually, only asked and asked to control this means.

It can be controlled by this gymnastics or projected from the soul.

According to the strength of the soul power in the projection, the body strength that can be played is different.

Usually, the soul projection is generally the elders used to protect the late generation.

Seal it in a special item, and break the items to summon the soul projection when encountering danger.

As for this kind of soul of the soul of Ji, I will shoot a movie ...

The old man has never heard of it.

Ok, the movie is just the appearance, I can hear it.

"Oh, this is indeed a good way." White smiled a few times and gave an evaluation.

"I heard that when the soul of the soul was created, it was not for fighting, but in order to more convenient to refine the medicinal herbs and drawing the array." Ji no regrets, her chin, "just over time Increased, everyone gradually became the means of fighting. "

The soul of the soul is equivalent to a lot of use, and it is a good time to maintain one or two with independent awareness.

As for the situation of "I am a team is a team" ... also exists in the legend.

It is a good thing for a long time.

"This is true." White is nodded, he also heard something for this matter.

Ji no regrets reached out the space in front of it, and a dark crack appeared, which seems to contain endless destruction.

For the cultivators who ask the peak realm, although it is more than the respect, it has also reached a scope of safe use of space channels.

I didn't regret the soul of the soul, stepping into the two, stepped out, and the figure disappeared in the spatial crack.

Losing the control of Ji no regrets, the dark crack is quickly calm under the space of the space.


Qichuan, after a short, after nearly half an hour, the story started again.

The plot is roughly Luochuan and hidden in the back of the sake.

"Boss, don't you say someone wants to play the highest official?" Gu Yunxi asked curiously, "Where?"

The film is naturally less than a large number of supporting roles, playing or less, according to popular words, is running dragons.

"It's already arrived." Luochuan refers to the space not far away.

With a burst of ripples, a familiar figure came out from the cracks that occurred.

"Boss, I haven't seen you for a long time." Ji said no regrets.

"Not long, it will also be a few days." Luochuan's expression did not change.

Other customers at the scene surprised, and they didn't expect Yi no regrets that they didn't think of the emperor.

"This is the soul of the soul." Qingdu has a statement.

"Yes." Ji no regrets nodded. "After all, there is too much to be smoking, you can only use this way to participate in the boss's movie."

"The Soul Projection ..." The passionate expression is quasi-to-random, "So tall things you used to do this?"

Using the soul projection, such a short time, thousands of miles from Jiuwei to Qichuan, just in order to be in the movie, only a few words of roles ...

Want to go to this point for this.

"Why, is there only a function of acting as a bodyguard?" Ji did not regret.

"I will talk about it, just talk about it." He smiled from the song.

Summer Yu and Tang Yizheng and Ji no regrets greetings.

The situation in front of me is almost equivalent to the company's chairman to come to the work site.

"Well, I am ready, I will start shooting immediately." Luochuan patted her hand to remind everyone.

Listening to the words of Luochuan director, everyone began busy preparation - in fact, there is no difference in nothing to prepare.

The demon purple smoke came to Luochuan's intimately to give him the pleats on the clothes: "The boss immediately came to you."

"Look at others for so long, you can finally come to the camera." Luochuan also a little emotion.

When he went to college, he participated in the movie community, and the activities of the community were in addition to movie, and of course, there is still movie shooting.

Luochuan is also an experience of shooting movie short films. It is a bit of a bit of miserable.

"Every place - start!"

As the sound of the field is falling, everyone outside the camera stops talking.

Xia Yu pushed the closed door and walked into the room.

Ji no regrets in a large seat, the clothes wearing clothes are also very luxurious, belonging to the kind of big person.

"Minister." Summer Yu is first greeted by Ji no regrets.

According to the setting, the law enforcement team is affiliated to the law enforcement department, and the identity of Ni no regrets is the highest emergy of the law enforcement department.

"Hey, do you not count this?" The step is separated by the elbow with elbows.

"I'm almost." Jiang Shengmai nodded, and lowered the voice and replied. "This minister in the movie is indeed the highest official official."

"Don't talk, the boss will appear." Stephen glanced at two.

The plot is still working properly according to the settings of the script.

Summer is soon noticed that there is a surprise smile in the face of Luochuan who is sitting in the distance: "Boss ... Luochuan, how are you here?"

When the summer is talking about this sentence, it will realize that it is incorrect.

Sure enough, the words of the demon purple smoke also sounded: "stop."

"The boss shouted habits, did not respond." Summer Yu expression is a bit embarrassed.

This other customers agree that there is no more unexpected look.

It is the boss that you first thought of after I saw Luochuan, not the name of "Luochuan".

"Forget it, start again." Luochuan told him.

For the film's shooting, there is a small condition that occurs during the period, and the NG is a matter of normal.

Moreover, the time is very sufficient, and there is no fixed shooting task, so it is not anxious.

Ng is NG, and there is nothing big.

Slowly shoot.

After the status is adjusted, the shooting continues.

It is still a meeting in summer and Luochuan.

"How are you here?"

"I just came over yesterday."

The script and actual shooting often exist.

In order to shoot more convenient, Luochuan sure is directly used by his name.

"The World Security Association judges that the prisoner of this case should be in the star empire." Ji no regrets hands crossed, hidden behind, and said low voice.

The Star Imperial is also almost the same, as for the World Security As the strongest public security organization in the world.

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