God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1435 Special Customer

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Luochuan's mood looks delicate news of the dream.

He felt that there were ten eight nine nine in the dream length mouth.

Two words are met, what kind of thing will happen.

The probability of becoming each other is very large.

This is also good, the two are mutual, and others have also affected others.

As for a few minutes from Jiu Yicheng to Qichuan, this can be easily done with the dream length of the respect.

The green smoke and the Mecro smoke appeared in the corridor.

The latter stopped when I saw Luochuan, I saw some embarrassed.

However, it was pushed behind by green, and I could only got the past.

"Boss." The demon purple smoke dares to look at Luochuan's eyes.

Luochuan silenced a few seconds after a few seconds, swaying the potato chips in his hand: "Do you eat potato chips?"

Ok, in fact, he doesn't know what it should be said now, can only transfer the attention of the demon purple smoke.

"Potato chips?" The demon purple smoke looked at Luochuan, and looked at the potato chips in his hand, nodded, "Well."

"Come, open mouth."

The demon purple smoke is soaked to open his mouth. When you eat the potato chips, it will react around. The white cheeks are dyed with the speed of the naked eye.

Sure enough, the shy lasmare is super cute.

"Come, no mouth."

"The boss will come to myself." The demon purple smoke refused to eat Luochuan.

"Yes." Luochuan can only throw the potato chips in his hand, and it feels a bit a pity in his heart.

Gu Yunxi saw this scene, then look at Jiang Yunshu, who is eating the potato chips: "Eastern clothes, feed me."

"Want to eat yourself." Jiang Yun said with a mouth, her eyes fell on the front of the empty card.

"Feed me." Gu Yunyi hugged his arm.

"It's good." Jiang Yun did not help but he was helpless, "Zhang Wei."

Gu Yunyi opened his mouth.

Jiang Yuxun took a piece of potato chips, aims aim, and lost it accurately.

"Hey." Gu Yunyi eaten potato chips, some doubts frowned, "How do you feel so strange?"

"The sister of the late tale, the snow wolf is this." Xuanchi heard the self-speaking of Gu Yun, came to her.

The Snow Wolf is the kind of mousse of the two-hay monster, and the power source used to serve as a transportation.

There will be a few in the Snow Fengge, and if you have no things in the weekday, they will be teasing to see these eyes.

Gu Yunxi: "..."

It turned out to be like this! No wonder is so strange!

"You have a bad night!" Gu Yunxi swallowed the food in the mouth, and then fluttered toward the river.

"Sorry, I am sorry ... hahaha, don't touch it ..." Jiang Yiling and smile and scared.

"The relationship between them is so good." Inena noticed the two people who were doing not far away.

"Our relationship is also very good." The demon said with the ok, "In fact, I have a problem very early to ask you."

"Well? What is the problem?" Irena recovered his gaze.

"Why do you usually make you like this?" The demon purple moon poked the tail of Inenena. "I rarely see the form of human use."

Inena is still a semi-snake form, and it will be a big one on the ground. If it is upright, there is absolutely two or three meters height.

"Because it is convenient." Elena said.

The demon purple is stunful: "Ha, convenient?"

"I don't like to walk with my legs so this is like this, just become a fishing in the water." Irena swayed.

"Your thoughts are a bit less than me." The demon is like a small moon, and then asked curiously, "In addition to mermaid, half snake, humans, can it become otherwise?"

"Of course, do you forget that God is me?" Irena said with a smile.

"Well ... I didn't think of it for a moment." The demon purple moon is embarrassed to grasp hair.

"Water is invisible, the sea demon is also the same as water elements." Inena extended a finger to emphasize, "If necessary, we can also become other forms."

"For example?" The demon purple moon blinks.

Inenena looked at it and looked at Nolika not far from: "Just like Nolika."

There is not many customers in the store to know that Nolika is Luochuan's octopus who encounters in the sea area, but they know it.

"I can turn the snake tail into eight tentacles!" Irea is a bit easy to try, she rarely uses the octopus form on weekdays. "Do you want to see?"

"Although I am quite curious, now I still have to count." The demon purple moon stopped Inena's move.

Al Inena waved the eight tentacles in her mind, and I went away from my head.

Good strange scene!

"It is like that seems to be a lot of things." Irena took his own hair with his fingers, said with the show, "can clean the room with eight pieces of rag!"

Luochuan just heard Inena's words, some strangely saw the gray sea demon girl.

There should be a lot of money at home.

"If there is a sea demon, it should be very convenient?" The demon purple smoke said.

"In fact, I think so." Luochuan took a nodded.

"Don't attract Irea as a clerk? She should be very happy."

"You are enough, don't need others."

The demon purple smoke stunned, and immediately responded, and looked at Luochuan with a little smile: "I have no other meaning."

She is not a small person, even if Luochuan wants to recruit new clerk, she will not stop.

The demon purple smoke is very clear.

"I don't have any other meaning, or what you think of with purple smoke?" Luochuan laughed.

Monster Macro: "..."

Boss, you can't do this!

"Nothing." The demon purple smoke fell slightly, and decided not to continue to talk about this topic with Luochuan.

Luochuan feels that he seems to be a demon purple smoke.

Just as he thought about what to say, the space fluctuated outside the lobby attracted his attention.

"Long-distance space transfer, this is a Dream," the demon purple smoke. "

"Well." Luochuan nodded, his magical mobile phone received a dream length message.

The most important thing is that the demon purple smoke is not angry, which makes Luochuan a little breather.

"The boss, I will go to the snow immediately." "

This news is concise, and it seems that the signal of the magical phone in the space channel will not be affected.

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