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"Do you not know your ability?" Luochuan asked a little smile.

"I have lived in the city of the sea. This is the first time I came to Tianli Mainland, and I didn't use this opportunity to use this ability.

This seems to be very reasonable.

Luochuan nodded: "It turned out to be like this, I am still something."

"Oh, the boss is busy." Irena didn't ask, soon there was a voice, "play cards to play ..."

Luochuan opened the magical phone and showed the message from the tiger crane.

"The boss has a strange customer in the store today, more than I have more, and I don't even know that I will talk to others. "

The Tiger mad manned the origin of the martial art city, every day, every day, through the magical mobile phone, therefore happened to him.

In fact, there is no difference between Luochuan in the store.

But don't forget, the tiger is also there, and it is nothing to say, and it will still give Many news to Luochuan.

Therefore, it is too lazy to see in Luochuan.

But today is a little special.

From the tiger's news, Luochuan almost knows who he said.

"Is it a moderate appearance of the middle-aged person, and said that he called a dream length? "

"Yes, how do you know? "

The tiger mad is holding a magical phone, and the news is completely emitted, soon guessed the reason.

Yes, the strength of the boss can easily know anything happening in the origin store in other regions.

As for letting him watch the store should be because of the identity.

He is the exclusive mount of the boss!

Thinking of this, the tiger felt that his eyes were sour, and the heart was full of surprises.

Sure enough, there is still his boss.

"How is the tiger's mad show so strange?" Rainwater pays attention to the changing changes in Tiger madness.

At this time, the business hours of the originating mall begins, and the customer has continued to come.

"The boss really has mine in my heart." Tiger masonry is full of emotions.

Rainwater picked his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

"I don't understand you with you." The tiger puts up, "Don't pay attention to me, let me be happy."

Rainwater: "...", I'm going. "

"This don't have to manage, what I said is right? "

Luochuan's news has been sent again.

The tiger thought about it and also gave a reply.

"Yes, it is the boss, and he is also very active in the group chat, almost every moment, every moment, I doubt how he uses the magical mobile phone ..."

Luochuan closed and tiger chat page.

The hammad's magazine is episodes, it is best not to pay attention to this time.

This is the experience that Luochuan gets it earlier.

Anyway, I will transfer myself, I will change my attention, and I have reached my own and my own dialogue like a dream.

The demon purple smoke has been walked over, handed over Luochuan: "Where is our boss to shoot this afternoon?"

For movies, the selection of the site is definitely critical.

"Just in the Snow Fengge." Luochuan is too lazy to go out.

Anyway, Snow Fengge has a lot of houses, just find a room that meets the story of the story is very relaxed.

The demon purple smoke is nodded. For the decision of Luochuan, it will not be said to be in the case: "Summer is very happy."

Summer is basically responsible for the things of Luochuan filmed movies, than him.

No way, who let Luochuan are a handkerchief.

Everything is always to do, and ultimately can only fall in summer.

Moreover, Ji no regrets him is doing this.

"Maybe." Luochuan is not available.

"Right, the dream is empty, will he come here this afternoon?" The demon smoke sat next to the sofa.

"Should come over." Luochuan handed his magical mobile phone to the demon purple smoke, "I look."

"What do I look at the magic mobile phone of the boss?" Although the demon purple smoke is a bit doubtful, but still pick it up, "This is a tiger's news? There are many problems in this words."

"But it is much more empty than dreams."

"makes sense."

The demon purple smoke looked at the news of the tiger, and soon revealed the surprised look: "Dream is empty to the origin store?"

"Don't forget, he is the repair of the peak of the respect." Luochuan reminded one next to it.

"Mainly his character is really difficult to contact his repair." The demon smoke is small.

The distance between the two cities in Jiuzheng and Qichuan is indeed far away for ordinary people and ordinary cultivators.

But in the eyes of the respect, there seems to have a few tear space, and you want to make it easier.

Why is the Avilian transportation tools when I came to Qichuan ...

The reason is very simple, Luochuan wants to do this, and Anvia is also very happy.

Life is always a sense of pointing.

For the dream of the dream, you can in the active mall and the store in the morning, in the afternoon, I came to Qichuan to run the dragon in the movie.

The demon purple smoke will also give the magical mobile phone to Luochuan, hesitated it or leaned on his body.

"What's wrong?" Luochuan is a bit amazed. To know that the demon purple smoke is usually rarely acting.

"The Qing said with me in the morning." The demon purple smoke said.

The green jeans are just in the hall, pay attention to the eyes of Luochuan and demon purple smoke, revealing a splendid smile against the two.

Luochuan received his eyes, and he looked at the demon purple smoke: "I can be true."

The demon purple smoke blinks, the eyebrows are smile: "The boss doesn't have to say it again with me?"

Luochuan coughed, kneaded the head of the demon smoke: "You don't all know what it is said?"

The demon purple smoke shakes the head: "This is different, I want to listen to the boss, you said."

"The line is row, then I will say." Luochuan should be connected, "I didn't pay attention to the surrounding environment?"

"The surrounding environment?" The demon purple smoke, she really didn't pay attention to this.

And Luochuan's life has only rarely use their respect forces, and use popular discourse to become a standby state from the power-on state.

After all, there is nothing to use in the origin store.

After the reminder of Luochuan, I found that I didn't know when the talks in the hall had completely disappeared, and everyone's eyes fell on the body.

The face of the demon purple smoke is red to the speed of the naked eye.

"What are you watching? Is it ready to shoot the movie and shoot it?" Luochuan looked around, and his dull voice resounded in the hall.

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