God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1433 Kiss

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"What do you see? Are you ready to start movie and shoot?" Luochuan looked around.

After a few seconds after a few seconds, the hall recovered again, and each customer seems to be busy.

"What does this array mean? Can you teach me?"

"The words said that this step is not right, I feel that I should go up."

"The script of the boss is really good, I can't wait to see the movie shooting is complete ..."

Customers are eager to talk about a variety of topics.

It seems that the acting is more or less in the past.

Luochuan received his eyes, and in his heart, he didn't know how to deal with this scene.

If the customer is soaked, I really don't know how it is good.

"Boss, can you close your eyes?" The demon purple smoke looked at Luochuan, and suddenly whispered.

"What do you do in close your eyes?" Luochuan had some doubts, or he did it.

As the eyes are closed, the view is suddenly fallen into the dark, and other perceptions have become a lot of perception.

Luochuan only felt a soft touch.

At the same time, I also smelled a kind of faint fragrance.

The whole process is only a short moment.

Luochuan opened his eyes, the demon purple smoke, the face was sitting next to the red ground, and the gods looked at the magic mobile phones in the hands.

If the screen of the magical phone is more reliable.

"Look!" Not aware of Luochuan's line of sight, and the demon purple smoke turned his head and asked.

"Of course, I am looking at you." Luochuan's face laughed, he clearly saw the face of the demon purple smoke and rusted a bit.

The shy violet smoke is also super cute!

"I will go back to the room."

After leaving this sentence, the firing of the demon purple smoke disappears in front of Luochuan, and only the remaining burst space fluctuates still remains in the original position.

Is this connected to the space transfer?

Luochuan recalls the feelings just now, and the look before the demon purple smoke leaves, and it will not be laughed by independently.

He began to think about when the system started in the heart, changed the monster to the job mall.

Although there is no substantive impact, the meaning of the representative is essentially different.

"Do you have a function of predict future?" Luochuan suddenly asked in his heart.

"In the future, it is uncertain. Blind observations will only lead to the original possibility to become impossible." The system gave Luochuan in real time, "Tianyi mainland calculations belong to the future One kind ... "

Luochuan is speaking, and quickly interrupted the system's words: "Stop stop, I said it is not this."

"What is the boss want to know?" The system issues.

"I want to know, you don't tell me, so I don't want to know anything!" Luochuan has not answered.

The system is silent for a few seconds: "The world ... is also the universe of the boss, in fact, it is made up by the information, small to a flower, one leaf, one sand, big to the sun and moon, the basic rules, the final rules It is a product of information. "

"Know that I know." Luochuan should be, "the information is big, I know this, then, you suddenly mention this, what do you want to say?"

"Any information will have an impact on the world, including words and deeds." The system gives an unclear solution.

Luochuan silently: "It is true that the world is actually the presence of God, and the probability is also affected by the abyss?"

As a storytell, Luochuan is the most good at divergent thinking, and give him a clue to him, it can make a few millions of words.

"Please explore the boss."

"You can't help it?"

"Boss refueling."

"... forget it, it is better to just."

Luochuan is a bit helpless, and this thing is no longer entangled.

What is the experience of a system with a thinking method and a difference in differences?

"For dephilic organisms, any remarks mentioning in His will have a substantial impact." The sound of the system sounded again.

"So is it really the reason for God?" Luochuan's mood did not fluctuate.

Deathy is familiar.

There is one of the Corlo World, but also signed the kind of inequalities.

The status in Luochuan's heart is also equivalent to Chimeira, the world tree, and the small black ball.

It belongs to the category of pets.

"The impact of information communication depends on the source and method." The system did not answer the problem of Luochuan.

"It seems that Anva Ya's mystery should be the reason." Luochuan nodded, "Okay, nothing."

The system silently.

And the conversation of the system is conducted at the spiritual level, and there is no longer time in the reality.

When Luochuan returned to God, I found that I didn't know when the demon purple moon has already got into his face.

"What happened?" Luochuan's face did not change his mouth.

"Boss, how do you feel?" The demon asked in a smile.

"What?" Luochuan picked his eyebrows.

"Say you may not believe, when my sister pro, I just took the magic mobile phone in taking pictures, so it happened to take it off." The demon purple felt the magical mobile phone.

Which is such a coincidence!

Luochuan considers the importance of personal privacy in your heart.

"Let me see." Luochuan took the magic mobile phone of the demon purple moon.

The pixels of the magical phone naturally have not said that Luochuan enlarged photos and clearly saw the scene at the time.

The demon purple smoke is slightly squinted, and the face is staining a touch of red glow.

Luochuan also gave the magical mobile phone to the demon purple month: "I will send it to me."

The demon is nodded, and the face is full of inexplicable smiles: "Yes, I will send it to the boss."

"Is there something?" Luochuan noticed that the demon purple did not leave.

"Amount, there is nothing." The demon purple shook his head, "Just feel that your personality has changed recently."

"Where is it?" Luochuan has drank his mouth.

"Well ..., the boss always likes the plate, basically there is no expression. Well, I am almost the same as Yuan Boss." The demon wanted to say.

Don't continue to spit Yuan Yuan!

"What?" Qichuan asked.

"Now it has changed much, the boss has become a lot of laughter, I have never seen the boss and laugh, now I am still laughing ..." The demon purple smile blinks, "is not a sister. the reason?"

Still laugh now?

Luochuan touched his face, he really didn't pay attention, then nodded carefully: "Of course."

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