God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1426 Night Leisure Time

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The two chapters of more updated are completely a Cardiology of Luochuan.

Multi-manifest, non-behaving.

Moreover, as a boss, even if you don't update any customers, you dare not say something.

If you don't pay attention to the noisy customers, Luochuan opens the information panel.

It was free to sweep a few eyes.

Without a lot of changes before departure, the only change is the amount of Lingjing.

As for several digits, Luochuan is too lazy to go.

Down movement, eventually falling on a task in the task area.

"Task content: Prepare new types of products yourself. Reward: The lucky draw is once. "

This task seems to have been put a long time here.

There is almost more than two hundred chapters carefully ...

As a novel, it has not launched a new product so long, Luochuan is a little doubizon that the author is addicted to the water.

Of course there is another possibility, maybe he really doesn't know how to write ...

Will only take the information panel he can see, Luochuan can't help but hurt.

The night is deep, the city is illuminated by countless lights, and the night sky stars flashes, and it is mixed with the moon.

The demon purple smoke just left, she basically went to the spa every night.

It turns out that there is no relationship between the status of the hot springs and race.

Luochuan has yawned again, supporting the sofa, he doesn't want to move now.

I will transfer it directly when I know it.

"The boss is going to rest." The step away from the song, wearing a dowager, and there is a little tampon with the hair, and it should be just springs.

"Well." Luochuan nodded, and asked a word, "I prepared it all night?"

"Anyway, I didn't have my drama tomorrow." The step away from the song shrugged, "and returned to nine cities without any opportunity, naturally, I have to add addiction."

"Oh." Luochuan nodded again.

"Cough, the boss has the idea of ​​change the business hours of the origin mall." The step has a few coughs. "I think that the night is not bad, even if it is not open to the night, after dinner, it can be opened for a while. what."

Basically all the origin of the mall customers are ideas.

The business hours of the origin store is only in the morning and afternoon, the mid-to-the-middle lunch time, as well as the time in Luochuan sleeps lazy to eat breakfast, there is no stock.

Even now, each customer's holographic equipment is now increased from the beginning of the three hours of the three hours, but it can only be sufficient enough.

It is unlikely to play.

Old customers who at least pass the song are so thinking.

"Increase business hours?" Luochuan took a bit dry eyes, "I have the opportunity to say later."

Opening day during the day, if you continue to open in the evening, then the rest time of his and demon smoke is not to be crowded.

It is impossible to do this with this point.

"After the next ... I know." The step is helpless.

According to his understanding of Luochuan, it is usually nothing likely to say such a discourse.

"Give." Luochuan put his hand, and the figure quickly disappeared in the hallway.

The step away from the song and sent Luochuan to leave, grabbed the hair, then came to the position of the holographic device.

"Really slow, what is going to play this evening?" Jiang Shengjing looks like a period of time.

"What can I play? Isn't the hologram?" The step is separated to take the seat, "I still say that you want to experience the space of the nightmare?"

"Then I will absolutely never experience the second time." Jiang Sheng said, then suddenly thought of things, "said that I didn't see Han in, did you not see Han in?"

"He, experience the nightmare space should leave a psychological shadow, now is in the treatment process." The step is coming from the song.

"Will n't it be so exaggerated?"

"Exaggerate, I think it is normal."

"Amount, it is also ..."

Luochuan slowly passed through the corridor to the room.

Turn on the light, lying directly on the bed, half-eyed looks at the top of the snow.

The room is quiet and silent, and even your breathing can be clearly heard.

After lying quietly for a few minutes, Luochuan sat up from the bed.


He embarrassed.

It's still a little sleep just now, and the result suddenly not sleepy after coming to the room.

The magic mobile phone saw a long time, and now I haven't been interested.

Forget it, go to a hot spring.

I can meet the demon purple smoke.

Luochuan made a decision soon.

Changed the kind of clothes provided by the Snowflag Pavilion, Luochuan slowly walked out of the room.

The night without the cold wind is very quiet, looking up, you can clearly see the bright star river hanging in the clear night sky.

The moonlight is cool, such as water, will be filled with snow-covered ground.

There is only a gentle foot walk echo.

In such an environment, the mood is invincible.

After approximately a few minutes, Luochuan's light car ripened to the building of the hot spring.

Pushing open the door, the trees have been dissipated after being wet, and there is still a mixed snow mastians.

Xu is because of the time later, there is no other person outside him.

Luochuan is also quiet.

When I came to the mile, push the heavy wooden door, and the fog suddenly appeared in front of you, slowly surging in the moonlight, and the scene in the courtyard was also awkward.

The sound seems to come from distant places, faintly agree.


The awkward sound broke the quiet atmosphere, white water flowers, burst into surrounded by slowly spread, and returned to the original direction when they touched the shore.

Luochuan floated the water and smoked it deeply.

The slowdown came to the shore and started quietly enjoying the time of leisure.

In the rest area of ​​the middle of the two hot springs, the demon purple smoke and other people are chatting at will, and they will look at the magical phones from time to time.

"Hey, this is a dream length, how do you send so many news in group chat?" The demon asked.

On the screen of the magical phone, the group of groups is refreshed with a very fast speed, most of which are dream length.

"I don't know, what is the new customer, saying that the green is.

Usually, the group chat is more active in the group, and the old customers like dive, and silently watching others talking about the heat.

However, there are exceptions, such as Nolika, when you are in the sea area, you like to speaking in group chat, come to the origin store for so long.

There is also a walk from the song, the medicine to keep the dust, etc., basically orders are nothing to brush in the group chat.

No matter what topics discussed, you can participate.

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