God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1421 Love the Dream of Story

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The peak of the respect is completely synonymous with the invincible continent in the Tianzhu continent that the saints.

The origin store has developed for so long, and the customer can say the super power of more than half of the Tianyi mainland.

But even so, customers who have the peak of the respects are only a few people, the demon emperor, and the cultural machine.

Of course, this is excluded from the Dragon and the demon.

As for the words of this self-proclaimed dream length, what is you?

This problem is now the heart of Luochuan and demon migratory.

"What ... so, I have known this with Yuan, this is the so-called don't fight." The dream is empty, and the cup "tonne tonne" is drunk.

Luochuan drums: "The amount is really exciting, ups and downs, and fascinating."

The demon purple smoke has followed the palm: "Wonderful and wonderful."

"I said that you may not believe, although my strength is stronger, in fact, my favorite is to tell others about my story, but very few people can listen to me so quietly, maybe it is too strong. The reason is. "The dream of dreams look very good, and also pick up a bunch of baked skewers.

Luochuan's face with a smile, heart, said that this is not your strength, now he still feels the voice of dreams on the ear, in echo.

"Dream Seniors ..."

The demon purple smoke has just been interrupted by the dream, he puts his hand: "I will call my name, I don't like it is the guy who takes a variety of shelves."

The demon purple smoke looked at Luochuan, the latter nodded for her, and he hesitated it again. "" Do you use it in Tianyi Continent? "

As a cultivator of the peak, and also knows that Yuan return, it is certainly not in full name.

And from the personality of dream growth, it is not like a sales that has just closed the door.

"Name." Dreamway touched the Pakistan, throwing the skewers, then nodded, "it seems to have a title, it seems like a dream."

"Demonstration?" Luochuan repeatedly.

"Have you heard?" The dream asked with a surprise.

"No." Luochuan shook his head, eat something, "I have never heard of it."

The smile on the dream length is solidified for a few seconds: "Oh, I have never heard of normal, normal ..."

Unlike Luochuan's reaction, the demon purple smoke is slightly frowned, and then surprised to open his eyes: "It turns out that you are the legendary dreams ?!"

"Don't play my dumb, readers are waiting for you to explain what the dream is going." Luochuan reminded two people.

Monster Macro: "..."

Dreams of empty faces are puzzled: "What does this mean?"

The demon purple smoke and the cough: "It is not a meaning, you haven't heard it."

Dreams have nodded: "Oh."

The demon purple smoke pulled the food in the mouth and organized a language in his heart and began to tell: "Demonstrators said that the wisdom race of the Tianyi mainland is recognized, it is what I don't know much.

Said that I also saw a dream length, this uncle-level figure huh, smile, and didn't care.

The demon purple smoke continued: "This title is the unmanned unmanned unmanned, but it is quite in line with the names of dreams of dreams and good guits, so it will gradually spread in Tianzhu."

"Oh, right, I have heard of this, but I have forgotten." Dream is empty.

"Good at?" Luochuan watched the dream length.

The dream is laughing, and the actual actions are used to elaborate, gently hit the finger, the ground is broken, and the root of the plant is broken, and there is a brilliant flower in just a few seconds. Unknown insects danced around the flowers.

Luochuan reached his hand, a butterfly was parked above, the wings were slightly opened.

Dreams have grown a referral, everything is like mirror flowers.

"If the dream is like, it is also true." The demon smoke could not help but say that she did not find a slight flaw in the illusion of just now.

"It's quite good." The dream is empty and nodded.

The demon purple smoking eyebrows have picked up: "In fact, these two sentences are the title of the Dream."

"It turned out to be like this, I have never heard of it, remember to remember." The dream smiled.

Monster purple smoke: ......

How do you feel that this person is so unreliable?

"If you encounter you here, should you not make a hacker?" Luochuan felt that it was about to talk about it.

"This is natural." The expression of dreams became serious, "the origin of the rumored mall boss, after seeing it, and I thought it was a bit different."

"Do you not like this?" Luochuan laughed, "Who can think of the power of the peak of the son, is actually a word ... cough, love telling the story?"

"This is also." The dream is not in the meanorological discord, "said what do you come to Qichuan? I heard that the origin store is in nine, because the way Qichuan feels many powerful The breath is temporarily left here. "

"Shoot movie." Luochuan played a full.

"Shoot movies?" Dream is long and wrong, "What do you mean?"

What happened to him again in Tiangui's four hundred years, and he never heard of this strange name.

"Simply, it is to store a fictional story with a leapfross method." The demon purple smoke explained with a simple language.

Luochuan feels a little familiar with the scene in front of you, it seems to have been seen.

It seems that as long as there is a customer who hears a movie, it will show a doubt.

Then it is an explanation.

There is no such water in the water, and I am discovered at a glance ...

"I am very interesting to listen to." When the dream, if the dream, if I thought, "Can you let me also participate in this movie?"

The rumored the origin of the mall boss participated in the matter, since it failed to miss it.

"Yes." Luochuan nodded, I thought I want to summon the system sight, "Do you want to buy something?"

Anyway, now the mood is good, Luochuan Sorry directly fulfilled his responsibilities of the boss of origin.

"Magic mobile phone, I have heard of this time, I can contact any other person who has a magical mobile phone. I can add a vital Joan, and sell 100,000 Lingjing, the boss, are you charity ... "

Looking at the various items on the light curtain, the dream is empty, and when the words are reflected again.

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