God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1424 Author's voice

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Dreams have seen the figure of Luochuan and the demon smoke disappeared at the end of the line, deeply stretching the body.

Gently hit a referring, the dining car was broken as the foam.

When the created illusion reaches the truth, the illusion is reality.

It is also true that it is not to talk about it.

Dream growth came out from the pocket, and the screen lit with the screen.

"Magic mobile phone, still there is no smiller, how to do it ..."

Dreams are overcrowded to look at the magic mobile phone, and finally didn't come to conclusions.

However, he did not entangle this problem, soon, put the attention on the screen on the screen.

I have perceived the dream of dreams, and the page of the application mall is automatically opened, and various applications are present in front of him.

Luochuan did not teach him how to use a magical phone.

The quality and intelligence of the magical mobile phone are in here, even if it is not to worry about damage.

But the dream can not know these, and you are doing the application of the application in the application.

"How is this thing to use, just forget to ask the boss, it should be downloaded first ..."

"What is this ten Lingjing? Where did I pay this ten Lingjing ..."

The voice of the dream is constantly appearing, and it seems that there is no listening to the object he can talk to himself.

It is better to be very remote in this place, and the time is not too late. I can't see the pedestrians. Only a few street lights will illuminate the street.

Dreams are empty, holding magic phones, can't get around the circle under a street light ...

When I returned to the snow, I was already a star, the snow maple planting on both sides of the road reflected a faint glow under the light and moonlight.

quite pretty.

But I have seen it for so long, Luochuan is almost used to it.

Luochuan and demon purple smoke enters the hall, the noisy words are like the same time, the two will be overwhelmed.

"The boss is going to have fun?" The demon purple laughed.

"What? I ate dinner." Luochuan sat in the couch, and he was so tired.

The demon purple moon blinks, from the expression, it should be the discourse of Luochuan.

"What are you thinking about?" The demon salastic smoke knocked into the head of the ultra-moon, "By the way, I found some food."

The demon purple moon slammed the head, heard the spirit of "ingredients" and suddenly came to the spirit: "The things that can be seen by my sister and the boss are definitely not simple, I will eat!"

"The line is row." The demon purple smoke hooks, "I want to write something, don't bother me."

"Know it, I know." The demon purple moon ran away.

Looking at the demon purple moon who was successfully sent, the demon purple smoke could not help but did it, she is not very good at cope with the situation just now.

"Write something?" Luochuan saw the demon purple smoke and took out the magical phone.

"Well." The demon purple smoke nodded. "Please leave for so long, I feel that it is still not state, I feel that it is complete."

This is the case, occasionally resting for a day or two, if you have a pen in a ten-day month, you will take a few days to find the original state.

Luochuan is very experienced.

"Also." Luochuan nodded, suddenly thought of the talks on the previous few days and the demon smoke, "Yes, what is your storyte?"

"Nothing to think." The demon purple sighs sighs, "It seems that you can only write every day as you said, maybe you can find breakthrough points."

Luochuan torn a pack of potato chips.

The expression of the demon purple smoke has been a bit hesitant. She looked at Luochuan, or decided to say her own idea: "But I always think this is a confusion reader ..."

Luochuan is like smiling, handing the potato chips to the demon purple smoke: "Is you heard of aesthetic fatigue?"

"Aesthetic fatigue? What do you mean?" The demon purple smoke and asked after the potato chips.

"Simply, it is to look at a kind of thing. If you have a long time, you will lose your freshness. The novel is of course the same." Luochuan sighed, "Just like this, there are so many readers to abandon the pit, although there is no outline But the worldview of this book is very grand! "

Luochuan is a bit excited, biting the potato chips in the mouth "" ring.

The demon purple smoke: "... The boss is talking about the aesthetic fatigue."

"It is also." Luochuan's mood has been very comfortable after passing, "reading the readers of the novel also has aesthetic fatigue, long-term blood or daily is not advisable, the two must complement, even if the subject of the book is the main character Do you write in three meals a day? "

"The boss, you seem to be far away ..." The demon purple smoke has a piece of potato chips, showing a smile, "But I am almost understand the boss what you mean."

"Actually, I feel that you can leave a time." Luochuan said.

"Well?" The demon purple smoke looked at Luochuan.

"Every day writing is definitely written, it is to supplement something to add to the manuscript, in order to prepare from time to time." Luochuan taught experience to the demon smoke.

The demon purple smoke stunned: "Amount, it is really a good way, the boss, are you concerned about me?"

"Of course." Luochuan replied for granted.

The demon purple face is slightly red, opened the magical mobile phone: "I want to write something."

Xie Meng dance and Anvilia sat on the seat of holographic equipment, although wearing a helmet, but not at all in the virtual world.

It is secretly taking a not far from Luochuan and demon salami.

"Is this like this before?" Xie Meng dance lowered the sound.

Anverah carefully thought about it: "When I just arrived at the originator, the boss and demon purple smoke were almost the same, that is, the two do not say anyone."

"Interesting." Xie Dama was suddenly discovered, slightly, his eyes, "blushing blushing ... Hey, how do you start looking at the magic mobile phone?"

"What are you looking forward to?" Angya said a little laugh.

"This is also said, of course ... cough, forget it, there is nothing." Xie Meng dance coughed, Luochuan also returned his eyes in time. "

He just aware that someone secretly saw himself, so he glanced at it.

Anvilia "" has a sound, obviously does not believe in Xie Dai Dance.

"In fact, I have something very curious." Xie Dama said.

"What?" Anvilia is ready to start playing games.

"Is there a difference between the human social relationship between the dragon? There are also family members?" Xie Damo is full of curiosity.

"Oh, almost." Anva is nodded.

"What about you?" Xie Meng dance laughed on his face, "Do you like it ... Dragon?"

Anvilia's cheeks suddenly red: "How can I, I have never been there ..."

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