God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1420 Dreams

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"Saying that we are going to go?" Looking around the environment gradually transitioned from the prosperity of the peaceful tranquility, Luochuan finally couldn't help but ask the demon purple smoke next to it.

"I don't know." The demon purple smoke shook his head, behind his hands behind him, retreating, his face with a smile.

Luochuan, of course, shows the mind of the demon purple smoke, nothing more than wanting to take her with her.

"There is just selling things there, then I have to buy some." Luochuan noticed that there is no dining car on the roadside.

"Hey, why don't you go to a place to set up stalls, this is not good here?" The demon purple smoke asked.

"You may have never heard of this world with city management, their existence makes countless people smell the wind." Luochuan said low.

The demon purple smoke stunned: "Is this a very powerful career?"

"A very powerful occupation." Luochuan nodded seriously, "this is a group that can be played back and the god of piracy."

The demon purple smoke stopped, and the box was quantified: "I always feel that the boss is lie to me."

The system couldn't hear it, and there was a wave of existence: "The boss pays attention to the world's life-play, no one can understand."

I didn't pay attention to the system that suddenly appeared, Luochuan did not stop, couldn't help but laugh.

The demon purple smoke continues.

"In order to safeguard the tidy of the city's security, there will definitely have the corresponding department to be responsible for these things, they are called urban management, simply, urban administrators."

"The things that listened to the banned army doing with Jiuwei."

"... It seems to be, it seems that Ji no regrets are ready to cultivate them in the direction of the city management."

"Why is the boss say that the city management is very powerful? There is also the god of piracy, how to sound so strange?"

"Cough, this explanation is a bit trouble, there is a chance to tell you later ..."

The two have a talked at all, so soon come to the side of the dining car, the boss is a famous middle-aged uncle.

"What are the two people?" The boss asked in a smile.

In addition to Luochuan and demon smoke, there is no other guest, and it seems that the business is indeed.

But the taste is quite fragrant.

"What is there?" Luochuan asked casually.

It is a bit similar to Kanto, but there are many other things, such as oven, steamed pots.

How do you still have so many things in a dining car, you want to be a thing that is engraved with a space expansion array.

It seems that this boss is not as simple as it looks like.

"The species is a bit a bit, you will look at it." The boss smiled, "If there is no, I will say it."

"OK." Luochuan nodded, "Is there a snow maple cake?"

"Of course, I have opened the steamer, and the white fog wrapped in a fresh breath.

The demon purple smoke did not speak, but it is only interested in the interior of the dining car, and many foods inside have never seen it.

Luochuan is just something to eat, and it is sitting in the chair next to the dining car.

Now the two are almost understand the reason for business.

Who will be free, in such a cold day, eat in such an environment!

"Boss, is it just right?" The demon purple smoke is eating something, and asked vaguely.

Luochuan eats a roast string, nodded: "Almost, the scene here is almost over."

"Where is we going next?" The demon purple smoke read the script, and the current shooting is about one-third.

"Ling Yun College." Luochuan replied, his college is very curious about the universal society.

Although there is no chance to become a student inside, it is still good.

"The boss, come back a few strings ... What is this meat?" Luochuan waved.

"Purple Wolf." The boss laughed and replied, "the monster of the realm."

Luochuan nodded, and suddenly appeared in his mind: "Is there a realm of ingredients?"

"Yes, but the price is expensive."

"The realm of the respect?"

"Of course there is."

"What about saints?"

"Just just arrived in the first two days."

Then Luochuan and the demon smoke were shocked.

Selling ingredients in the realm of saints, uncle, do you want to fight against the sky?

"Hahaha, just joking." The boss in front of the eyes smiled and swayed, "how can there be ingredients in saints."

The demon purple smoke and Luochuon are tone.

The boss voice is turned: "Top more is the realm of the respect, you have to come, it is just the goods just arrived in the previous time."

Luochuan & Shemale Macco: "..."

"Who is you?" The demon purple smoke smashed his eyes, and he felt that it was all gathered together. Which normal snack boss would have the ingredients of the privilege?

The strange thing is that she doesn't feel the spirituality of the slightestness from this person, it is a common person who has no throad.

This situation usually only has three reasons.

First, it is indeed ordinary people, which is obviously impossible.

The second is to carry items or special exercises that can block the outside world, but it is quite rare to be shielded.

The last reason is that the strength has far exceeded the category of the demon purple smoke.

From the current situation, the third possibility is the greatest.

"What is the peak of the respect, what is your relationship with Yuan Gu?" Luochuan continued to eat, and asked some curiosity.

"Sure enough, it is similar to the rumors." The question is so tacit. "Middle-aged Uncle first squatted, then showed a smile," I called the dream length, I and Yuan return confirmation, I was collecting rumors in the hundred years. An exaggerated spirit, then I met Yuan returned this guy, I didn't say two words, I didn't do it directly. Of course I can't ... "

Self-proclaimed middle-aged Uncle Middle-aged Uncle, in the middle of the city, tells the scenes of him and Yuan return to the meeting, and the slogan and demon purple smoke have not heard it.

In this short time, Luochuan has understood a fact - this guy is a word.

Implementation and Tiger mad will have a common language.

"Dream grows, have you heard of this name?" Luochuan whispered, he did not understand the Tianshun mainland, and he never deliberately learned.

The demon purple smoke looks at the dream length that is still talking, thinking about the famous strong in the Tianyi continent, and finally shook his head: "I have never heard of it."

The peak of the respect is already in addition to the power outside the saint, and there is not much in the entire Tianyi continent.

But the demon purple smoke does not hear the name of the dream length.

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