God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1429 is wrong

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The "Elf City of the Elf City" written in Song Qiuri, "the demon purple smoke will not be self-immersed in the plot depicted by the text.

From the heart, she really likes this story.

"Forget it, you are happy." Luochuan took the forehead, the monster smoke hobby did not have it? "

But why is it feeling so strange?

Luochuan will never look again.

It is better to see "Wu Ran" this time.

The demon purple smoke has also collected a magical mobile phone, although she looks forward to the next plot, but it seems that it is not a suitable scene.

"What are you talking about?" Luochuan decided to transfer the topic.

"Didn't say anything, I am watching the novel, they are playing cards, playing table tennis." The demon purple smoke wants to say.

The table tennis player that is still in the front of Tianluchuan is still here, Gu Yunxi and Jiang Yunshu are holding a racket with a table tennis.

The reactivity of cultivators is naturally much stronger than ordinary people, so the speed of table tennis is also very fast, and there is almost a residual.

It's just like this.

The two did not use spiritual power, nor did they appear directly on the wall.

"Oh, yes, there is something." The demon purple smoke shows a smile, "the boss, you look at the group."

"What is the group chat?" Although Luochuan is a little doubt, it has opened the official group chat of the origin store.

The customer's news suddenly appeared on the screen, and refreshed with a very fast speed.

However, this refreshing frequency is perfect to fit the speed of Luochuan, and will not see anything.

This is the convenience of the magical phone.

"Well, I seem to understand what you mean." Luochuan said a little smile.

It is not exaggerated that the dream grows a person sent nearly half of the news.

It can use the magical mobile phones so proficient in such a short period of time, and the dream grow is indeed a talent.

Is this the day of words?

"This dream is very affinity, there is no big man's shelf." The demon purple smile laugh.

"It's almost like other people in the store?" Luochuan thought about it.

Regardless of the identity, as long as you come to the originator, it is a general customer, you need to follow the rules of the origin store.

"Like daylight, Fan Chengtian is in the ordinary cultivator, all in the weekdays are also difficult to touch, the dream is empty, and the medicine is a bit like." The demon purple smoke said.

"Also." Luochuan nodded.

Everyone has a different personality, even if the strength is strong, it is not possible to take the seven emotions and six wants.

As for the kind of Yuan returning ...

That is natural.

The medication of the medicine and retrieving the same time, according to his story, the person's character is like this, so it is not the impact of cultivation.

"Dream growth is actually in the beginning, it is no one to believe." The demon purple smoke recalls that the things just can't help but laugh.

"After all, there is so strong cultivator, usually there are rarely appearing in group chat." Luochuan thought about supplementing it, "there is except for the medicine."

In the first two days, he also saw the medicine to live a live broadcast of youth, and the program effect was directly full.

Moreover, the medicine is not here, I want to say anything.

"Is there a little less than the doctor?" The demon purple smoke and asked.

"Is there anything wrong, even if you know, he should not mind." Luochuan said.

I have been waiting for a while, and the moisture remaining on the hair gradually dissipates, and Luochuan slowly went out.

The demon purple smoke is sent to Luochuan, which took the magical phone from the space ring.

The demon stopped playing cards, came to the sight of the demon purple smoke, looked at her: "How?"

"Where are you listening to this?" The demon purple smoke strives to face the face, maintaining a stateless state.

"It is occasionally discovered." The demon purple moon also took out the magical mobile phone. "Right, Song Qiurg also created a group chat, my sister, do you want to add it?"

"There is still a group chat, let me see ..."

Luochuan naturally didn't know what happened again after he left.

The hot springs have eliminated the exhaustion of the body. Now he just wants to go back to the room to sleep well.

By the way, the dream is too late to come over.

I have to give him a role of a little drama.

If there is no or if the acting is not active, I will give the role of a masses.

Anyway, Luochuan is the boss is also a director, everything he said.

The script written only provides a reference, and the specific shooting of the scene will also look at himself.

From the beginning of shooting, he has modified a lot of original plots.

Luochuan returned to the room, and the lights were too lazy to open, and they came directly to the bed, and then drilled into the soft and comfortable bed.

I didn't have the idea of ​​watching the magical mobile phone before going to bed. After closing my eyes, I quickly entered my dreams.

The next day, in the morning.

Luochuan is woken by a few crisp birds.

A red golden bird is standing outside the windowsill, and the curious look is in the room.

"Juanchang played, I want to sleep."

Luochuan stretched out of his arm from the nest, turned over and continued to sleep.

The red gold bird is fanned, disappears outside the window.

"Xuanji, the boss is still sleeping?" Chen Yiyi got up early and was eating breakfast in the hall, asked Xuanchi, who had just turned into a human form.

As a beast that asked the realm, it is a very easy thing to change the size of Juanchi.

"The boss found me at a glance." Xuanchi patted his clothes and sat next to Chen Yiyi.

"Isn't that normal?" Chen Yi sent a fruit to the Xuanqi mouth, knead her head, "The strength of the boss, you don't know."

"Yes." Xuanchi nodded.

The steps from the song, and deeply extended a lazy waist after leaving the seat. The joints of the whole body seem to have a burst of bursts.

This is also the case.

"Don't talk to them, if you don't sleep in the evening, it is very long." Chen Yiyi looked at the two people and whispered.

"Is that they are not afraid of being too high?" Xuanchi is doubtful.

"You are still small, as for two of them." Chen Yiyi said with a smile.

Juanchi nodded if he thought.

"It's so tired." The step left the song, walked toward the corridor, "Sleeping."

"Don't eat?" Jiang Shengjun felt that his head was groggy, how long, the use of holographic equipment for a long time would bring burden to the body.

"Don't eat, no appetite, noon." The step is hopped by the song, and the figure quickly disappeared in the sight of Jiang Hao.

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