God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1422 Charity Boss

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For the dream length of the words, Luochuan clearly understands a thing, that is, don't pay attention to him.

If you talk to the people who speak with words, you know what he can pull.

This is the experience in Luochuan from the tiger.

"How do you know the dream of the Dream?" Luochuan looked at the dream of the eyes and self-speaking, whispered to the demon purple smoke.

"It's the blue oysters." The demon purple smiles, "she is a human cultivator, but also the realm of the respect, naturally there are many channels of collecting messages."

"This is also." Luochuan nodded, Tianyi mainland is the world above the strong, and the strength is enough.

Dream growth is still immersed in the shock of the origin store goods, he found that the scene in front of him has completely exceeded his cognitive category.

Now the dream grow has been confident - this boss is really charity!

"That, what should you call?" Dream growth finally returned to God, put it in Luochuan, and used his attention.

Wherever the strong is worthwise, especially such a strong person who likes to be charity.

"Don't be so confused." Luochuan did not make a hand, "" Direct call me, Luochuan, or call my boss like other customers. "

"That is called the boss as others." Dream is long and happy, "said that what is the above thing is bought, or it can only be able to buy, I want to buy the origin of the city?

When I came, I heard that the boss of the origin store had a lot of strange things.

One of the most obvious one is to have a lot of rules to the origin store.

"Don't be so troublesome." Luochuan refers to the system light screen, "mentally communicating, then take out the Lingjing or open space ring, it is easy to buy."

Dream is airborne, picking eyebrows.

The front and down don't have a light curtain that doesn't have a spiritual fluctuating in front of it. It has a touch of light from above and barely illuminates the surrounding environment.

"Can you buy it directly? How to do it? The legendary cross-time transmission array? But there is no trace of the array ..."

Dreams are self-emptive, then release your own spirit, it is easy to contact the light curtain in front of you.

At the same time, a voice that has no feelings fluctuated in his mind.

"Do you buy all goods?"

There is also a prompt information with the sound at the same time, and it appears directly in his sight.

Dreams are somewhat amazing in hollow, and have not hesitated and selected it.

He felt that the picture of the picture of various and light curtains appeared in his hand.

The whole process is quite awkward, there is no such thing as the spiritual force, and there is no such thing as a result.

It is totally inexplicably in his hand.

Decorated in the peak of the dream length, no peak of the slightest.

"Amazing." Dream is empty.

Luochuan and demon purple smoke have not been blamed for this, basically every new customer is reacting.

"Can treat wounded cola, restore spiritual Spribi, supplement the Qiongluo demon ... There is this, the most important magical mobile phone, it seems like an ordinary crystal, really rumored ..."

Dream grows have begun to invent the goods that have just been purchased.

As for more than 100,000 Lingjing, there is no consideration of this matter at all.

For the peak, Lingjing has completely become a number.

It is not exaggerated, how much is he wants?

It will be found in the unmanned wilderness, or directly condense high quality Lingjing directly with spiritual force.

Simply ignore the various forces directly ...

"Right, is these things have a restrictions?" What did the dream have come, and the mineral water in the hands of Luochuan.

The items such as the ordinary medicinal medicinal medicinal medicines, usually, the more weakened the user's realm.

For example, if you add spiritual back, or other types of Dan medicine, the last three levels of Tiandi Xuanhuang's three levels of Dan medicine are basically the essential and sugar peas.

"No, there will be effects on you." Luochuan gave an answer.

The utility of mineral water improvement is undoubted, and it has no effect on the frost, after all, she has exceeded the category of common sense.

How is the qualifications that are close to the perfect life?

As for the Avawa of the Dragon is also almost the reason, the Radian talent of the dragon family is naturally a self-evident.

Even if the dream growth is strong, it is still a common man.

"That's good." The dream is empty, then I have an inexplicable state, "said that this can break the qualified mineral water. If you say that you may not believe, in fact, I am in the respect. The peak card has been a few decades. It is a way to find a breakthrough in the Tianyi mainland. You also know that the closure is definitely unrealistic. You will be in the small black house. No one speaks. Tell people, like the year ... "

Seeing the scenery of the dream, there is a student of memories. Luochuan hurriedly interrupted his words: "First, the mineral water is only enhancing qualifications, and there is no decisive impact on the improvement of the realm. As for those who have broken the mineral water, there is no great reference value. "

"This way." The dream is a bit lost, but it will quickly show a smile again. "It is also, it is so easy to break through the peak, I have found it in the Tianyu mainland. I haven't found the way. This time. "

If there is no accident, the intelligence of the Tianzhu continent is concerned that the peak of the respect should be the highest realm they can.

This is the judgment of Luochuan to this world.

As soon as it is true, then he doesn't know.

The judgment is only judged, whether it is not sure with the facts.

He has never taken this matter.

Luochuan is very clear for his own position, and the ordinary shop owner.

As for other things, he is not too big, he is too lazy to pay attention.

Of course, I'm talking about it.

If there is any madman, it is of course not to stand by.

In fact, there is a fundamental difference between Japan and Huaxia's online novels.

Luochuan likes the idea in the day.

The idea of ​​the protagonist of the online novel is almost the thoroughness, and it is necessary to step on the whole world, and all kinds of drunkenness and beautiful knees are awake.

As for the day, it will find many of the protagonists just to guard my dull life. If you defeat the enemy, go home to raise your wife, continue to live.

Sure enough, I am deeply suffering from the second yuan.

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