God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1434 Experience

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In the room, the demon purple smoke was sitting on the sofa with his legs and buried his head in it.

It's allicty to stand next to it, holding your arms, watching her: "As for?"

"Why isn't it!" The demon purple smoke finally lifted his head, shameless, I don't know what I suddenly laughed, "it is, you can't understand it."

The green eyes were full of eyes: "Hey, I am, because you are concerned, my personal attack, I am not right."

"I am wrong, I am sorry." The demon purple smiles apologized.

"This is alcoitcard," I sat down on the sofa, using the hand of the demon purple smoke like a satin-like purple long hair, "To tell the truth, I saw you actually so surprised."

"Don't say you, I am also surprised, I am not coming to autonomy ..." The demon purple smoke recalls the scene at the time, the cheeks have a peach blossom, "Green, do you say this is not a love?"

The greens of the green dozen, tapping the head of the ultraviolet smoke: "Are you stupid?"

"Ah, how do you say that I?" The demon salastic smoke has some grievances.

"You haven't learned everything in the human world, do you have anything to learn?" Qing asked with a smile.

"I am not all with you, even if you don't have to interfere with human life, you will not go to the lives of humanity." The demon purple smoke.

"It is also." The green is helpless, and it is slightly pose. "Although I didn't ..., I don't say this, I still have a better understanding of this or less."

The demon purple smoke nodded, and his face was full of curious look, looking forward to the words of the green blue.

The green scorpion was clear and then started to tell: "These things are simple, but actually ..."

The demon purple smoke is always very reasonable, but I feel unsatisfactory, there is always an inexplicable familiarity, it seems to hear it.

"Stop stop." The demon purple smoke stopped the blue sky, and the box looked at her. "Where did you understand these things?"

"Amate ... Of course, when I live in all places in Tianzhu, um, yes, that's it." The green name nodded seriously.

"How do I feel so familiar ... I thought, isn't this a magical phone!" The demon purple smoke finally thought of the source of familiarity.

The atmosphere in the room is somewhat quiet.

It is a bit embarrassing by the demon purple smoke.

She laughed a few: "Do I want to give you suggestions?"

"Use the post on the magical phone?" The demon purple smoke question.

"I have no experience!" Qing refuting.

The two looked quietly, and they finally couldn't help but laugh after a few seconds.

After laughing, the demon purple smile, looked at the blue kitty: "Thank you."

"What is it, thank you." The green kick didn't care, and the eyes swept on the lips of the demon purple smoke, couldn't help but laugh, pointing at yourself, "If you don't kiss me? "

The demon purple smoke is white and green: "I want to be beautiful."

Green , , face with the expression preparing to listen to the story: "Hey, the purple smoke tells me what you feel? Very curious."

"What can be curious."


"Is the heartbeat?"

"more specific."

"I don't know, I can't say it ..."

The gloomy sky is finally over, and a few bright sunshine passes through the fissure of the clouds, dispersing the cold winter month.

Luochuan squinted in the sun in the afternoon, couldn't help but hurt, and even a little wanted to sleep.

The customers gathered in the hall, still talking about what happened in Rao, while preparing for the next shooting.

Ok, it is actually a few people involved in shooting.

Other purely came over to join in the fun.

Anyway, it is also idle, and this shot is the venue chosen in Snow, as long as the customer is basically coming.

"Unbelievable, incredible ..." Gu Yunxi repeated this sentence whisper.

"What is incredible?" Inena heard the voice of Gu Yunyi.

"Said that you may not believe, when I went to the origin of the mall in the morning, the boss made us have been waiting for nearly half an hour outside for eating." Gu Yunyi, I am clearly remembers this matter.

"Ha, there is such a thing, are you not kidding?" Inenen was blinded.

"What do you do?" Gu Yunyi pulled the Jiang Yunshi next to him. "I am right in the late emperor?"

"What is right?" Jiang Yunshu fell, she was watching the script for the afternoon movie shooting, I was inexplicably pulled by Gu Yunyi.

"Just when we just started to discover the origin store, the boss didn't let us wait for a long time to run out for a long time, start business?" Gu Yunyi asked.

Jiang Yunshu seriously thought about it, nod: "It seems to have such a thing."

"So I will say it!" Gu Yunyi took a palm, "The boss actually made two such a beautiful girl blowing so long cold wind, even this kind of thing can make it, actually ..."

Gu Yunyi's words only said half, because she suddenly found that two people have to be sinned, they can only swallow the back of the belly: "Anyway is incredible."

"I think the boss is quite good." Irea laughed, the tail scored lightly, "although it was lazy, people were still very good."

At the beginning of the city of the Sea, she still remembers clearly, if she didn't have the opportunity to come to the human world.

"Well, the boss is best!" Juan Juan nodded and told this very much.

Even the frost "um" is also "hmmped" with the frost that has never been involved in the customer.

Luochuan heard that there were customers talking about themselves, putting down the magic mobile phone carefully identifying the contents of the discourse.

Well, it seems that he is still very popular among customers.

"The boss, when is it?" Gu Yunyu jumped to Luochuan, or as always, it was full of vitality.

"Not anxious." Luochuan drank the mouth, "more, etc."

"I don't care, the boss is the director boss to say." Gu Yunyi swayed, "Let's go to play first."

Luochuan opened the magical phone and sent a message to the dream.

"Do you come here?" "

Dream growth news, you quickly replied.

"Immediately, the boss is waiting for a few minutes, I have already started from the city, and I have encountered a voice in the store, and I have forgotten the time. "

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