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Luochuan, washed, as always, slowly came to the hall.

There is no difference before and before, it is still a customer who is three or two two two or two, and the vague conversation has echoed in the ear.

"The boss is good morning."


It is still daily greetings.

"Do you continue to shoot today?" The demon purple smoke shot showed the location of the mei Luochuan sitting here.

She is not sleeping every day like Luochuan, because she is more early because she needs to prepare breakfast.

Although I don't need to do this, I don't need to do this, but it is still similar to the origin store, still maintaining the original work habits.

"Of course." Luochuan put the plate on the table and sat down.

The demon salastic smoke is wearing a white dress today, with a light blue pattern, a bit of a variety of European classical costumes.

The inside of each building of Snow Fengge is inside the heating method, so it will not feel cold.

Of course, it is not a substantive impact in the wilderness of the demon purple smoke.

The long-purple long hair is scattered behind the sun, and the two sides simply like a ribbon-like red jewelry, a bit similar to Snowflakes.

A few haired haired hanging from the chest, as the demon purple speech gently swayed.

[Roughly refer to the 22 image of the day, how about the two, how do you have a picture?

"What is the boss to see me?" The demon purple smoke noted the eyes of Luochuan, and bowed his head and did not notice what is the same.

"Nothing, just feel that you are very beautiful today." Luochuan stuffed a piece of food in his mouth.

"Oh ... Although the boss said, I am very happy, but I don't seem to be a special place today?" The demon purple smoke blind eyes.

"It used to be beautiful before." Luochuan said helpless.

The demon salastic smoke can not help but laugh, look like the mood: "Hey, this is almost."

"You are almost the same." After the younger blue eyes, I have a white eye, "I want to find a place where no one is like."

"Hey, how can you sound this," said the demon purple smile.

"Because I just took the orange!" I didn't stand the demon purple smoke, hesitated, turned to look at Luochuan, "Can the boss can come out with me?"

"Looking for me?" Luochuan looked up with breakfast referred to himself.

"Well." I nodded.

"Can't you say here?" Luochuan swallowed the food in his mouth.

"No." Qingdao replied.

"Well." Luochuan sighed a little helpless, then looked at the immersed smoke.

"What are you doing?" The demon purple smoke is a bit laugh at the same time. "You have something to go with her."

Today's weather is not very good, although it is already divided in the morning, the sky is still sinking, the snow covers the signs of smashing.

Luochuan came to the outside of the courtyard, surrounded by silence, and there were no other people outside them.

Even so, the green blue is still released, and all the perceived all is separated.

"What is it for me?" Luochuan took a lot of clothes, the temperature difference in the outside and the room was a bit big, and the spiritual barrier did not work.

The blue aluminitudits are on the spiritual barrier. Hold your hands in your chest, the smile on your face has disappeared, and the serious look is replaced: "Are you serious?"

Luochuan: "Ha?"

He didn't react it in the first time?

And the most critical is that if you have this, if you pass, it's easy to make others misunderstanding.

"It is the relationship between you and the purple smoke." The green screams, "I don't know what the boss thinks, but the purple smoke is really ... It is true."

The greens of the greens remembered have been with the demon smoke, and they finally used the word "Tianzhen" after thinking.

"The purple smoke is actually very little to the human world. At that time, the excitement that I created was to increase my experience, but it was tired of the time in less than a year. I said that the boss you may not believe." Qing I laughed, I looked at the direction of the hall. "In fact, I have always been treated as my sister."

"I know the boss, you and the purple smoke, the life of the life is indeed, the purple smoke thinks when the clerk is also normal, and then gradually likes to live here, and to the boss There is also a good sense, and it is true for the violet to the purple smoke. "

"I just want to know how the boss will look at this thing, maybe for the boss, this is just a small episode of a long life, but for the purple smoke, this is all of her, I don't want to see her for this Injury. "

The green eyes looked at Luochuan, the look was seriously authentic: "I want to know how the boss looks like the purple smoke."

Is this the old mock that I lived as a long time?

Luochuan did not be angry because of the words of the green, and even feel a little laughing. For the demon purple smoke, it is somewhat ... happy.

Luochuan laughed: "I didn't expect you to call me because of this."

"Oh, don't you do it?" The green eyes were blind, "So the boss your answer?"

"I may not believe in it, in fact, I am the same as the purple smoke." Luochuan said.

"Well? What do you mean?" Qingku did not understand the words of Luochuan.

"We are all the same innocent." Luochuan laughed, "In addition, it is not a small episode on the long life road. It is also important."

The green kitte is settled to look at Luochuan, and suddenly he lowered his head: "How do you feel that this is not like a boss, can you say?"

"What do you say?" Luochuan didn't listen to the words of Qing Qing.

"Nothing." Green bludder went to the spiritual barrier, like something big, stretched a lazy waist, showing a smile, "The boss should go and talk to the purple smoke, she should be very happy after hearing "

"That is of course." Luochuan nodded carefully.

The green is silent for a few seconds, helplessly sigh: "Suddenly I feel a little more and more."

"There is still other things, I will go back first." Luochuan touched the arm and couldn't help but sneeze. "This is very cold."

The garist is looked at Luochuan, until the latter waved in front of her, and the response: "Amount, nothing."

The green appearance of the green expression is delicious, and the figure of Luochuan disappears in the sight. This is a little crying. It is a bit self-written: "The boss is still afraid of cold ..."

No wonder the boss is deliberately wearing a coat every time, it seems to know more about the strange living habits about the boss.

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