God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1428 Trend

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From now on, it seems that everything is normal.

The beginning of the Chinese rules, the description of the scene is also good.

The demon purple smoke rely on the back of the sofa, changed a more comfortable posture and continued reading.

Winning the first ... I don't know if the first landlord, Luochuan came out of the hot spring pool.

Now he feels a bit of a bit of his body. The original exhaustion has long sweeps.

Sure enough, the hot springs are the best relaxation.

Grab your hair and feel a little residual moisture.

Luochuan has hub yawn and is too lazy.

Anyway, I will have it.

Deeply stretched a lazy waist, Luochuan slowly walked toward the rest area.

Just approached, I heard the words behind the door.

"Seventeen cards you can second me ?!"

"Hey, I will lose again."

"Hey, the novel of the boss actually secretly updated!"

"You found it ..."

From noisy talks, Luochuan has identified some of the content.

Very good, very energetic.

But I didn't hear the sound of the demon purple smoke.

Is it going back?

But come, still go in and see better.

Pushing open the door, the original vocal voice suddenly became clear.

A few figure also appeared in the sight of Luochuan.

"The boss has come over." The demon greeted Luochuan.

"The boss is good." Irene did not raise, staring at the card in his hand, thinking about what should be seen next.

Other people are also lazy.

Luochuan should be in the mouth, soon noticed that the sofa hugged the magic mobile phone.

The girl's expression is a bit strange, the face is red, and there is no attention to Luochuan.

It seems that it should be fully immersed in the world of novels.

Luochuan is a little curious to see what is watching, so I got the past.

"What?" Luochuan took the arm of the demon purple smoke.

When the demon purple smoke suddenly sent a small excitement, the hand was thrown into the space ring, and he saw it was slightly relieved after Luochuan: "How did you come?"

The reaction of the demon purple smoke made Luochuan thought of students who were discovered by the teacher in class.

Can't say a bit like it, can only be said.

"Just bubble the hot springs, come over and rest." Luochuan referred to his own clothes, "What are you watching?"

He is now very good demon purple smoke to see something on the magical phone.

The demon purple smoke recalls the story just seen, and suddenly I feel that my cheeks start hot: "Just ... the novel in the magical phone."

"What novel?" Luochuan continued to ask.

The demon purple smoke has been opened, and the support has said: "... the book of the Elf City."

"The swing poets and princes in the Elf City?" Luochuan sat down next to the demon purple smoke, heard a faint aroma.

"Hey? Have you seen it too?" This turn is surprised.

"Of course, I have never seen it, but I have heard that it is very popular." Luochuan touched the Pakistan, "Most of the women's customers."

The demon purple cigarette expression is a bit subtle: "A lot, most of you are female customers?"

"Anyway, it's okay, see what story saying," Luochuan took out the magical mobile phone, "this name is strange, and even a profile is not."

The demon purple smoke wants to stop Luochuan, but I can't think of what to say, I can only make it.

Luochuan looked at the immersed smoke: "What happened?"

"Cough, there is nothing." The demon smoke shook his head.

Luochuan frowned, he felt that today's demon purple smoke is a bit strange.

Forget it, think so much.

If you encounter something, she will definitely not take her own.

Luochuan recovered his thoughts, soon found the "Wizard of the Wizard of the Elf City" mentioned by the demon smoke and prince.

The cover is really good, it seems to be the kind of artistic conception of the elves.

Luochuan feels that people who draw this should have been to the real elves.

There is also this brief, it is true.

After spitting a few words in the heart, Luochuan finally began to formally read.

"The bright morning light is like a golden gold, give everything on a layer of light golden glow, Natalan took the hat and looked up and looked up to see the city of the previous square."

It seems yes, what is the daily type or what?

Very popular with female customers, I want to come to the main romance.

In this heart, Luochuan continued to look down.

The plot is also slowly launched with the view of the poet Natlan.

It seems that there is no special place, the circumstances of the Chinese rules.

But what is the expression of the demon purple smoke?

Luochuan is a little doubt.

Looking at the demon purple smoke next to the eyes, then browse.

But looked at it, Luochuan missed the place where it was not.

What ghost?

How did this plot are different from him?

Luochuan wrinkled eyebrows, sinking for a few seconds, and fell back to the cover of the novel.

Looking at the title of the title of the book.

The poet is named Natola, and the other protagonist is the prince of the Elf ...

Don't be angry, it is absolutely wrong.

Luochuan also looked at the author of this book.

Just know, the old customers of the origin store Song Qiuxi.

Originally her and Wei Zhuzhu, Lin Haozhuang is a mercenary of Jiuzheng, and the previous time because Luochuan's proposal has become a professional writer.

Luochuan also only knows that Wei Liangzhu's "mercenary note" is more famous, Lin Hao Cream's "Wu Bai Sky" has recently been quite high in the customer.

But Song Qiying has not paid attention.

How did he think of this type of novel, and it looks also very popular.

You will teach others!

The origin of the mall, but many of them are members of the college or a member of the Zongmen.

Moreover, in addition, Song Qiying's novel is mainly a female customer.


"Do you like to see this type of story?" Luochuan expression touched his arm.

"I just recommended it to me." The demon purple smoke didn't want to throw the pot to the monster, "I just knew it."

"Is that so?"

"Of course! Boss, I lie to you? The demon is like a month."

The demon purple moon has just ended the bureau of the landlord, and then ran over after hearing the demon purple smoke: "What is the sister?"

The demon purple smoke wants to think, I feel that it is very strange to talk about this problem now, so I put a war: "Amount, no things, go back."

The demon purple "Oh" has gone and went back.

"How do you think Song Qiuxi wrote?" Luochuan didn't ask.

"It's good." I nodded in the demon purple smoke. After the reaction came over, I looked at Luochuan, whispered, "I really think it is very good."

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