God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1427 Amway

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"Say you may not believe, in fact, my real repatriation is the peak of the respect, accidentally heard the rumors of the origin store, in fact, I am just a joke, who will use" origin " Do the name of the store, but now I think it is really suitable for this name, no more suitable name than this! "

Dreams have sent a large paragraph, it seems that this habit is still in the group chat of the magical phone.

"puff! The peak of respect ... "

"Brothers, you have a little bit." "

"It's a big paragraph, I think he should be a lot in reality. "

"What's wrong with the name of the origin, I think it is normal. "

"I don't know, you can ask others in the community ..."

The atmosphere is to be active, the group of magical phones is also the case, and now the dream is playing, this role is this role.

"Haha, the peak, now the customer begins to see the existence of lies in the group chat?" The demon won't laugh.

"The peak of the respect?" The green is curious, "" "The strong man of this realm seems to be a few of the Tiandao mainland?"

"The strength of the sea demon is asking, respecting, plus their racial characteristics, many of them can be comparable to the peak of the respect." Nolika put forward the discutation.

"Yes, we are very powerful!" Irena took nodded, and the snake tail was reflected in the light of the light.

"Know that I know." The green smile is helpless, "But I said it is the Tianyi mainland, you can live in the sea area."

Inena grabbed hair: "Hey, it is also."

The demon purple smoke listened to a few people, and the mood was a bit subtle. I thought that she thought that the dream length will spend some time to learn the magical phone.

I didn't expect to be able to make a piece in group chat with customers so soon, and there was no way to conceal my identity.

But it seems that no one is recognized.

"How do you not talk?" How do you not talk? "The demon purple stamps the arm of the demon purple smoke.

"What is it?" The demon purple smoke took the paws of the demon purple.

"Just talk to it." The demon purple moon hugged his knees, the same purple eyes of the pair of demon smoke were a curious look, "It's like you and the boss dinner. So long to do it. ? "

The demon purple smoke is white, the demon purple is a eye: "Are you not endless? How do I feel that this is just like heard?"

"Hey? I said? I didn't have anything again." The demon purple smiles and smiles with the demon purple arm, "Tell me about it?"

For the relationship between Luochuan and his sister, the demon is broken from the beginning.

Now I have seen two people to come to a piece, except for gratification, it is curious.

"It's just a meal, it's coming back because of walking back."

"That's it?"

"What do you want to listen?"

"Hey, I am afraid that it will be hit."

"... I have already hit you?"

"This is not ... It's really simple to have a meal?"

"Really really, I am not lie to what you do?"

"Sister, you have to cheer!"

The demon purple smoke stunned, and the spin was a little laughter, knocking the head of the Faiyu: "During this time, what do you learn in the human world?"

And the oil is not her, but the boss.

"This is not normal, it is written in the novel!" The demon purple moon slammed his head and screamed.

"Novels, the novels in the magical mobile phone?" The demon purple smoke has gone.

She also saw a few favorite novels on weekdays, and she won't deliberately find it in the origin. After all, she may not have so much free time.

Luochuan is used to it, and the things in the store are basically her.

"Yes." The demon is nodded, "" The Piece of the Elf City "," Song Qiying, can be seen! "

Seeing the demon purple smoke, the demon rim began to put her own favorite work.

"The name sounds so strange." The demon purple smoke, "What is the story?"

"It's the name that the name is said, the story of the swing of the elf city and the prince." The demon said.

In the Tianyi mainland, there is a creature of the elf, it is not very common, usually they will also take the initiative and human stay.

When I saw the demon purple smoke, I would like to continue to ask, and I shook my head when I went into the moon: "Sister, if you want to know the next story, I will never spoiler."

The demon purple smile nodded: "It's good, you will see yourself, I am a little curious, I really have what you say so interest."

"You will know." The demon rushed to say.

Anyway, there is nothing, the demon purple smokery directly took out the magical phone, opened the origin reading.

After the name is hopped, it quickly retrieved books.

There is nothing special, the main body is a city of a large-scale elf, and it is a bit similar to Jiuzheng. It seems to be referred to this.

Then the eyes fall on the brief.

"Introduction will not write, everyone will look at it." "

Monster Macro: "..."

Is this so perfunctory?

Forget it, there is no profile, as long as the story is good.

Of course, you still have to look at the comments before this.

This is an important reference for reflecting the quality of the work.

After all, the readers are most authentic.

With curiosity, the demon purple smoke opened the comment area.

"Update is so slow, can the author can't add more? "

"It's really good, you must reward! "

"Good look forward to the development of Mr. Nata Lan and the prince of the light wind. "

"After reading it ..."

It seems very good, comment is basically positive.

Natlan seems to be the name of the poet.

Light wind should be the prince of the Elf.


What is the hyperfix from the back of Natola?

The demon purple smoke perceived a different unusual breath.

She looked at the demon purple moon next to her eyes.

The latter has now played a card with the greens, and it is not easy to play.

The demon salastic smoke is returned.

After tangled, the curiosity in the final heart still occupied the wind.

She decided to look at it first.

I have a delicate tea and start reading.

"The bright morning light is like a grievance, giving all the layoff glow, and Natalan took the hat and looked up and looked up to see the city of the front square.

This is his first time to see so spectacular scenes. Humans are absolutely impossible to build such a city, just like integrating trees and buildings ... "

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