God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1431 Special Ability

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Luochuan returned to the hall, feeling the warmth of the body, which was slightly relieved.

The demon purple smoke is still sitting on the sofa, looking at the magic mobile phone in his hand.

The face looks a little red.

Luochuan can break 100%, she is absolutely looked at the novel.

The demon purple cigarette looked back in Luochuan and looked up and smiled at him.

At the same time, switch to other pages in touch.

"Elf City's swimming poet and prince" is indeed not suitable for reading in public situations, because it is easy to control your facial expression.

It is best to stay in your own room when you want to see it.

This is the suggestion left by the reader in the comment area, and the demon purple smoke now feels very reasonable.

Last night, she was a rare day and night because of this novel, and she had to say that it is really fascinating.

Luochuan is not good about this.

Although the relationship between the two now is no longer an ordinary clerk - the boss's ordinary employment relationship.

But he can't interfere with the hobbies of the demon purple smoke?

Luochuan sat down in the original position and continued to finish breakfast.

At this time, the green kite has also come to the hall, and after laughing in two people, I sat on the seat of the hologram device.

It seems that this morning is ready to spend the virtual world.

Luochuan received his eyes, and the food was sent back and looked at the demon purple smoke next to it.

"Do you not say something?"

"Of course, it's curious, but the blue bike is deliberately calling the boss. What should it be important?"

"It is indeed very important thing, but tell you that it doesn't matter."

"Hey, can you?"

"In fact, some things you like, you are still very concerned about you."

"Hey, the blue kitty is really good, but I always feel that the boss is lie to me."

"That is your illusion ..."

The time in the morning is so silent.

There is no afternoon.

"It's full." Luochuan, who had lunch, sitting on the couch, full of satisfied looks.

At noon is the kitchen, the taste of lunch is much better than the Snowflag or other stores.

Luochuan doesn't pick up eating.

But if the taste of the food is very good, you can't help but eat more.

"The boss continues to shoot today?" Jiang Yuchang came to Luochuan.

In this shot, she played the moon to ripe the road.

"Well, it is mainly the paragraph of the monarchy and glitch dialogue. If time is enough, continue to shoot back." Luochuan director only has a general plan.

"No problem." Jiang Yunshu should take it.

"Yes, Irea?" Luochuan thought of Inenecina's figure in the morning.

Under normal circumstances, this salty water is nothing more, it will be in the hall, or you can watch the magic mobile phone or play with others.

Life is interesting and fulfilling as Luochuan.

As the player of the dead god in the movie, Inenena cannot be missing.

"Should be in the hot spring." Jiang Yiling hangly thought, "She didn't leave after she went in last night."

"Soak so long?" Luochuan was a bit surprised.

Elena said that this reminded her time to live in the city of the sea. "Jiang Yunshi remembered the Word of Inena last night.

"Amount, the city of the sea demon is indeed in the deep sea, so there is no problem with this," Luochuan nodded slightly.

But even if you know why this is still so strange?

"Right, you send Inena, telling her in the afternoon to continue shooting, there is a scene of death." Luochuan said.

"Oh, ok." Jiang Yunshu should take a head and then go to the side of the magical phone to start to give Irenena.

After approximately a few minutes, Inena came to the hall.

The sea demon girl still maintains a semi-snake form, and the scales on the snake form a beautiful and quirky pattern.

I almost forgot that this pattern also comes with a spiritual effect that enables people to become optimistic ...

"Is it going to play again?" Irea was full of vitality, "When did the boss start shooting?"

"This is not a hurry, I have just take a break before you have finished." Luochuan is lazy to sway, and if you are full, you don't want to move.

Inena looked at Luochuan's lazy appearance, seriously thought about it, swayed: "Do you want to see my tail?"


Then he saw that Inena's tail seems to be more beautiful than just a lot, and the surface seems to have a ray.

A little familiar.

Think of that when it seems to be on the island of the sea, there is such a change in the time of the coma.

Octopus blame ... cough, Nolika is very excited after seeing it.

Although this is no role in Luochuan ...

"Stop." Luochuan quickly stopped Inena's movements, but it seems to be slow.

"Hey, how does Irena do your tail seem to be glow?" The step is houting to the hall.

"It is indeed luminous." Jiang Shengshi also walked over.

The two have just woke up because they have not eaten breakfasts throughout the next time, they are not hungry, they are ready to go out.

"How I suddenly feels not sleepy?" The step is covered with eyebrows, and I can't help but grasp the hair.

"I have a kind of impulse in challenge mode and the ghosts in the ghosts." Jiang Shengjing also missed his own strange.

"Walk away, eat!" The step is rushed out of the outside, and there is nothing just a friable.

"I have to eat three big bowls today!" Jiang Shengjing also chemically became a phantom who left the hall.

At this time, almost the time of lunch, although the customers in the hall are not much, but there are more than a dozen things.

Most of them pay attention to Jiang Hao and the songs.

Because there is snow on the road, the steps have fallen into the head, but they will climb it soon, catch up with the footsteps of the front of the front river.

"Do they have a misappropriate medicine today?" Chen Yi turned his head to step poetry.

Stephen is deeply sucking, deviating: "I don't know them."

They did not pay attention to the previous movement of Inena, just when it was a song and Jiang Shengmao inexplicable.

"Hey, how do you have no effect on the boss?" Irea worp, "should not be."

"It should not be normal." Luochuan touched the magical mobile phone, "I didn't affect me, how is your strength?"

"Amount, I forgot." Inena looked at the direction of the song and Jiang Shengshi disappeared. "They don't have something?"

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