God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1425 About Occupation

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Xie Meng Dance suddenly opened his eyes: "Ha?!"

When she departured, she saw the scene of Anva Ya's golden dragon, but also took a few photos with the magical phone.

I have to say that it is really shocking, full of majesty and power.

But now you actually say that you haven't admit it yet?

Xie Meng dance got up and got an annex, nodded gently: "Also."

"Hey, what is your eyes!" Anva Yada got a look of Xie Damo, and said dissatisfaction.

At the same time, I can't help but look down, the result didn't see anything.

"Nothing." Xie Dance smiled and shook his head, "How many levels do you now?"

"Immediately 40 levels, it is necessary to become a legendary level." Refer to this topic, and the mood of Anvilia has returned a lot.

As the only dragon customer of the origin store, she is definitely a loyal user of holographic equipment, basically in the virtual world in the virtual world during the store.

The strength of the Corlo World has not been in detail in the Tianyi continent, which is roughly divided into low-order, middle-age, high-order, and the most powerful legend.

Of course, this is just a roughly division, and different occupations have different naming methods, more or less differences.

"Forty level? Is this so fast?" Xie Meng dance was a bit surprised.

After thirty, the experience of each level will present geometry.

"How long have you come to the originator, I have a task every day in leisure mode." Anvilia found a lot of confidence.

The things in the casual model will feed back itself, including grades, skills, and fighting consciousness.

It is the skill based on the use of magic, you must use the Lingjing to learn in reality.

It is natural that Atri Ya is not a problem.

Now she has already controlled the unique magic of many Kolo World.

Of course, there is basically no improvement role in her strength.

The ethnic talent of the dragon itself and the controlled dragon magic is enough to allow them to be above countless wisdom.

Anvilia is just a simple thinking.

Xie Meng dance nodded: "Which career do you think I have to choose? I have been more than 20 levels."

"I haven't chosing a career yet?" Anvili thought, "If you pursue outbreak and cool, you will choose the branch of the Master or Master, like what combat mage, the element of the Master of the elements, want to kill people in invisible The type of assassin, the night messenger is good, the summons are selected to die. "

"It's very powerful." Xie Meng dance has some entanglement, "Can you learn?"

"Can." Anva was nodded.

Xie Meng dance was a bit surprised: "Hey, I have never heard of this."

"This is the career choice given by leisure mode, but there is no restrictions on learning other careers through other ways." Anvawa said.

Xie Meng danced: "Amount, it is said."

"No one presses the power of the Master can't learn the power of Shengguang? The dark night messenger of the shadow of the shadow can certainly master the magic of the various effects." Anvilia laughed, "Just find the way you have learned, better than the game Vocational skills learn difficult. "

"Okay, look like I am in the misunderstanding of thinking." Xie Dance smiled and shook his head, "This is almost the same as Tianzhu mainland, and it is also a variety of things. Can you learn from it, you can control it."

"The boss didn't say it, Koolo is a real world. We just have to go there through holographic equipment." Anvilia stressed.

"The real world ... why do you say why the boss is doing this?" Xie Meng dance suddenly asked after a few seconds.

"I don't know." Anvilia shakes his head, "I am just a simple interest?"

"Is it interest?" Xie Meng dance looked at Luochuan. "I feel like it is not that simple."

"The boss is not here, if you are curious, I will ask." Anvas noticed the eyes of Xie Meng dance, giving her suggestions, "anything is not a big thing."

Xie Meng danced thought, then smiled and shake his head: "Still count."

"Come, city Oran, today I have to rise to the 40th level!" Anvilia has done today's plan.

"I don't know what the boss is the occupation?" Xie Meng dance thought of a thing.

"How many questions are so much." Anvilia helplessly sighed, "said the boss did not say, but did you feel the difference between the occupation of the boss?"

Xie Meng dance sinks a moment: "... it seems to be."

This game is originally created by the boss. It doesn't want to use which of the games in the game in the boss.

"You will choose a career first. If you find any hidden occupation, if you find any hidden career, then change it?" Anvewe is more than guess the idea of ​​Xie Damo.

"Hey? Can you change it with it?" Xie Meng dance smashed his eyes.

"Why can't I change it?" Anvilia watched Xie Meng dance glance, "This is not dead, refining medicine does not want to learn to have a problem with the Master?"

Xie Meng Dance took the amount of head: "No problem, no problem ..."

It seems that even have become the origin of the store for so long, there is still a lot of related information to be understood.

"Changing your career needs the Lingjing, but what should you do with you?" Anvilia was lazy, "Wasted for so long, hurry up, you will sleep."

"If you don't sleep, don't you sleep?"

"Staying up late to the scales, so I also maintain normal work."

"Scales ... It seems that I have a lot of places that don't know you."

"Hey, this is so strange, are you affected by Nolika?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Ha, there is nothing ..."

Luochuan played a yawn, and threw the magic mobile phone.

Because I am bored, I just wrote a novel, there is no notification to update two chapters on the magical mobile phone.

There is no expectation, and the reactions of customers are very strong.

"Don't I wake up today? "

"Year of life! "

"Did you say that the boss is ready to end the salted fish? "

"According to my judgment, this ten eight nine is only the boss's heart and blood!"

Many customers express their own ideas in the message, but Luochuan is not paying attention.

As a mature author, he has long been able to accustom to various types of comments.

Most of them just smile.

The author's life is so simple and boring.

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