God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1436 General Puttong

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Sudden space fluctuations outside the door have attracted attention to others in the hall.

It is so close, which is difficult to ignore.

It can use space transfer so casually, the strength is also the realm of respect.

Of course, the customers in the hall have already been blamed.

Don't say respect, as long as you go to the originator, you can see it every day.

There is also a boss than the saints don't know how much strong.

How do you feel that the strong is so worthless?

Sure enough, in addition to selling a variety of goods, the origin store has also brought the influence of subgnosting in other respects.

The emergence of space fluctuations also allows everyone to temporarily transfer their attention, and talk about it with noisy.

"Who is this? Is it a dream of Xie Meng?" Irina asked curiously.

"Call me?" Xie Meng dance sounds, "I am here."

"It seems not." Inena shakes the tail.

Say all the sea demon like to use the tail to express their mood, Luochuan is very curious.

"According to the division of the cultivator in the Tianyi continent, the people who come to the peak of the respect." Anvilia saw a conclusion.

"The peak of respect ?!"

"Who will be those who have the peak in the owner of the boss shop?"

"There is a very busy day, the Buddha and the demon emperor have long don't know where, Master has a lot of things every day ..." Chen Yiyi said with his fingers.

"It seems that there seems that there is nothing to do with the dust and furnish the day." Anvilia nodded.

Are you in the light of the earth?

However, even if you know if you don't care, you will not be able to join everyone's conversation.

When everyone discloses for this, the space fluctuations outside the lobby have become more harmonious over time.

Of course, there is no impact on the surrounding environment.

This is something that is controlled to the end of the space, using spiritual power to constrain all energy all the interior of the space channel.

There is a space fluctuation in the real world that can be seen and perceived, but there will be no slight power.

Even if the ordinary people pass through, they will not be affected - if someone dares to do this.

Space fluctuations have also reached a critical point. In the eyes of everyone, a middle-aged uncle that looks very good is coming out of the space channel.

"Amount, who is he?" Gu Yunyi blinked.

"I don't know." Jiang Yantang was combing hair.

"There is a character of the Tiangui mainland." Xie Damo is full of doubts.

"I have never heard of it." Qing said whispered.

Everyone guess the identity of this middle-aged uncle, and the strength of the peak of the respect is certainly not nameless.

However, no one gets the answer.

After all, if it is not aware of strength, this uncle is obviously not seen in a pile.

"I finally arrived." The dream felt the breath in the front building, could not help but show a smile.

I randably patted clothes and walked to the door of the hall.

Dreams have pushed the door, the original discussion sounds, and a pair of curious eyes have fallen on his body.

"I first met, first introduced it, I called a dream length. Of course, I have never heard of this name, but I have no relationship, I have already guessed, my other name is definite or more or less. Have a lot, is there anyone guessed? It seems that there is no, this makes me a little sad, hahaha, I don't sell Guan Zi, the dream is known? It is the dream of the rumor, yes That is me, how is it, is it very surprised, I can't believe it, in fact, I said the reason for the reason ... "

Dreams have no matter what else in the hall, I haven't heard it in, I started talking after self-introduction, and I'm talking about it.

It is worthy of the dream of yourself and your own dialogue!

"I feel that no one will pay attention to the last day." The demon purple smoke said.

"One day? You are too small to see him." Luochuan shook his head.

After the initial thoughts, the customers also reacted in succession, and the mood looked delicate in the middle-aged uncle claiming to be a dream.

The strength is indeed the peak of the respect, so this is very probabilistic.

But why do you feel so strange?

"Dream, I seem to have heard of this name!" Xie Meng dance suddenly sent a excitement.

At this time, the dream has already told him that he heard the react when the origin mall rumors, because Xie Dai Dance's words finally transferred attention: "I thought you have never heard of me, the same is the peak of the respect, why I Haven't Yuan returned to the name of the name? Just because of what he did, it didn't compare it. In fact, my cooking is still good ... "

Seeing the trend of dreams of dreams and is ready to say, Xie Meng dance quickly interrupted: "In fact, I have seen my predecessors."

"We have seen it?" This time is surprised.

"Is the city of the city still remember?" Xie Meng danced and asked.

"City?" Dream Changshang wanted to nod, "I haven't been there before, I found a interesting rule, there is also a damaged transmission array, I was very curious about the way. Where is it, so I will fix it. I didn't expect it to go directly to the disorder of the southern region. I said that it is called the chaotic city. It is really chaotic. At that time, I just ended the transmission. At the attack, those people didn't have a brain, I didn't know the strength of the opponent before I shot ... "

Anyway, no matter what is discussed, the dream grows magically to farther, and then open the words.

Usually, it is the most dangerous when ending the space is transmitted.

After all, the scenery in the space channel is not very good.

Asked, the vassal can be transferred with its own strength, and the strength is lower, the strength is required.

This is like a person who is a motion car, driving on the mountain road, and then driving the person is still a newbie that has just been taken, and sometimes the brake throttle is unclear ...

All in all, when the end of the space is overwhelmed from the space channel, there are fewer debuff, just in the weak state of the combat power, maybe in the south of the earth.

At this time, it is indeed the best time to sneak attack.

But who can think of the peak master from the space channel!

Obviously, even if the impact of the long-distance space transfer to the strong people of the respect for the peak, it is minimal, and it is completely sent to send dishes.

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